Friday, June 21, 2019

Message to 2020 Democratic Candidates for President - Joe Biden is Not A Racist

Friday, June 21st, 2019

My Dear America:

Barack Obama warned us that with 20 plus Democratic Candidates vying for becoming the Party's Nominee for President in 2020 that the Candidates needed to be careful not to circle the wagons and start shooting inward to wound other candidates.  

As usual, our former President was correct in his examination of the situation.  

The Democratic Candidates do seem to be circling the wagons and shooting inward with guns and arrows aimed at each other.  For the most part, up to now Dems seem to have been aiming most of their their criticism at Donald Trump, rather than at each other.  That seems to have changed within the past few days, however.  The minor league candidates who will be debating each other next Wednesday and Thursday on NBC, MSNBC and Telemundo seem to be mostly united presently in their criticism of Former Senator and former Vice President and Current Front Runner in the Democratic Race for President, Joe Biden.

Awhile back Biden seemed to have a few rough days due to an accusation by a Southwestern female politician that Joe Biden made her uncomfortable by putting his hands on her shoulders and sniffing her hair in a public setting.  In a different world which did not include Donald Trump and the Me Too Movement, this story would never have hit the airwaves.  It did hit the airwaves, however, and after Joe Biden's apology to the female politician the story seemed to fizzle out.  

Joe B. also apologized to Anita Hill for his conduct in the Senate Judiciary Confirmation Hearings for Clarence Thomas.  Joe Biden was the Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman when Ms. Hill reluctantly testified to the Committee regarding Present Supreme Court Judge Clarence Thomas's obvious sexual harassment of Anita Hill when they were working together.  Although Biden did not treat Ms. Hill with disrespect, himself, he did not protect her from others on the Committee, primarily Republicans, from disrespecting her and attempting to  assassinate her character. While Ms. Hill did acknowledge Biden's apology she made it clear that she was not yet aboard the Biden Train.

Despite some minor pot shots at Biden over the last several weeks mostly Joe Biden has been trying to stay out of the line of fire and for the most part he has done so.  Over the past couple of days, however, Joe B. has taken some significant criticism from some of his other Democratic Rivals.

The main concern on the part of the other Democratic Presidential Candidates seems to be the fact that in Joe Biden's quest for Unity in the Democratic Party and Unity in America, he cited the fact that despite Biden's political  and personal differences and disagreements with his fellow Senators, including some Senators who were obvious bigots and racists, Biden was able to communicate with them and work positively with them in many instances.

Certainly it is a different time and a different world we are living in today.  Except for Donald Trump, no politician would blatantly support racism in America.  At least that is the case for the Democratic Party.  Democrats should not and do not support Racism in today's society.

What bothers me at the present time just a few days before the first major Democratic Debate is that many of the Democrats running for President have piled onto Joe Biden as if he has admitted to being a racist himself. His long public record shows that Joe Biden is not and has never been a racist.

Clearly, Joe Biden after decades of being a legislator and a politician has made mistakes.  If you look hard enough into any politician's or person's backgound you are bound to find mistakes and wrong decisions.  Regarding Joe Biden's claiming credit for working across the aisle with Republicans, that is a proven fact.  

Did Joe Biden work with Racist Colleagues in the Senate.  

Yes, he did.

Did he subscribe to the Racist views of his colleagues.  

No, he certainly did not.

We are at a crisis point in our election process.  What is obviously shown by recent polls, even those conducted by Fox News, is that several Democrats running for President would have a decent chance to win over Donald Trump in 2020.

Those polls also show that hands down the Democrat with the best chance to win against Trump in those states won by Trump in 2016 is Joe Biden.  

In my opinion it is time for those peripheral candidates who are unlikely to win the Democratic Nomination for President to start dropping out and throwing their support to Joe Biden.  

Presently polling is showing Biden way out front in Democratic Voters preference for the race in 2020.  

The last thing that the Democratic Party needs as they get ready to face Donald Trump in 2020 is a divided Democratic Party.

We need to learn our lessons from 2016 and from many other lost elections.  As much as I respected and still respect Bernie Sanders and his reasons for running in 2016, it is time for him and for the others to get out of the way and get on board the Biden Train.  

If Joe Biden is the undisputed Democratic Candidate for President in 2020 in an undivided and highly strengthened Democratic Party We have a strong chance to take back our Democracy before Donald Trump claims a throne in the White House and refuses to ever leave.  

Clearly not only politics but Democracy is on the line in 2020.  It will be a serious and possibly a fatal mistake for our Democratic Candidates to tear Joe Biden apart with bullshit charges like a group of sharks tearing apart a white whale and leaving Biden bleeding, battered and unsuccessful in what could have been a brave rescue of Democracy in America.

I find the current group of Democratic Candidates to be an outstanding group of Democratic Leaders.  In an time when the future and Democracy wasn't so undeniably at stake I could see myself holding out to see which of these outstanding candidates might win the debates and the primary elections in order to get to the Presidential Election.  

This time around, however, I find it imperative that the Democrats stop tearing at each other and in particular Joe Biden.  

It is clear to me that Joe Biden is going to be the nominee of the
Democratic Party for President in 2020.  

What is not clear to me is what shape Joe Biden and his candidacy will be in when Americans show up to Vote in November of 2020.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher

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