Monday, June 3rd, 2019
My Dear America:
You may recall that back in the day when Tricky Dick Nixon was in the White House I communicated with you back then about Nixon's pending Impeachment. Thank God Nixon resigned before he put us through the entire Impeachment process. He had taken us all on a bad ride through Vietnam and Watergate but he had the good sense to get the hell out of the White House before the final impeachment hammer came down on him and he spared us and himself more Political Darkness than we had seen in quite some time.
We also communicated during the era of Bill Clinton, when after an expensive and unjustified hounding of President Clinton by the Republicans in Congress and their attack dog, "Judge" Ken Starr, the Republicans came up short in their investigation of "Whitewater".
"Whitewater" ruined the lives of Clinton Friends, Jim and Susan McDougall. "Whitewater" was a land deal gone bad that Bill and Hillary Clinton had not even invested their own money in. Jim McDougall, I'm sure thought he was doing Bill and Hillary a favor in giving them a share of the Whitewater project. Although it was certainly not McDougall's intention to harm the Clintons or himself and his wife, that was unfortunately what happened as a result of Whitewater.
Jim McDougall tried to hold onto his self respect but eventually had to invent a scenario in which the Clintons were involved in Whitewater, which was never true. As a result of this assault by Starr and his Right Hand Henchman, Brett Kavanaugh (Now Supreme Court Justice, Brett Kavanaugh) Jim McDougall's life was never the same. McDougall's wife, Susan McDougall, another close friend of the Clinton's, who knew virtually nothing about Whitewater other than that the Clinton's were innocent of wrongdoing, was sent to prison thanks to Starr and Kavanaugh, because she would not invent lies about the Clintons for the Starr Impeachment Machine. To her credit Susan McDougall not only went to jail but she taught other inmates in prison and when she was released she became an advocate for prison reform.
In the end Bill Clinton was impeached because he lied under oath about an affair he had with a White House Intern named Monica Lewinsky, whose life was also ruined by Ken Starr due to her involvement with Bill Clinton.
Certainly Richard Nixon's criminal behavior deserved impeachment and Tricky Dick deserved to be thrown out of office. Gerald Ford, Nixon's Presidential successor, after Nixon's resignation gave Nixon a Full Pardon for all his White House Sins. Ford insisted that the only reason he did it was for the country to put Watergate behind us and to take the country forward. Ford's pardon of Nixon did what Ford intended it to do but when Gerald Ford ran for President in his next election he lost to Democrat Jimmy Carter. It is hard to believe that Ford's Pardon of Nixon didn't have anything to do with Ford's Presidential defeat.
Bill Clinton, on the other hand did not even deserve to be investigated by the incredibly Partisan Republican Special Counsel, Ken Starr. He was impeached by the Partisan Republican House of Representatives for lying about an affair he was having with a consenting adult. Did that have anything to do with his job. Probably not. Should he have been impeached for this. Probably not. Clinton's impeachment in the House did not result in a conviction in the Senate, Thank God. Bill Clinton continued to be the President.
What I believe is an interesting sidelight to Clinton's Impeachment is that, Hustler Magazine Publisher, Larry Flynt, offered a substantial monetary reward for anyone who could prove that the same Republican Legislators who were castigating Clinton for his Crime of Cheating On His Wife were doing the same thing. The result was that an astonishing number of Republican Hypocrite Legislators were also exposed to be cheating on their own spouses while accusing Bill Clinton of Criminal Cheating Behavior.
What does all of this have to do with what is happening in 2019 with Donald Trump. It has a great deal to do with Donald Trump and the precedents that have been set in the past regarding that dirty disgusting word, Impeachment.
One would have to be either mentally deficient or a Fox News watcher, or both, to think that Donald Trump has not committed "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" while in the office of the President of the United States.
Certainly we did not need Robert Mueller to tell us that Donald Trump has been guilty of crimes including "Obstuction of Justice" and Treason, among others. Anyone who has been watching Television (other than Fox News) and reading Print News during Donald Trump's Presidency has been witnessing, sometimes as it is happening, Donald Trump blatantly and arrogantly committing crimes right in front of us.
Lets take the issue of the firing of FBI Director, James Comey. How is it not Obstuction of Justice when the President of the United States goes on Television with Lester Holt on NBC shortly after firing Comey and states that the main reason that he fired James Comey was the Russia Investigation. Just a couple of days after Comey's firing Trump was meeting with high level Russian officials (One of whom who was a high level Russian Intelligence Official) and telling them that Comey's firing would stop the Russian Investigation.
Comey's firing did not stop the Russia Investigation (Which Trump continues to call "A Hoax" and "A Witch Hunt")
What we have now is a standoff in which Donald Trump is refusing to cooperate with Congress seemingly in any way.
Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, has tried valiantly to stem the tide of Impeachment. Certainly Impeachment is not a good prospect for anyone in the House or Senate. Quite likely, there is more than enough evidence for articles of impeachment to be passed in the House of Representatives. It is unlikely that Trump would be convicted by the Senate based on the fact that although it is well known that many Republican Senators and Congresspersons hate Trump, only one Congressman, Jason Amosh, has had the courage of his convictions and after reading the Mueller Report has called for Trump's impeachment.
More and more members of Congress, especially those who have read the Mueller Report, are lining up to support impeachment proceedings to target Donald Trump. There are more and more reasons each day for Impeachment Proceedings to begin.
Unlike Trump's promise to "Drain the Swamp" what he has done instead is to bit by bit replace capable people in his cabinet like General Mattis with Swamp Creatures with little or no ethical standards at all like Steve Mnuchin. Allegience to Trump is all that matters to Donald Trump. Does that have a Nazi ring to anyone else. It surely does to me.
Donald Trump may not be a Dictator yet but he is certainly trying to be and quite frankly the Republican Party members standing on the sidelines either don't realize the seriousness of Trump's dictatorial ambitions or they just don't care. As time marches on maybe the Republicans who allow Donald Trump to exercise his crazed tendencies will don the Swastika Patches and Klan Robes or maybe as we inch closer and closer to the end of Democracy in America some other Republicans with some ethical tendencies will wake up and come forth to save our system of life before Trump completes his assault on you, America.
I personally think that if Donald Trump is not impeached by our Congress now or in the near future we are setting up a precedent that will never allow us to impeach another President, no matter how inept, unethical or lawbreaking they might be.
If not Donald Trump, Who?
If not now, When?
I, as an American Citizen call on the Congress of the United States to do the right thing. Impeach. I realize, Mrs. Pelosi, that it may not be the best thing for the Democratic Party and that it may, in the end, backfire and keep Donald Trump in office for another term. That is not a positive prospect for our country.
But if we don't impeach someone who flaunts the law and disrespects the Constitution as much as Donald Trump, how can we protect the American system from becoming a Dictatorship not only now but also in the future.
We are truly up Shits Creek and our only paddle is for the United States Congress (Primarily the House of Representatives) to do their jobs.
In the case of Richard Nixon, although a great deal of information was uncovered by the bipartisan Senate Watergate Committee, it was only when Senator Barry Goldwater and others with love of the Constitution in their hearts went to the White House and told Richard Nixon "Times Up" that Nixon faced the facts that Articles of Impeachment were being voted on in the House and that it was time to face the fact that he was through and his best bet was to resign.
It is unlikely that an increasingly Arrogant Narcissist like Donald Trump will resign unless he feels that he has no choice but to do so. Although the prospect of Mike Pence in the White House is not a good one, it is increasingly better than Donald Trump being allowed to conduct his Treasonous affairs with his killer Dictator friends.
We are no longer waiting for the Mueller Report to be released. Redacted or not, the Mueller Report makes it clear that Donald Trump committed crimes while in office and is more than likely committing more crimes today and every day.
It is way past time to be outraged. It is time for Congress to get on board the Impeachment Train and put Republicans on notice that when the Impeachment votes are tallied it might be a good idea for them to be on the right side of history, for a change.
Not tomorrow. Not Next week. Lets get to it.
Sincerely Yours
Jerry Gallagher
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