Sunday, March 31, 2024

Happy Easter 2024 America

 Sunday, March 31st  2024

My Dear America:

Easter Sunday has always been a favorite Holiday of mine

Not so much this year for a number of reasons.

One of those reasons is that I am not sure whether or not this year will be the last year that Americans will be living in a Democracy.

That thought has never entered my mind before and I am more than uncomfortable to realize that it is there and that in this year of 2024 that there truly is a danger that there might possibly be enough stupid fools in America to vote for someone for President who is a clear and present danger to American Democracy.

How can this be, I ask myself over and over again every day.  

On this Easter Sunday I try to remember some of the more outstanding Happy Easters I have lived through.  There were many of them.  Too many to remember every one.  The best ones were those that I spent with family members.  

When I was a kid my parents hauled my Sister and I to church and we went willingly, each of us dressed up, looking good and feeling good.  Sometimes after church we would go out to eat at a restaurant that would be loaded with other dressed up Happy Easter Families like ours.  

Are we really so dumb as to be willing to give up Democracy because one criminal fool tells us that Hitler and Putin weren't so bad?  Are there enough idiots in America willing to give up what our Forefathers have fought and died for just to turn America over to a desperate Dimwitted Donald Trump who couldn't even control his own life but wants to run ours.

Jesus Christ, Help us out here.

Now Donald Trump is selling bibles.  He claims that he has "Many Bibles".  

If that is true (And I know that its not) has he ever read one.  I think not.

One of the many groups of Americans Dimwit Don has bamboozled has been Christians.  Many Christians seem to have flocked to Trumpzilla's side more than willing to buy what he is selling.  

What about January Sixth, 2021.  People have gone to jail because they listened to Donald Trump's "Big Lie" and acted on it calling themselves "Patriots".

Patriots like these are the same kind of People who beat down Navalny in Russia and who invaded their neighbors in Ukraine.  Patriots like these people seem to be rising everywhere in the world.  They are bullys who don't care about the rights of other people and they are already here in our country waiting for the day that they can take control of all of our lives.

If we let Donald Trump and his Goon Squad take over our country again we will have seen the last of Freedom and Democracy and our lives will be as dark and disturbing as those of Russians, Ukrainians, Hungarians and Palestinians.

The time has come to realize that Donald Trump is not doing the work of Jesus Christ.  

If anyone in Politics is doing the work of Christ it is Joe Biden.

Joe Biden is not hawking Bibles at Sixty Bucks a Pop.

Biden is promoting Democracy to Americans willing to open their eyes and ears to the dangerous times that we are living in and to the even more dangerous times to come if we are stupid enough to vote in an American Hitler.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Hey Hey RFK - Get The Hell Out Of The Way

 March 20th, 2024

My Dear America:

There was a truly interesting Inter Family get together at the White House last Sunday on Saint Patricks Day.  Our Irish American President Joe Biden hosted an astounding number of Kennedy Family members to Celebrate the distinguished Irish Saint on his Special Irish American Holiday.

Yes, I'm talking about THAT Kennedy Family.  The same one that produced President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Senator Ted Kennedy  and Attorney General, Senator and 1968 Presidential Candidate, Robert F. Kennedy. Absent among the Kennedy Clan members gathered at the White House to have their pictures taken with President Biden was Robert F. Kennedy Junior who is presently running an Independent Campaign for President after it became obvious to him that he didn't have a chance of gaining traction as a Democratic Candidate for President.  In addition to these two prominent Irish political families celebrating their favorite Irish Saint together at the White House there was another important point to this Irish Gathering.

The Kennedy Family members were making it crystal clear that although they love Robert Kennedy Junior they, almost all do not support his campaign for the Presidency and have made that clear since the beginning of RFK Jr.'s Desperate and Doomed Campaign for the Presidency that in this desperate time when the choice of Presidential Candidates could mean the difference between Democracy and Dictatorship the Kennedy's are all in on Joe Biden and all out on RFK Junior and Donald Trump.  

In fact, at the beginning of RFK's Campaign four of his Siblings wrote a letter that was widely published in which they chastised their brother for running against Biden and strongly praised Joe Biden and his astonishing accomplishments while calling RFK's Presidential run "Dangerous".

Clearly the Kennedy Clan is correct in calling RFK's Campaign dangerous.  At this truly dangerous time in America when the Republican Party has gone off their collective rocker along with their presumptive candidate for President and they all seem to have more love and affection for dangerous world dictators than for a President that has accomplished so much in so little time, It is time for Americans to realize that Kennedy, who doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell of winning the Presidency does have the looming  prospect of bringing Democracy to a screeching halt by taking away votes from Biden.  

It is well known that many of Kennedy's rich donors are people who are clearly Trump supporters and who are propping up Kennedy's campaign simply to help Trump.

What is astonishing about the Kennedy Campaign is that Kennedy, who is not a stupid man certainly should be keenly aware of what is going on.  

Yes, Kennedy is an Anti Vaccer but he has long been a liberal gadfly who has also done some very good things about the Environment and has made efforts to improve the lives of poor people.

Bobby, What the hell are you doing in this race!  You know full well that your chances to win the Presidency are slim to none.  You need to recognize that your generous friends are clearly using you and your name to take away precious votes from President Biden and make it easier for Donald Trump to be come a dictator on day one and every single day thereafter. 

Get the hell out now, Bobby, while you can possibly still save what's left of your reputation and make it clear that you, along with the rest of your family believe in Democracy Now and Democracy Forever in the United States Of America.  For God's Sake Your Father and Your Uncle died in the process of promoting Democracy.

America loves your Father, Your Uncles and all the other members of your family who have fought so hard to Make the United States of America Free And Democratic.

Please don't soil the Reputation of your family for years to come by being one of the cogs in the wheel of Liberty that helped to turn the United States of America over to its First American Dictator.  Please Don't be the Ralph Nader of 2024.

Get out now, Bobby and tell your voters to vote for Joe Biden and Democracy while we all still have a chance to make this deeply disturbing Republican Nightmare Go Away at least for another Four Years.  

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Oscar Night 2024 Was A Great Night For America

 Wednesday, March 13th 2024

My Dear America:

Oscar Night is one of those nights that is uniquely American.  There are many Awards shows on Television and, in fact, many award shows featuring awards for Movies on Television but on Oscar night is where moviegoers go to find out which movies have been the best of the best during the past year.  

Speaking of the best of the best it has been a great crop of films released this last year and unlike most Oscar Celebrations thanks to streaming services Peacock and Netflix I have actually seen five movies that were up for Oscars this year

"Nyad" was OK.  The acting was great

I loved "The Holdovers".  Paul Giamatti was outstanding, as usual.  Da Vine Joy Randolph clearly earned her Oscar for Actress in a Supporting Role

Bradley Cooper showed once again in "Maestro" what a multi talented Actor and Director he has become. 

"Oppenheimer" was a film that was simply outstanding in every facet of its production.

I saw Barbie, as well, but lets just say I thought it was clever but I have no desire to see it again.

Jimmy Kimmel did a great job hosting.  His monologue at the beginning of the show spotlighted some of the nominees, as well as films and was funny and entertaining.  I loved the fact that regardless of whether or not it was real, (and it turned out that it was) Kimmel read what he said was a disparaging review of the show from Donald Trump. Kimmel's reply to Trump's review was priceless.  Kimmel told Trump on national television "Isn't it past Your jail time." Kimmel's Right Hand Man, Guillermo was also featured passing out champagne to the audience for a toast.

There were some innovations featured for Oscar Night

First of all the Oscar Presentation started an hour earlier than Previous Oscar nights.  I think that was a good idea because it gave the presenters more time to banter and it gave the winners more time to give their acceptance speeches without the annoying playoff music we have heard during previous Oscar Presentations.

Speaking of Presentations I found the new format of having previous winners in the Supporting and Lead acting categories presenting the introductions of the most recent nominees in their categories to be respectful, interesting and informative and just a Great Idea.

The stage and set were fantastic and the entire production seemed to move along pretty much without incident.

The orchestra was terrific and the music presentations were outstanding.  

Billie Eilish and her brother singing a song from Barbie was truly impressive.

Ryan Gosling as Ken from Barbie along with a chorus of male dancers and singers was spectacular.  Clearly this presentation shows that this dude can not only act but he is also an excellent singer.

The drumming, singing and dancing by members of the Osage nation in obvious tribute to Lily Gladstone and "Killers Of the Flower Moon" was really something different and impressive.

All in all I think that the March 10th, 2024 Oscar Presentation was phenomenally successful and I hope that the new and improved Oscar presentation will continue the successful innovations of this year.  

Lastly, it just feels good in this weird and wacky world to have some traditions that can be counted on to show Americans that our country is still the United States Of America and that hopefully we will get through these hard times together successfully.  It was certainly good to have a night in which we could forget our Troubles and our cares for a few hours and concentrate on something good for a change.

My only regret about Oscar Night is that "Killers of The Flower Moon" did not get a little more attention.  Although I haven't seen the movie as of yet every clip that I've seen shows it to be a killer in a good way) itself.  I would have liked to see Lilly Gladstone accepting an Oscar but I wouldn't doubt the fact that this Native American Actress may be returning to future Oscar nights to pick up an Oscar. for some other sterling performance. 

Although the overall vibe of the night was quite positive a bit of a damper on the mood was made by the director of a movie called "The Zone Of Interest".  This movie won the best Foreign Film Award.  The Director unfortunately had to discuss some of the real similarities of our time and that of the time of the film which is about a family living next door to a Nazi Death Camp.

The Director of a film about Ukraine also had some words regarding harsh realities, as well. 

Unfortunately it seems as though we can only escape the increasingly sad reality of our time for only brief periods.

But Thank God for those brief periods in which we can watch our movies and watch the Oscar salute to the outstanding movies of our time when it is on television.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher

Saturday, March 9, 2024

President Biden Was On Fire At The State Of The Union Address

Saturday March 9th, 2024 

Clearly Any Republican attending President Joe Biden's State of the Union Address on March 7th with the hope that Biden would be showing himself to be a dottering old fool had to be sadly disappointed with the President's Extraordinary Performance at the Capitol this week.

Certainly Joe was old, that was true.  But the President was not dottering and clearly on State of the Union Night 2024 he was Nobody's Fool. 

The President's impressive, dynamic and energetic speech reminded me of the title words of an old Phil Ochs song that stated "i've Got Something To Say Sir And I'm Gonna Say It Now."

Clearly on this night at the Capitol Building which was surrounded by fences that had never needed to be there prior to Trump Madness erupting there on January 6th, 2021 Joe Biden had come to the Capitol with something to say and he damn well was going to say it now.

And say it he did.  Joe Biden was in top form from start to finish.  He was in control of the podium all night.

This man who has had his hands full every day since he arrived at the White House prepared for Presidential Duty on January 20th, 2021 now had an opportunity to speak not only to most of the Washington Political Elite but he also was going to take this opportunity to strut his stuff with those Americans who were interested enough in American Politics to watch his sterling political performance on television. 

Biden's speech was loaded.  

Joe Biden had a lot to  talk about and he knew it was now or never so he didn't waste his time. 

He started off talking about Franklin Roosevelt coming to warn Congress and America in the 1930's about Hitler in Germany prior to that Nazi Monster being unleashed over an unsuspecting Europe and the World.  The significant comparison of that time to present day America was not difficult to see.

Biden's speech was taut and tight but not short.  He had a great deal to say to the Congress as he reminded them that Donald Trump had only one real accomplishment and that was to sign a Republican Tax Bill that mostly benefitted large Corporations and Rich Republicans.

Unlike Donald Trump Joe Biden had an extensive list of accomplishments which he touted proudly including The Infrastructure bill which many Presidents had tried to accomplish but only he had managed to get through Congress so that he could sign.  Biden taunted the Republicans who all sat on their hands and hardly ever applauded the President throughout his speech.  He mentioned that although Republicans were united against the Infrastructure Bill they were all now acting as if they were now thrilled to take credit for the money funding projects coming to their home districts.  Joe told them that that was OK with him as long as the projects get done.  He did ask them all to let him know if they didn't want Infrastructure money coming to their districts knowing that it was doubtful that any Republican would be foolish enough to turn down money for Bridges, Roads, Replacing lead pipes or any other Infrastructure project in their district.  

Biden reminded Republicans and Democrats that he had responded to Republican demands that he fix the border prior to getting money for Ukraine's defense by willingness to sign a bill that had been carefully negotiated and prepared by a bipartisan group of Senators that pretty much gave Republicans almost everything they had wanted regarding the border.  Although Republicans should have quickly signed this bill instead they killed it because Donald Trump told them he wanted to run on the issue of the border. Biden pointed out to the television audience the insanity of this situation and asked Congress, which undoubtedly would have been willing to pass the Border measure and the Ukraine funding if it was brought to a vote, to pass this Bipartisan Legislation and get it to his desk as soon as possible for his signature.

Biden's speech was not short.  He had a lot to brag about and some harsh words for some like the members of the Supreme Court who he admonished for taking away a woman's right to choose.  They were sitting right in front of him as he verbally slapped them down.

I have communicated with some of my Democratic friends who saw the speech. they have all been energized by the dynamic and powerful State Of The Union Speech that we saw this past week.  The same is true with everyone responding on Twitter and Facebook.  Every Democrat who might have been feeling down as a result of recent polls is suddenly jacked up after Joe Biden's State Of The Union performance

Joe Biden is presently following up his successful State Of The Union speech with a tour of some of the states that will probably figure prominently regarding who wins and who loses the Most Important Presidential Election of our lives in November of this year.

The Stakes of this Election Year couldn't be higher.

Will we remain a normal Democracy under President Joe Biden or will we become a dark and disturbing Dictatorship under a Criminal Lunatic named Donald Trump?

That is the important question all Americans are facing at this point in time.

At the State of The Union Address this week I think that President Biden has possibly shown us the way that we can save the Democracy that has served us well for a couple hundred years.

In fact, Biden's powerful State Of The Union Speech should have shown anybody that watched it just what Freedom and Democracy look like.

I actually think that this incredible speech may have almost single handedly saved Democracy for many years to come in The United States Of America.

I certainly hope that it did.  

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Hear Ye - Hear Ye - The Far Less Than Supreme Court Is Now In Session

 Thursday, March 7th 2024

It is common Knowledge that in the annals of History when Ruthless Dictators such as Hitler and Putin and so many others seek unlimited power in their countries one of their first orders of business is to take control of their courts and Justice system. 

As we review the behavior and decisions of our nation's court system in the United States of America these days it is clear that we are in serious trouble with a Capitol T.  T for Trump and T for Toxic.

We are currently living in a Nightmare of epic proportions that most of us wish we can wake up from.  Those of us that do not wish to wake up from the nightmare are going to find out quickly if Donald Trump is Reelected that they made an incredibly horrible mistake.  But it will be too late then to do anything about it.  

We are lucky enough to still have a chance to save our country from Fascism but time is running out.  

To be honest, I am truly hopeful that in November Donald Trump will have shown himself to be such a Frightening, Flawed and Horrendous Candidate for President and will have revealed his plans for the United States to be so awful that nobody in their right mind would be willing to vote for Trump.  

But Unfortunately what we have seen in so many Republican Primary Elections so far is that despite Trump's obvious drawbacks he has still shown an ability to  clear the decks of his other Republican opponents and capture what appear to be the increasingly Heartless Hearts of the American Republican Party. 

Although I do not really trust Political Polls I do find it horrifying that there are some polls that show Donald Trump possibly winning the election for President in November.  

Regardless of whether Trump wins or loses the Presidential Election in 2024 is there anyone alive who really expects Donald Trump to calmly accept defeat and just like every single Presidential Loser has done for Centuries congratulate Joe Biden for his win and back out of the picture.  

I think Not.

What appears to be coming into focus more and more as this stunning Election Year continues is that Donald Trump knew what he was doing when he chose to ram through Congress as many "Conservatives" like Judge Aileen Cannon who has so obviously come to Donald Trump's defense in the Florida Documents Case like a lap dog.

Although Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell didn't see eye to eye on very much during the disastrous Trump Administration they both had their collective eyes on the prize when it came to stacking the Federal Courts with Right Wingers.  We saw it with judgeships all over the country,  

But where it was most obvious was with the Supreme Court.  

To my mind even when I was a kid and didn't really know very much about The Supreme Court I knew enough about it to recognize that I should and did have a Great Deal of respect for The Supreme Court.

It was, after all, the highest court in the land and was responsible for keeping the United States of America Honorable and On The Right Track.  The more I learned about the important Landmark decisions that the Supreme Court made, the more respect I had for The Supreme Court.

After all, The Supreme Court made some incredibly responsible decisions.

There was Brown Versus the Board of Education which integrated schools

There was Roe Versus Wade which gave women the right to choose whether or not to have a child.

There were decisions which gave Black Residents of the United States the right to vote as well as many other rights.

There were countless important decisions made by the Supreme Court over the years and although some decisions were wrong the great majority of those decisions were correct and worthy of the Great Deal of Respect that the Supreme Court received from most Americans.

Yes, for the most part during the Good Old Supreme Court Days most of us Americans genuinely respected the Supreme Court because it seemed that the members of the Court were genuinely Selected and Installed on the Supreme Court in a way that was mostly not political.  In the good old days it was usually difficult to predict just how a Justice of the Supreme Court would rule because these honorable people listened to Supreme Court Cases almost always without letting political prejudice get in the way of the individual Justices judgements.  

These days something terrible has happened to the Supreme Court.  Although there are still some honorable people sitting on the Supreme Court there are also some individuals who are obviously Republican Political Shills who reek of Politics and Right Wing Corruption in nearly every decision they make.

Certainly Clarence Thomas should never have been appointed to the Supreme Court.  His Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings clearly showed his lack of fitness for the job of Supreme Court Justice.  In the Court he has continually been on the wrong side of judgements time after time.  What has been exposed regarding his wife's inappropriate right wing activities and involvement in politics for any decent jurist would at least demand if not outright resignation from the bench, at least recusing himself from decisions concerning Donald Trump.   Clarence Thomas has done neither of those things. 

Although Donald Trump bears the brunt of Responsibility for appointing Right Wingers to the Court, certainly Mitch McConnell also bears some responsibility.

Following the death of Judge Antonin Scalia on February 13th of 2016 Mitch McConnell chose to refuse to allow the Senate to vote on President Obama's choice of Merrick Garland to replace Scalia because he said it was an election year even though there was almost a year to go before the election.

Following the 2016 Election Donald Trump appointed Neil Gorsuch to fill Scalia's Supreme Court Seat.  

Next Trump appointed Brett Kavanaugh following Anthony Kennedy's resignation. Kavanaugh's Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing exhibited some of his flaws but he was still installed.

Next, following the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg on September 18th, 2020 despite McConnell's previous willingness to stall Merrick Garland's appointment by Obama for 11 months he changed his mind in 2020 and rammed through the Trump appointment of Amy Coney Barrett just weeks before the November election.

Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Coney Barrett all testified during their Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings that they all viewed Roe Versus Wade as "Settled Law" but as soon as they all could they did away with Roe Versus Wade and it was "Settled Law" no more. 

Todays Right Wing controlled Supreme Court has continued with nearly every decision to show the political stripes of the Republican party where they came from and obviously think they owe their robes to.

Since the Republicans on the Court have perjured themselves in their Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings regarding "Roe Versus Wade" being "Settled Law" I would like to see impeachment proceedings initiated against them immediately.

Since that is doubtful to happen, however, I would hope that Democrats in Congress and President Biden immediately take steps to add members to the Supreme Court before the present court destroys everything that Democrats have worked for over many years in The United States of America.

Oh, and Justice Thomas I think it might behoove you to consider the offer that John Oliver has made on his recent HBO show.

John Oliver has offered to contract with you in the event that you resign from the Supreme Court to offer you a million Dollars a year for the rest of your life along with a brand new top of the line Recreational Vehicle.

And all you have to do is resign.  If I were you, Justice Thomas I would grab this deal before the 30 days are up when this deal will no longer be available.

It is time for all Americans to begin to pay attention to what the Supreme Court can do and does do.  

The latest outrageous ruling by the Supreme Court is to force States like Colorado to keep Donald Trump on their ballot even though he clearly instigated an Insurrection.  

It is difficult for those of us who have nearly always respected the Supreme Court to put up with the Corrupt Right Wing Smell of what used to be:


Sincerely Yours 

Jerry Gallagher