Sunday, November 20, 2022

Happy Birthday President Biden

Sunday, November 20, 2022

My Dear America:

Today is President Joe Biden's Birthday and I want to take the opportunity to wish our President a "Happy Birthday" Greeting.  I'm sure that President Biden is taking it easy today after celebrating with his family and friends at the White House yesterday.

President Biden, I know how much you love your family and I am sure that you had a good time with them celebrating the marriage of one of your favorite Granddaughters, Naomi, who married her longtime boyfriend, Peter Neal, yesterday on the White House Lawn.

You certainly deserved to have a Good Time Yesterday, Sir and deserve to take a well deserved rest today on your birthday because although the results of the November 8th, 2022 Election left us much better off than any of us expected with Democratic expectations exceeded all over the United States, unfortunately we Democrats also lost the control of the United States House of Representatives.  That loss by an extremely slim margin has set loose, like a pack of Wild Dogs, those Lunatic Fringe Right Wing House Members who don't give a damn about Inflation, Crime or putting Donald Trump behind bars.

Instead, Mr. President you and your son, Hunter are clearly going to be the Targets of House Investigations according to House members like Jim Jordan and James Comer, who have already announced their future plans even though they will not be in a position to investigate you until January of next year.  

Oh, why in the hell did Democrats screw things up in New York to the point where we lost seats that we should have easily won.

You are clearly going to have a more difficult time with the House of Representatives turning into a Madhouse of Representatives in January of 2023. I understand according to those in the know that you and your staff have been anticipating the Lunatic Fringe takeover of the Houseand have been getting documents ready and getting your ducks in a row anticipating investigations of many kind coming in January.

I feel that you and I have something to share on this Birth Day celebrating the arrival of Joe Biden on November 20th, 1942.  Although we don't share the same  Birth Day, we share some other things.

I arrived a few weeks before you on October 8th of 1942.  My Parents had moved from Scranton, Pennsylvania to New Haven, Connecticut. Since we lived across the street from Yale University Hospital, that's where I was born.   Not long afterward, though, we moved back to Scranton and that's where I mostly grew up.

The bottom line here is that I know how it feels to be on the verge of 80 and eventually go over that line.  Like you, I have seen many relatives and friends over the years pass on to hopefully greener pastures and when you pass over that 80 line you suddenly realize just how far down the line you are and that you have passed through a lot of years and only have, at most, a diminished number of years left.

The truth is that on this Birthday of yours you have much to think about.  You have certainly accomplished a great deal in the two years since you took office.  You got us out of Afghanistan which was a messy but necessary thing to do.  Republicans certainly have that on their coming investigations agenda.  

First on that Investigations agenda list is your son, Hunter Biden.  Although I am sure that Hunter was a happy man giving away his accomplished Lawyer Daughter on yesterdays happy occasion, he had to be also thinking about what might be in store for him and for you due to some of his questionable life choices.  I know your son loves you and you love him but I am sure that he wishes that his mistakes were not going to impact you.

I know from experience that spending your 80th Birthday with your family softens the blow somewhat.  At least it did for me.  

I hope that today you get a chance to enjoy some of the memories of your Granddaughter's wedding celebration.

Quite frankly I don't know how you have accomplished all that you have with such a bright and hopeful spirit showing every day.  

You are a man of great life accomplishments and you deserve better than you are probably going to get from the Republican led House of Representatives.  You have stood in the way of Republican Insanity and so far you have won.

You deserve more than polls that show that many American Democrats think you should not run for President again.  Why shouldn't you run.  You and Obama hitting the road for Democracy saved Democracy.  I know we have a decent back bench of candidates who could probably be successful in taking over if you don't run.  But if you continue to be healthy and are able to successfully withstand Republican bullshit charges you definitely should run again, in my opinion

I am pretty sure you will run again and if you do you certainly have my vote.  I don't see any Republican Candidate on the horizon who can beat you if the American People begin to realize what you have already accomplished.  

You are a Good Man.

You are a Good Grandfather

And You are a Damn Good President 

From one Scrantonian Grandfather to another "Please Stick Around and beat Donald Trump's Ass One More Time.    


Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher


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