Saturday, February 13, 2021

Impeachment Is Done - Lets Censure Trump and Move On

 Saturday February 13th, 2021

My Dear America:

I never thought I would be saying it once let alone three times.  But Hats off once again to my Pennsylvania United States Republican Senator, Pat Toomey for voting to convict Donald Trump at the end of the Second Impeachment Trial of Donald J. Trump.  Hats off to all of the Senators that agreed with Toomey.  

Thank you Pat for voting for Democracy over Dictatorship

For Voting Country over Party

For Voting Sanity over Insanity

You and your Comrades in Sanity have shown us that after hundreds of years Democracy Can Still Work.  I know that some people feel that convicting Donald Trump was the most important thing about your vote.  It was not.  It was more important that you and your Republican Cohorts voted to convict.  The Impeachment Trial in the Senate might have seen to some as wasted time and effort.  In a sense it was but in another sense it was important that the true story of January 6th, 2021 be told fully to the American People.

Quite frankly, I don't think that there was another team of Lawyers in America or in the world for that matter who could have done a better job of presenting the despicable criminality of Donald Trump on January 6th than Jamie Raskin and his Excellent Partners in Impeachment Prosecution.  This talented group of Impeachment Managers were outstanding in every way and should be praised for the incredible effort they put in defending our Constitution and our Congress and showing Donald Trump to be the "Enemy Of The People" not the press, in particular MSNBC, CNN, C span and others who probably lost a lot of money over presenting so much wall to wall coverage as they did of the Impeachment Trial.

In every way the Democratic Congressional Impeachment Team certainly was an Outstanding and a  Successful Team Effort.  They each had their specialty presentations and every one of them were right on the money.  The audio visuals were stunning in their organization and presentation and were powerful as hell.

Clearly The Trump Defense Impeachment Team left a good bit to be desired.  They tried to do what they could to defend Trump but the truth was that there was very little to work with in the prospect of defending Donald Trump.  Their Client was guilty as hell of Inciting the Riot that occurred at the Capitol.  Everyone knew that. Democrats Knew it. Republicans Knew it.  Everybody that invaded the Capitol Knew it and everybody who watched the Impeachment Trial and videos knew it.  

The thing that continues to stun me about the whole Capitol Riot is the number of people who were involved.  That many people were willing to risk going to jail for ''The Big Lie".  My God, these people actually thought that Donald Trump really won the election.  Trump had lied to all of us not once or twice but all the time every day.  Every thing out of his mouth was a lie and yet those Capitol Raiders still thought that he was telling them the truth,

Wake the hell up people.  Donald Trump lied to you every day, day after day.  Why didn't you wake up to reality in time to see the Fraud and Phony that Donald Trump is.  He is not worth being worshiped.  When you equate Trump with God, Trust Me, You are on the wrong track.  

We now have someone in the White House who is not Tweeting.  He is doing important things every day to get us off the wrong track and get us on the right track finally.  He is looking to get us vaccinated and to try to get our country's Economy moving again.  He is trying to get schools open but I would hope that President Biden makes sure that Teachers are vaccinated before schools open up.

I think that since we have America in the hands of someone who not only tells the truth but is looking out for all of us rather than just some of us that now that the Impeachment is over I hope I never hear the words Donald Trump Again.  

How about you, America.  Are you ready to move on from him too. 

I may be wrong but I think that Trump can be prevented from running again by Censuring him.  Lets try that.  But whether we can Censure him or not lets get this country moving on from him and headed for a brighter day than we have seen in a long while.

It is about time to see Democrats in action in the White House, The Senate and the House of Representatives showing the world that Democracy is not dead in America.  Its back and this time nothing or no one is going to get in the way of it's success.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher

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