Sunday, March 27, 2022

The Modern Day Republican Lynching Of Judge Katanji Brown Jackson At The Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings

 Sunday, March 27th, 2022

My Dear America:

It may be hard to believe for particularly Young Americans, who, for the most part, interact appropriately in school and out of school with other young people who are black, that particularly in the American South but really in all sections of our country there was a time in America when Lynching was accepted and practiced with frequency as well as with barbarity.

Thankfully, that time is long gone but is certainly not forgotten and should never be forgotten.  During that time of Lynching acceptance by many whites, Black Lives clearly did not matter to some whites and the criminal act of Lynching was a cruel method of keeping blacks in their place in the United States of America.  

Certainly some White Slaveholders, many of whom claimed to be Christians, were not above Lynching slaves who they felt belonged to them and did things such as running away, talking back, not working hard enough or looking at a white woman in what they felt was an unacceptable manner.

Although many southerners still insist that the Civil War was fought for "States Rights" clearly the main States Right that was important enough to fight a war  for was the right to own slaves. 

After the Civil War while there was a period of time when blacks did experience progress in America.  That progressive period didn't last very long and when whites, especially poor whites, began to see blacks moving ahead in America that's when Lynching in America seemed to move into high gear and racism, which never really went way, seemed to roar back with a vengeance along with groups like the Ku Klux Klan leading the way.

Lynching in the old days was a cruel and despicable activity which happened often for almost no reason at all.  A black person who looked the wrong way at a white person could easily end up hanging from a tree with his eyes and other body parts torn from his body.  Luckily for women the Lynched parties were mostly men but that didn't mean that women were never lynched.  They were simply lynched less often than men.

Lynching is not simply Critical Race Theory.  It is quite simply Critical Race Fact.

Certainly those Americans who remember the Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas may probably remember Judge Thomas during his testimony to the Committee equating his Judiciary Committee Hearing with a Modern Day Lynching.  The reason Thomas said that was because the Judiciary Committee had forced Anita Hill. a lawyer who had worked with Thomas to testify to the Committee regarding allegations she had made regarding Thomas possibly inappropriately sexually harassing her.  

Some Republicans on that Senate Judiciary Committee genuinely put Ms. Hill through the ringer following her testimony.  If anyone had been "Lynched" in that hearing it was not Justice Thomas.  It was Anita Hill.

This past week I sat through all I could stomach of the Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings for Judge Katanji Brown Jackson who has been nominated by Joe Biden for an appointment to the Supreme Court to fill the seat of retiring Judge Stephen Breyer.  The Republicans on that Committee might have been new faces but that same old Republican Insensitivity to race and gender that forever stained the Clarence Thomas Hearings and also stained the Brett Kavanaugh Hearings reared its ugly presence once again last week.

The fact that Judge Katanji Brown Jackson was one of the most qualified Candidates for the Supreme Court that we have ever seen nominated by a President seemed to mean nothing to several Republicans on the Judiciary Committee including Lindsey Graham (Who had voted for her previously for Judiciary Appointments), Tom Cotton (Who Joy Reid appropriately called "Thuggish"), Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz and Marsha Blackburn.

These Republican Judiciary Committee Members savaged Judge Brown and tried to make a big deal about the fact that a few of her sentences issued for some Child Pornography cases were not as punitive as the Republicans thought they should be.  

Judge Jackson, for her part, showed great tolerance for the ridiculous antics of the Foolish Five and pursued the hearings with great self control and a ready smile throughout.  If she was not rattled by this torcherous experience it is truly a testament to what a Calm, Considerate and Magnificent jurist she will be.

Unlike Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh whose Angry Whinings during their Judiciary Committee Hearings will certainly never be forgotten, Justice Jackson will be remembered for her poise and her honesty, not for rantings and ravings about how awful she was treated. Even though she has plenty of reason to complain about her rude and obnoxious treatment by the Republican Judiciary Committee Members I would be surprised if we hear one complaint from Judge Jackson about her treatment by the Foolish Five.

Thank God, the Democratic members of the Senate Judiciary Committee treated her with Dignity and respect.  She was especially well treated by Judiciary Committee Chairman, Dick Durban, as well as by New Jeersey Senator Cory Booker, whose kind words of compliment seemed to elicit some well deserved tears from Judge Jackson.

Judge Jackson has shown herself to be highly qualified to be a Supreme Court Judge.  Unlike Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh who had some serious Skeletons in their Closets, Judge Jackson seems to have nothing but a Terrific Reputation in her closet. 

Clearly she is Highly Qualified to become a Supreme Court Justice and barring some unknown disaster she will be confirmed to join the highest court in the land.

Hopefully some Republicans will come to their senses and vote for this Supremely Qualified Candidate for the Highest Court in the Land.

Regardless, She is going to be confirmed to sit on the Supreme Court in her friend and Mentor, Judge Stephen Breyer's seat.

And while all this is happening I am hopeful that the House January Sixth Committee will do all they can to find out what in the hell has been going on with Clarence Thomas's wife, Ginni Thomas, who admits to being at the January Sixth "Stop The Steal" Rally and apparently in texts sent by her to Trump's Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows she clearly indicates that she is complicit in the proposed illegal efforts to steal the election from Joe Biden, the rightful winner of the 2020 Presidential Election.

We don't know if Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was approving of this scheme and his wife's efforts on Trump's behalf but I would think that it would be unusual, if not unthinkable, that she would have been operating without his knowledge or consent.

What we do know is that when the Supreme Court Voted against Trump's effort to prevent Trump's White House records to be released to the January Sixth Committee that Justice Clarence Thomas was the only one dissenting vote on the Supreme Court in that case.

Clearly something is rotten in the Thomas Household and if Justice Thomas's wife is advocating an illegal overturning of an honest American Election and her husband is supporting her in this effort he should at least Recuse himself in any case that involves Trump and more important Perhaps it is time for Justice Thomas to Retire from the Supreme Court and if he is unwilling to retire it may be time to consider Impeachment of Justice Clarence Thomas.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher

Friday, March 25, 2022

The American Republican Traitors Club

March 25th, 2022

My Dear America:

As we Americans and the rest of the civilized world continue to watch the incredibly disturbing spectacle of Russia's Brutal efforts to subjugate Ukraine, it is becoming increasingly clear that in this battle between David and Goliath, David appears to be edging closer to Winning.  Certainly it doesn't look that way when we see the incredible destruction of Ukraine Infrastructure by Putin's death dealing Armed Forces.

Indeed, at the end of this battle for the Survival of Independent Ukraine will it even be possible to recognize that one side won and one side lost.  It doesn't appear as though once Vladimir Putin is through with bombing Ukraine back into the Stone Age that there will be much left of this country other than a Dedicated Sense of Pride in the fact that against Tremendous Odds, Democracy won out in The Fierce Battle For Ukraine to remain Independent.

It will be difficult, but not impossible to rebuild Ukraine into the Independent Democratic Republic that it was just a few weeks ago but it will not be difficult to rebuild the Pride of the Ukrainian people because when and if Democracy is saved in Ukraine it will be because of the Courage and the Pride of the Leaders and Citizens of Ukraine.  

I think we have all learned during the past few weeks not only from President Zelensky but also from the Tremendously Energized People of Ukraine just what Democracy and Patriotism means to the Ukrainians.  

Perhaps we in the United States of America might possibly learn from the example of these brave Ukrainians just how much we should care about Democracy and Patriotism in our own country.  

Certainly the word "Patriot" has been Overused and Misused during the past several years in America.  We seem to have lost perspective about who or what a "Patriot" really is.  Certainly Ukrainian President Zelensky is truly worthy of being called a Patriot.  And so are those countless Ukrainians who just weeks ago were simply Ukrainian Citizens doing all kinds of jobs in their country but are now Battle Hardened Soldiers on the Front Lines in Ukraine who are putting their lives on the line trying to save their country from Tyranny.

There are serious lessons to be learned from the Ukrainian Patriots Club.

We in the United States should be recognizing just how good we have it in America for the last couple of hundred years.  Yes, we have had our problems and still continue to have some serious problems.  Indeed, our form of government is not that great although up to now it has been better then all the rest.  Hopefully that distinction will continue to be the case in the coming years. 

Race is certainly a problem in the united States.  It's not as bad as it used to be when some members of the population were victims of Slavery but it's still not as good as it should be.  We still have way too many black and brown citizens dying at the end of a Traffic stop or a Police Break In.  

But in our Country we have already had a Black President and a Black Vice President and we are today on our way to having the First Black Woman Confirmed to be a Supreme Court Justice in the United States Of America

Voting Rights has never been much of a Problem before Donald Trump lied about Winning the 2020 Election "by a Landslide".  But now many members of the Republican Party seem to think that maintaining legitimate voting rights in a Democracy is not really that big of a deal.  I think that the Citizens of Ukraine might respectfully disagree with them.

Yes, we certainly have our share of problems in the United States.  But we have managed to overcome some very serious problems over the years.  Hopefully we will be able to continue to overcome our difficulties but what is happening these days in the Republican Party seems to me to be indicative of how serious some of our problems have become and how important it is to solve our problems before it is too late.

In all honesty my concern for the problems in the Republican Party do not stem from my love for the party.  My interest in the Republican Party stems from my concern about the American Political System, which, for better or for worse, consists of two Main Political Parties.  Those two Parties are the Republican Party and the Democratic Party.  

The Democratic Party, in my estimation has always stood for the Average American, The Union Member, the more liberal or centrist citizen, more willing to consider helping other Americans through positive government programs.  Certainly there is more to it but to me that is what my party has meant to me.

The Republican Party in my estimation has always looked out for the rich and powerful, well connected Corporate leaders although in recent years there has been more of a shift to appealing to disaffected Democrats and Independents and Fox News watchers.

I realize that these descriptions are extremely limited descriptions of American Political Parties but to me this is what I see in American Politics these days.

Now lets get down to discussing The American Republican Traitors Club.

I must say that in looking into who should be on this list of people who I consider to be Traitors to America Democracy I am certain that some mistakes might be made in sometimes including names who should not be included and in also not including names who should be included.  In trying to put this list together I found that there has not been a list of Republican Traitors that I could find so I am doing the best that I can in trying to shine a light on this Shameful Subject.

Certainly Donald Trump's name belongs at the top of  this list for his long time support for Vladimir Putin and especially for calling Putin a "Genius" right at the beginning of the Ukraine Slaughter.  

Mike Pompeo and Rudy Giulani also joined in Trump's praise for Putin.  

On Fox News and Russian Television News Tucker Carlson has consistently kissed up to Putin and praised him before and after his Invasion of Ukraine.  

In America Alex Jones also seems to be a Putin supporter.

One of the more disturbing Republican diatribes is that of U.S. Congressman Madison Cawthorn, whose admiration for Trump includes his calling Ukrainian President Zelensky a "Thug" and adding "Remember the Ukraine Government is Incredibly Corrupt and is Incredibly Evil and has been pushing woke ideologies."

"And Putin is not Incredibly Corrupt and Incredibly Evil," I would respond to Cawthorn.  

Other members of the U.S. Congress who seem to be Putin Advocates as well as White National Advocates are Marjorie Taylor Greene and Paul Gosar who recently participated in a White Nationalist Conference in Florida where participants applauded Russia's invasion of Ukraine and cheered and chanted Putin's name in unison.

In North Carolina, Candidate for Senate, Pat McCrory criticized his opponent, Ted Budd for supporting Putin.

Other members of the Vladimir Putin Fan Club appear to be the following 

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert

Congressman Matt Gaetz

Congressman Lee Zeldin

Congressman Jim Jordan

Ohio Senate Candidate and Author J.D. Vance

Former Hawaii Congresswoman & Democratic Presidential Candidate Tulsi Gabbard

Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri

Congressman Thomas Massie of Kentucky

Congressman Matt Rosendale of Montana

Except for Former Congresswoman & Democratic Candidate for President, Tulsi Gabbard who was a Democrat when she was in office, all of the Pro Putin Congressional Caucus have been Republicans.

It must be said that although there are more Pro Putin Republicans than there should be, it seems as though both Putin and Trump are on the skids in both of their countries and hopefully will soon be Also Rans and Long Gone Historical Villains in both the United States and Russia.

At least, I hope So.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher



Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Is What is Happening In Ukraine A Stark Warning And Possibly A Preview Of Things To Come In The United States

 March 15th, 2022

As We watch the cruel dismantling and possibly imminent death of Democracy in the Republic of Ukraine at the hands of Vladimir Putin, it is difficult, if not impossible, to avoid thinking ahead to what might be in store for us on the horizon in the future of the United States if Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump and the Republican Party get their way in the Days, Weeks, Months and Years to come.

It is truly a frightening reality to realize that the same Extremely Violent Destruction of Democracy in Ukraine could soon be happening in the United States Of America.

"No, That Can't Happen Here," we certainly want to think" But just as Ukraine's troubles happened quickly, almost overnight, we in America have been observing the signs for quite awhile now that it not only can happen here but during the four years of the Trump Administration and on January 6th, 2021 it did happen here. Although we don't have tanks in the street or bombed out buildings yet, we do have Republican Mad Men And Women Screwing with the Voting System in almost every state in the Union and we have Republicans having the Gall to side with Putin against Ukraine and Biden.

Wake the Hell up, People.  Before its too late.  If it isn't too late already.

I know I sound like a Madman, even to myself.  But the signs are clearly there.  The Warning Lights are Flashing Red and if the Republicans take over the Congress and Donald Trump retakes the White House don't be surprised to see Vladimir Putin, the Russian Butcher, coming for Sleepovers at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

After all, Donald Trump has made it clear for a long time how he feels about Vladimir Putin.

"Putin is a Genius" Trump has said, as he has praised Putin every chance he gets.

And Trump is not the only one singing Putin's Praises these days while Putin seems inclined to kill every Ukrainian he can find on the streets of Kyiv or in any building in that country.

And Donald Trump is not the only Traitorous Bastard singing Putin's praises these days.  Mike Pompeo, Rudy Giulani, and Fox "News" Host, Tucker Carlson all seem to be charter members of the Vladimir Putin Fan Club.

Indeed, Tucker Carlson is not simply a fixture on American Television these days. His disgusting tirades against his own Homeland and President Biden are also becoming fixtures on Russian Television, as well.

What the hell is going on here?  Where did this Tweedy, Whiney,  Fox News Freak get the gall to go on both American and Russian Television and spread his poisonous lies.

He got the Go Ahead for his Pro Putin Political Agenda from Donald Trump when Trump kissed Putin's ass for the four years that Trump resided in the White House. Trump didn't even have the decency to try to hide his traitorous tendencies. 

Hours after publicly politically assassinating James Comey by firing him without warning or just cause, Trump welcomed high ranking Russian's to the White House Oval Office, including Sergei Lavrov, a high ranking and well known Russian Spy.  The CIA went nuts but Donald Trump didn't care.

It is time to recognize that if Donald Trump was in the White House today he would not be defending the NATO Countries or Ukraine.  

When Trump was President he tried to keep Ukraine from getting arms that the United States Congress had approved  for Ukraine to get.  His Pro Putin dealings with Ukrainian President Zelensky was the reason that he was impeached the first time.  

Trump knew that his Buddy Putin hated NATO and throughout Trump's Presidency he denigrated NATO and did his best to devalue it and destroy it every chance he got.  

It is time for Americans to recognize that if they are listening to Tucker Carlson and Donald Trump these days they are heading down the wrong path.  It appears as though Fox News seems to be finally recognizing that the bloodbath in Ukraine is not something that they are going to be able to continue to support.  One of their Fox Cameramen on the ground in Ukraine was recently killed in the line of duty.  The question is why has Fox News allowed Tucker Carlson, Donald Trump and other Republican  Putin Apologists to spread their venomous lies on their channel for as long as they have.  

Certainly, if Putin and the Russians someday take over the United States in the Reckless and Violent manner that they are now trying to take over Ukraine, Fox News will be the One of the First News Channel's that will be taken off the air just as Putin has silenced real news in his own country.   

Fox News, Newsmax and OAN have all spread a lot of lies recently.  I am not foolish enough to think that they are going to wake up to reality and completely change their Pro Trump and Pro Putin Agenda any time soon but if you are a Pro American American it might really be time for you to turn off Fox News and its imitators for good and find a News Channel like CNN or MSNBC that will tell you the truth before you find yourself in a country whereby Truth in Media has become something of a Lost Art.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

The Monster From Moscow: Vladimir Putin's Gigantic Mistake

 March 9th, 2022

My Dear Friends in Russia

I don't know if it is possible that this Blog Post on "Letters To A Lost Nation" and Podcast Episode on "Podcast For A Lost Nation" will be read or listened to by anyone in Russia but I am going to proceed with the hope that it might be available to some Russian Citizens.

First of all I want to tell all of you that the leader of your country, Vladimir Putin, is a Liar and a Dangerous Killer, as well as being a total embarrassment to your Great Country. Those of us living in the world outside of Russia have known this Sad Truth for many years.  We feel that the time is right for all of you living in Russia to know the Sad Truth, as well.

Putin has been successful in your country at times by masquerading as a Human Being but the Sad Truth once again is that he is a Heartless Monster and seems to be more than willing to prove that fact again and again.  He has proved it in Russia, Chechnya and in Syria and he has chosen to show his heartless disregard for real human beings once again in your neighboring country of Ukraine.  

Several years ago the Citizens of Ukraine fought back against a Putin controlled government in Ukraine and kicked out Putin's Puppet and replaced him by electing a mild mannered Ukrainian Comedian and actor named Zelensky.  Certainly Putin recognized that in kicking out Putin's Puppet that the Ukrainians were in essence telling Putin something he didn't want to hear. Namely, that the Ukrainian people wanted nothing to do with Vladimir Putin and no longer wanted to be controlled by Russian Dictators.  

Certainly those of us outside of Russia recognize that Russia and the Soviet Union before it, has, since World War II, been a tightly controlled Dictatorship in which Vladimir Putin has been in charge of for decades.

I know that most of you who live under the control of the Putin Regime don't have a lot of power over your own lives, let alone the lives of Ukrainians, but I think that you all deserve to know what is happening in Ukraine and how it is affecting your lives and your country at the present time.

You may have noticed that thousands of your fellow citizens have been arrested for demonstrating against what Putin has only admitted is a "Special Military Operation" in Ukraine.  Certainly no one in your country is allowed to call what is going on in Ukraine "War."  It is not allowed by Putin's government to call it war. The Putin regime has warned that any news organization or person calling what is going on in Ukraine "War" is subject to prosecution and lengthy imprisonment.

Well, to tell the truth what is going on in Ukraine was not really a war, at first, although certainly many Ukrainians have died and are continuing to die in their country.  

What has happened in Ukraine is that after months of Putin lying and claiming that Russian Troops were only gathered on the border of Ukraine for "Military Exercises" the Russian Military two weeks ago Invaded the Independent Country of Ukraine with the express purpose of quickly seizing the country, eliminating Zelensky and establishing another Putin controlled puppet government.

But something weird happened in Ukraine after your Russian troops invaded.  

The Ukrainian Government did not immediately Collapse.  Instead Ukrainian President Zelensky remained in the Ukrainian Capitol of Kyiv and began communicating by Social Media not only with his Country Men and Women but also with the powers that be all over the world, especially with President Joe Biden.  

Zelensky's extreme bravery and that of nearly all Ukrainian men ages 18 to 60 who have taken up arms to defend their country from Russian troops have all been inspirational to the world and although Putin's point of this Russian takeover of Ukraine was to weaken NATO (The North Atlantic Treaty Organization) it has had the opposite effect.  It has strengthened NATO and has put Russia on Notice that the Ukrainian Invasion is opposed by nearly every country in the world.

Clearly Vladimir Putin never expected that Russian troops would be met with the Tremendous Resistance that the Ukrainian National Defenders have provided.

Even now, two weeks after the Invasion Russian Troops are failing to take over Kyiv and other major Cities in Ukraine.  The feeling of Brotherly Love that Russians and Ukrainians have felt for each other throughout their history is gone along with any positive feelings for Vladimir Putin by any NATO countries.

In desperation, Russian troops have devolved into reckless firefights and damage around Nuclear facilities and indiscriminate bombing and killing of innocent civilians including women and children.  

At the same time that this reckless and wanton destruction has been going on in Ukraine, Russia is beginning to feel the pinch of  Sanctions on Putin and the Russian people, as well.   

The Russian Monetary System is on the verge of collapse and the Ruble is valued at less than an American penny.  Banks and Russia's stock exchange are closed in fear of what might happen if they open again.

What is certainly clear to anyone who is not Vladimir Putin is that his attack on Ukraine was a stupid move that has only put his country in more isolation than they were already in.  Clearly, his attempt to takeover Ukraine was ill fated and what Ukrainian Freedom Fighters have shown is that they will never willingly surrender their country to the Russians or to anyone else ever again.

Something that has been shown by the many countries surrounding Ukraine is a tremendous respect for Ukraine and a willingness to accept and help over two million Ukrainian Refugees.  The kindness shown by these countries stands in contrast to the savagery shown by Vladimir Putin and his Russian soldiers.

As Vladimir Putin pushes on in desperation with his Ukrainian Bloodbath it is difficult to see how this terrible situation ends without a bloody end to the Putin Regime. Perhaps someone in Putin's orbit can get him to see the fact that he is only digging himself in deeper with every day that he continues to try to force Ukraine to rejoin what Putin obviously hopes will be a newly reconstituted Soviet Union.

What is clear to nearly everyone in the world except Vladimir Putin is:

How are You Gonna Keep Them Down on the Dictatorship after they've tasted Freedom and Democracy.

As McDonalds, Starbucks, Amazon, Facebook and so many other Western Companies close the door on Russia it is time for Sanity and Humanity to prevail in Russia and in Ukraine.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher 






Friday, March 4, 2022

The Battle Between Good And Evil In Ukraine And Russia

 March 4th, 2022

My Dear America:

I have spent a lot of time during the past several days thinking seriously about what People have gone through and continue to go through in Ukraine and Russia following the Invasion of Ukraine by Russian Troops.  

I can hardly imagine what it must be like for Individual Ukrainians living mere days ago in an Independent Democratic Republic one day and the next day finding themselves faced with an invasion by Russian Troops, who they had felt prior to the attack as though were something akin to brothers, or at least relatives who they felt cared about them.

It is also hard to imagine what it feels like for Russian Troops who had been posted on the border with Ukraine prior to the Invasion.  They must also be feeling seriously conflicted by being charged with the Invasion of a country for which they also previously had true feelings of Brotherly Love.

To be honest, I was foolish enough to agree with Ukrainian President Zelensky in his initial assessment whereby he felt that the Biden Administration was possibly blowing the situation of Russian Troops on the Ukrainian Border out of proportion. I confess that I was foolish enough to believe that Vladimir Putin was telling the truth when he claimed that he was just having Russian Troops go through Exercises on the borders of Ukraine and also Belarus.  I feel very foolish at this point for believing that Putin was telling the truth.  It seemed to me that it made no sense at all that Putin would be invading Ukraine.  It still makes no sense to me.

Clearly the World Wide Condemnation of Vladimir Putin's Invasion of Ukraine indicates to me that Putin has made a serious mistake that he and Russia will regret for a very long time.  Even Switzerland has joined with NATO Allies in not only condemning Putin but in cutting off access to his money, as well.  A United Alliance of Freedom loving Countries and even some not very freedom loving countries seem to be unified by standing up to Putin in an effort to encourage Putin to get the hell out of Ukraine before the terrible situation that he has created becomes even worse.

While Putin has become a Deranged Pariah on the World Stage the President of Ukraine, President Zelensky, has become a world wide symbol of Democracy and Freedom.  His Extraordinary Courage has been a beacon of Light in his Country's Hellish Season of Dangerous Darkness.  Zelensky continues to inspire his Countrymen and Women to stand up, grab a weapon and defend their country.

After nearly a week of nightmarish goings on in Ukraine the brave people of Ukraine show no signs of giving in to Putin's troops.  In fact, it appears as though Russian troops may in fact be the ones who are possibly coming to their senses and recognizing that dying in Ukraine for their Lunatic Leader is not in anyone's best interests.  Certainly something strange is going on with Russian Troops.  When brave Ukrainian citizens are lying in front of Russian tanks it does not appear as though the Russian troops are anxious to run over their Ukrainian brethren.  There are in fact some reports of Russian troops shooting holes in their gas tanks to prevent the massive convoy heading from Belarus to Kyiv from moving on.  Nobody knows for sure what is going on with Russian troops but clearly Russian Troops cannot be feeling good about killing Ukrainians.

What is also the case with the Russian population is that in today's Internet age it is difficult for Vladimir Putin to keep the Russian people in the dark on what is happening in Ukraine although he is trying very hard to keep a lid on the truth about the war and the deaths not only of Ukrainians but of Russian troops, as well.  Throughout this past week the streets of many Russian cities have been filled with protestors willing to be arrested in order to state their obvious opposition to the senseless war in Ukraine.  

Putin seems to have been increasingly isolated from not only the Russian people but also from his closest "Advisors." American television has been broadcasting pictures of Putin sitting at the head of a monstrously long table with his "Advisors' sitting what seems like a mile away from him.  One American commentator stated that Putin reminded him of "Dr. Strangelove.'

Speaking of Dr. Strangelove, Putin has begun to increase his strange and terrible rhetoric about the possible use of Nuclear Weapons.  He has specifically talked about the need for Russia to ramp up their Nuclear security to the highest level.  

Although President Biden has not taken the bait on Putin's game of Nuclear Chicken and has downplayed Putin's Nuclear statements, this does not mean that Putin's threats are nothing to worry about.   Clearly Vladimir Putin is not in a good state of mind at the present time.  

Putin may very well feel that he is in a corner by himself, which he clearly is, as pretty much the entire world has designated him as a World Wide Outlaw.  

Is Putin a Dangerous Madman or just a Shifty Russian Despot.  At the present time nobody really knows what he is or what his next move will be.  

Although America and their European NATO Allies have chosen not to put NATO troops into Ukraine for fear of Nuclear Escalation with Russia the NATO Countries who are Next door neighbors to Ukraine all seem to have shown a heartfelt compassion, willingness and a capability of reaching out to the millions of mainly women and children who have fled to the safety of NATO countries including Poland, Hungary, Moldavia, Romania and Slovakia.  Other Non Border European Countries have also opened their own borders to their Ukrainian neighbors.  In Ukraine men between the ages of 18 to 60 have responded positively to the call of their President to vigorously defend their country from the Russian Invaders.

On the border countries of Ukraine much has been done to reach out to love and accept the Ukrainian Refugees.  CNN and MSNBC Reporters in and around Ukraine have pointed out all that everyday people in Poland and elsewhere have done to make the Ukrainian refugees welcome.  Food, clothing, car seats, all sorts of things that people might need and want in these types of situations are being provided free of charge in many cases.  

Speaking of CNN and MSNBC Reporters, the coverage of what is happening in Ukraine has been and continues to be extraordinary.  On air correspondents including people like Richard Engel and Clarissa Ward, as well as many others are risking their lives in very dangerous  situations in order to bring the horror and heartbreaking stories of what is happening in Ukraine to their viewers.  They certainly need to be commended for their personal bravery in providing astonishing wall to wall coverage during this dangerous crisis.  

Clearly a good bit of President Biden's State of the Union Speech dealt with what has been going on in Ukraine and what is expected to go on in Ukraine.  President Biden also needs to be commended for engineering the unified response to the Ukrainian situation by NATO Countries and leaders in the period before during and after the Invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops.  

I have thought a lot about what Biden has done correctly in this terrible worldwide crisis.  I have also thought seriously about how different and how terrible it would have been had Donald Trump actually won a second term.  We can look back to the Trump years in office when Trump deliberately stood in the way of providing arms to Zelensky and kissed up to Putin and other Russian leaders throughout his time in office.  

Thank God that Biden is the President and not Donald Trump in this terrible situation.  

Even now as the Ukrainian situation veered toward disaster Donald Trump had brazenly praised Putin as "Smart" and a "Genius" by Putin's declaring Ukraine to be an Independent country before he invaded it.  Certainly, by any normal standards what Putin has done by invading Ukraine appears to me as anything but smart.  There was no reason at all for Putin to invade Ukraine and by doing so to make his country and himself a virtual Pariah in the world.   

Yesterday an even more stupid decision by Putin had Russian Troops having tanks firing by and possibly at Ukraine's largest Nuclear Facility and starting a fire that had it not been quickly put out could have destroyed not only Ukraine but Russian Troops in Ukraine, as well as having Nuclear materials blowing Toxic Nuclear Poisons into Russia.  

Yeah, this guy Putin is a real Genius. 

Not only is Putin not smart but Donald Trump has also shown himself to be a dumbass of epic proportions.  I just hope that both Putin and Trump manage to destroy each others reputations sufficiently that they might end up where many other Power Mad Dictators have ended up before them.  May they end up together, in the graveyard of history along with Hitler, Mussolini, Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi, Dead as the result of their own vicious overextension of Stupid and Evil Acts.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher