Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Hey Hey RFK - Get The Hell Out Of The Way

 March 20th, 2024

My Dear America:

There was a truly interesting Inter Family get together at the White House last Sunday on Saint Patricks Day.  Our Irish American President Joe Biden hosted an astounding number of Kennedy Family members to Celebrate the distinguished Irish Saint on his Special Irish American Holiday.

Yes, I'm talking about THAT Kennedy Family.  The same one that produced President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Senator Ted Kennedy  and Attorney General, Senator and 1968 Presidential Candidate, Robert F. Kennedy. Absent among the Kennedy Clan members gathered at the White House to have their pictures taken with President Biden was Robert F. Kennedy Junior who is presently running an Independent Campaign for President after it became obvious to him that he didn't have a chance of gaining traction as a Democratic Candidate for President.  In addition to these two prominent Irish political families celebrating their favorite Irish Saint together at the White House there was another important point to this Irish Gathering.

The Kennedy Family members were making it crystal clear that although they love Robert Kennedy Junior they, almost all do not support his campaign for the Presidency and have made that clear since the beginning of RFK Jr.'s Desperate and Doomed Campaign for the Presidency that in this desperate time when the choice of Presidential Candidates could mean the difference between Democracy and Dictatorship the Kennedy's are all in on Joe Biden and all out on RFK Junior and Donald Trump.  

In fact, at the beginning of RFK's Campaign four of his Siblings wrote a letter that was widely published in which they chastised their brother for running against Biden and strongly praised Joe Biden and his astonishing accomplishments while calling RFK's Presidential run "Dangerous".

Clearly the Kennedy Clan is correct in calling RFK's Campaign dangerous.  At this truly dangerous time in America when the Republican Party has gone off their collective rocker along with their presumptive candidate for President and they all seem to have more love and affection for dangerous world dictators than for a President that has accomplished so much in so little time, It is time for Americans to realize that Kennedy, who doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell of winning the Presidency does have the looming  prospect of bringing Democracy to a screeching halt by taking away votes from Biden.  

It is well known that many of Kennedy's rich donors are people who are clearly Trump supporters and who are propping up Kennedy's campaign simply to help Trump.

What is astonishing about the Kennedy Campaign is that Kennedy, who is not a stupid man certainly should be keenly aware of what is going on.  

Yes, Kennedy is an Anti Vaccer but he has long been a liberal gadfly who has also done some very good things about the Environment and has made efforts to improve the lives of poor people.

Bobby, What the hell are you doing in this race!  You know full well that your chances to win the Presidency are slim to none.  You need to recognize that your generous friends are clearly using you and your name to take away precious votes from President Biden and make it easier for Donald Trump to be come a dictator on day one and every single day thereafter. 

Get the hell out now, Bobby, while you can possibly still save what's left of your reputation and make it clear that you, along with the rest of your family believe in Democracy Now and Democracy Forever in the United States Of America.  For God's Sake Your Father and Your Uncle died in the process of promoting Democracy.

America loves your Father, Your Uncles and all the other members of your family who have fought so hard to Make the United States of America Free And Democratic.

Please don't soil the Reputation of your family for years to come by being one of the cogs in the wheel of Liberty that helped to turn the United States of America over to its First American Dictator.  Please Don't be the Ralph Nader of 2024.

Get out now, Bobby and tell your voters to vote for Joe Biden and Democracy while we all still have a chance to make this deeply disturbing Republican Nightmare Go Away at least for another Four Years.  

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher

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