Thursday, November 17, 2022

The American Democrat's Prayer - Thank You Jesus For Your Help In Soundly Defeating Donald J. Trump And Saving Democracy On November 8th, 2022

 Thursday, November 17th, 2020

My Dear America:

The following is a copy of my prayer to our lord Jesus in thanks for his helping us to save Democracy in The United States of America this past November 8th.

Dear Jesus

Thank you very much my lord and Savior for coming through for American Democrats on November 8th of this year.  

Lord knows we needed a miracle on Election Day of this year and thanks to you and the many thousands of New American Voters who came out in droves to save American Democracy we got that miracle done and we thank you for it.

I know that I haven't been to church for a long time and i apologize for that.  As you know I grew up Catholic but due to life and circumstances I became what is sometimes known as a "Fallen Away Catholic", unworthy of the sacraments and a "Sinner" in the eyes of the Catholic Church.  

Quite Frankly before Election Day I was scared to death that America was about to make the biggest mistake of her life.  I thought that we were on the edge of a cliff about to jump off into a Dangerous Abyss of Epic Proportions.  I sincerely thought that  in America we were about to trade in our precious freedoms for something sinister, dark and frightening.  It appeared to me as though we truly seemed to be poised to join the ranks of Dictatorships around the world like Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Saudi Arabia and many more who no longer know what it is to live in Freedom.  

We know, Lord, just how precious Freedom is and just how long we have fought hard to keep the American Freedoms that we do have.  

I know that there are some Americans who think that Abortion is murder and that American women should not have the right to terminate their pregnancy for any reason.  I don't know for sure what is right or wrong about Abortion.  I don't think that any Abortion is done without anguish or doubt upon the part of the woman who chooses not to have a child.

You have given us Free Will, Jesus and although utilizing that Free Will is sometimes uncomfortable and difficult I don't think that any government has the right to tell a woman who chooses to have an abortion that she and her doctor who assists in her abortion should be looked upon and treated as criminals.  

I thank you, Jesus, for allowing so many Americans to vote on Election Day to save Democracy in our country.  I thank you, along with the millions of young Americans, American women and Men, Latino and Latina Americans, Black Americans, Immigrant Americans, Handicapped Americans, Americans of all shapes, sizes and colors who make up the electorate of our country.  I thank you all for being there on November 8th in the voting booths and I thank those who chose to mail in their ballots or deposit their ballots in legal Drop Boxes around this country.  

Thank you, Jesus, for all of those American Voters and those American votes that have done their part to save American Democracy from the Eve of Destruction which November 8th could have been and would have been without your guidance and Freedom on Election Day.  It was clear to me on Election Day who I should and should not vote for.  I had two candidates in my state of Pennsylvania on the Republican side of the ticket who were Okay with some of the most extreme positions I had ever heard of.  

Doug Mastriano and Mehmet Oz were willing to see Democracy die in order to appease Donald Trump and to further their own power.  Thank you Lord for helping Pennsylvania voters and American voters all over the country to wake up to the reality of what we seemed to be about to give up on this past election day.

Thanks to you and your guidance we in America avoided making what would have been the biggest mistake of our lives on November 8th, of 2022

We saved America from the despicable and deplorable stupidity that drove many out of touch voters on Election day.  

We dodged a bullet for sure on election day but we need to learn a lesson from this extremely important experience.

We have often heard Benjamin Franklin quoted as saying that "We Have A Republic (in America) if we can keep it."  

Well, so far we have kept it.  Like we have done so many times before in times of war and peril when we needed to keep our country together in Democracy we have done what we needed to do and what you told us we needed to do.  

All of us who are lucky enough to be Americans need to learn a serious lesson from this most recent experience. Those of us who didn't care that much about voting need to look and learn from the many close races that occurred on November 8th that Freedom demands Responsibility and Responsible voting saved us this time but we came very close to losing our Democracy in this past election and this is not the end of the line for those individuals like Donald Trump or Ron Desantis or Kari Lake who think that we are too stupid to think for ourselves so they want to take away our freedom to govern ourselves.

We must wake up to reality America and stay awake and alert every election day because those who would wish us harm are no longer only on foreign shores.  

They are also very well represented on our shores as well.  

Some even run resorts on our shores or run states and government on our shores.

We have saved Democracy this time but there is no guarantee without voter vigilance that we can keep it.

Once more thank you God for showing us the way one more time out of the darkness into the light of Democracy.  

Please help us Jesus to be vigilant enough to keep that light of Democracy shining in our country and in our world for all time to come.  

Let us always follow the Golden Rule that you have taught us so many years ago and always treat others the way we wish to be treated.

I sincerely think that if we do that we will be on the right track.

Thank you once again, Lord, for all that you have done for us throughout our lives and the life of our Country.  And thank you also for giving us the gift of living in America, a land of opportunity and freedom that we are so privileged in which to live.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher

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