Saturday, November 12, 2022


 Saturday, November 12th, 2022

My Dear America:

First of all, I want to apologize to anyone reading my most recent Blog Posts or listening to my most recent Podcasts.  I hope that none of you had any heart issues as a result of my desperate doom filled warnings about my concerns about the looming end of Democracy as we knew it as a result of the Mid Term Elections.

I can only say that from what I was seeing reflected in Polls and on Television, I thought that my Frightened Rantings about the coming end of Democracy in America were fully justified.

Clearly they were not justified.  

Democracy was certainly on the line and on the ballot in November of 2022 but instead of Democracy going down in flames in the most recent election it stood tall and proudly on November 8th.

Almost as tall and proud was American President Joe Biden on November 9th standing in front of a White House Press Conference (Something we hadn't seen in many months) and giving his reflections and assessments about the November election.  Clearly President Biden was buoyed by the election results, as he certainly should have been.

Giving credit where credit was due, Joe Biden and Barack Obama's last minute campaign trips and speeches in Battleground States in the final days before the election clearly helped to spur Democratic Voters to once again vote in record numbers.

I think that there are some important lessons that we can learn from this most recent election experience.

First of all, any predictions regarding the imminent failure of our American Election System were unwarranted.  Our Election Process held up very well even under the strain of all of the Donald Trump's appointed election denying Candidates.  Although, unfortunately some of those election deniers snuck past the boundries of decency and won their elections, most of those Trump Appointed Liars were beaten in their races by Better and More Truthful Democratic Candidates.

Clearly if there was one Biggest Loser in this past Election it was Donald Trump. Trump lost big overall nationwide.  Most of those Clown Candidates that he hand picked in races all over the country lost and some of them lost big.

If Trump expected that this Election would continue to make him a Kingmaker of epic proportions he clearly needs to be extremely disappointed.  

Certainly his Third Rate Social Media Outlet, "Trump Social" has been filled since this election with Trump Whining about the unfairness of it all, that he is being blamed for the Republican failures of his chosen candidates.

Trump actually had the gall in one recent interview to actually say that If one of his chosen candidates won, Trump Should get the credit but if one of those candidates lost, Trump should not get the blame.  Clearly Donald Trump has finally completely lost it.  While Hurricane Nicole was blasting Florida near enough to Mara Lago to make it unsafe and ripe for evacuation, Donald Trump was not interested in leaving his Florida Home Base but only posting to his minions on "Truth Social" about how pissed off he was at Rupert Murdoch and Company, including the New York Post which called him and pictured him as "Trumpty Dumpty" having a great fall and Fox News, whose previously Trump Loving Hosts were suddenly dumping the Trump Kool Aid fast and recommending that all Republicans do the same.

In other words Rupert Murdoch and Company have finally recognized that they have been backing a CERTIFIED LOSER for a long time and even though the failure of Trump and Trump backed candidates have been stacking up for several election cycles Clearly the Murdochs and Fox News are recognizing reality and are refusing to continue to follow Donald Trump over the Political Cliff any longer.  Time will tell if the Murdochs and Fox News are off the Trump Train for good but they are certainly making a Rest Stop at the present time on the Donald Trump Election Special.

Up to now it seemed as though Murdoch and Company were ignoring January Sixth and the January Sixth Committee Hearings.  It will be interesting after this November's election to see if this Fox News Ignorance will continue.  

Clearly the American People, by defying the statistical and historical political trend of almost always voting out substantial numbers of House Members & sometimes Senators of the President in Office's party, have shown that American Voters have been paying attention to what happened in and around January Sixth, 2021 thanks in large part to the January Sixth Committee.

In Short, Americans are tired of the Lies, the Liars and the Bullshit that they have seen Republicans, and in particular Donald Trump, heaping on them for the past several years. For the years since Donald Trump was elected the Republican Party has run roughshod over the Average American.  Donald Trump and his MAGA Republicans have demanded loyalty from Republican Party Members but have given little to the Average Republican who isn't Rich.  Due to Republican Tax cuts for the Wealthy the Rich certainly got much richer during Trump's time in office.  

I think that during this past election Americans, including many Women (Thanks to Roe), many Young People (Thanks to Biden's sensitivity to Climate Change and to College Debt Relief) and many Average Americans recognizing that while Republicans have been doing less than nothing for them the Biden Administration with the help of Democrats in Congress were providing some very substantial legislation that is going to help them in many ways in the coming years. Suddenly, in this Election Period Americans have begun to realize that "Progressive" should no longer be a dirty word to the American People.

Although I will probably be continuing to write a good bit more in the future about what this past November's election taught us There is one more important point that I wish to discuss right now.

In my Home State of Pennsylvania the results of this election have been staggering.  In addition to Pennsylvania returning many good Democrats to the United States House of Representatives we will also (For the first time in many years) be sending a Pennsylvania Democrat named John Fetterman to the United States Senate who will replace retiring Republican Senator Pat Toomey.  

We have also chosen a Democrat named Josh Shapiro to replace Democratic Governor Tom Wolf.  In addition, although it looks as though our state senate will remain under the control of Republicans, It also looks as though for the first time in 10 years the Pennsylvania House of Representatives has a good chance after all the ballots are counted to change from Republican to Democrat Control.  

Josh Shapiro's retention of the Governorship in Pennsylvania has saved Pennsylvania from the Extremist positions advocated by his opponent in the Governor's race, Doug Mastriano.  

Mastriano advocated an Abortion ban with no exceptions.  He also railed against same sex marriage and several other outrageously extreme positions.

Josh Shapiro's success in the Governor's race mirrored many other Democratic Governor's elections throughout the U.S.

In Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer not only won re election for herself but her popularity helped Democrats win elections in Michigan up and down the ballot including changing the Michigan House of Representatives from Republican to Democratic Control for the first time in nearly Forty Years.

Indeed, November 8th, 2022 was without a doubt a Good Day For Democrats and it was an even better day for Democracy in the United States Of America.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher

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