Saturday, March 9, 2024

President Biden Was On Fire At The State Of The Union Address

Saturday March 9th, 2024 

Clearly Any Republican attending President Joe Biden's State of the Union Address on March 7th with the hope that Biden would be showing himself to be a dottering old fool had to be sadly disappointed with the President's Extraordinary Performance at the Capitol this week.

Certainly Joe was old, that was true.  But the President was not dottering and clearly on State of the Union Night 2024 he was Nobody's Fool. 

The President's impressive, dynamic and energetic speech reminded me of the title words of an old Phil Ochs song that stated "i've Got Something To Say Sir And I'm Gonna Say It Now."

Clearly on this night at the Capitol Building which was surrounded by fences that had never needed to be there prior to Trump Madness erupting there on January 6th, 2021 Joe Biden had come to the Capitol with something to say and he damn well was going to say it now.

And say it he did.  Joe Biden was in top form from start to finish.  He was in control of the podium all night.

This man who has had his hands full every day since he arrived at the White House prepared for Presidential Duty on January 20th, 2021 now had an opportunity to speak not only to most of the Washington Political Elite but he also was going to take this opportunity to strut his stuff with those Americans who were interested enough in American Politics to watch his sterling political performance on television. 

Biden's speech was loaded.  

Joe Biden had a lot to  talk about and he knew it was now or never so he didn't waste his time. 

He started off talking about Franklin Roosevelt coming to warn Congress and America in the 1930's about Hitler in Germany prior to that Nazi Monster being unleashed over an unsuspecting Europe and the World.  The significant comparison of that time to present day America was not difficult to see.

Biden's speech was taut and tight but not short.  He had a great deal to say to the Congress as he reminded them that Donald Trump had only one real accomplishment and that was to sign a Republican Tax Bill that mostly benefitted large Corporations and Rich Republicans.

Unlike Donald Trump Joe Biden had an extensive list of accomplishments which he touted proudly including The Infrastructure bill which many Presidents had tried to accomplish but only he had managed to get through Congress so that he could sign.  Biden taunted the Republicans who all sat on their hands and hardly ever applauded the President throughout his speech.  He mentioned that although Republicans were united against the Infrastructure Bill they were all now acting as if they were now thrilled to take credit for the money funding projects coming to their home districts.  Joe told them that that was OK with him as long as the projects get done.  He did ask them all to let him know if they didn't want Infrastructure money coming to their districts knowing that it was doubtful that any Republican would be foolish enough to turn down money for Bridges, Roads, Replacing lead pipes or any other Infrastructure project in their district.  

Biden reminded Republicans and Democrats that he had responded to Republican demands that he fix the border prior to getting money for Ukraine's defense by willingness to sign a bill that had been carefully negotiated and prepared by a bipartisan group of Senators that pretty much gave Republicans almost everything they had wanted regarding the border.  Although Republicans should have quickly signed this bill instead they killed it because Donald Trump told them he wanted to run on the issue of the border. Biden pointed out to the television audience the insanity of this situation and asked Congress, which undoubtedly would have been willing to pass the Border measure and the Ukraine funding if it was brought to a vote, to pass this Bipartisan Legislation and get it to his desk as soon as possible for his signature.

Biden's speech was not short.  He had a lot to brag about and some harsh words for some like the members of the Supreme Court who he admonished for taking away a woman's right to choose.  They were sitting right in front of him as he verbally slapped them down.

I have communicated with some of my Democratic friends who saw the speech. they have all been energized by the dynamic and powerful State Of The Union Speech that we saw this past week.  The same is true with everyone responding on Twitter and Facebook.  Every Democrat who might have been feeling down as a result of recent polls is suddenly jacked up after Joe Biden's State Of The Union performance

Joe Biden is presently following up his successful State Of The Union speech with a tour of some of the states that will probably figure prominently regarding who wins and who loses the Most Important Presidential Election of our lives in November of this year.

The Stakes of this Election Year couldn't be higher.

Will we remain a normal Democracy under President Joe Biden or will we become a dark and disturbing Dictatorship under a Criminal Lunatic named Donald Trump?

That is the important question all Americans are facing at this point in time.

At the State of The Union Address this week I think that President Biden has possibly shown us the way that we can save the Democracy that has served us well for a couple hundred years.

In fact, Biden's powerful State Of The Union Speech should have shown anybody that watched it just what Freedom and Democracy look like.

I actually think that this incredible speech may have almost single handedly saved Democracy for many years to come in The United States Of America.

I certainly hope that it did.  

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