Wednesday, January 30, 2019

What If Donald Trump Gave A State Of The Union Address and No Democrats Came.

Wednesday, January 30th, 2019

My Dear America:

It is an incredible privilege to live in The United States of America.  My wife and I have had several conversations recently about that subject. We are in agreement that although we citizens have all been through some very trying times we are extremely proud to have had the good fortune to have been born and raised in America.  

We certainly have some things in our American History that do not make us proud.  Slavery, The treatment of Native Americans by our Federal and State Governments and The dropping of the Atom Bomb are some of the very bad things that make us realize that we are a nation that is not perfect and has not always done the right thing.

Overall, however, we have much to be proud of in America.  We have had a record number of Presidents of whom we have been proud.  Not all of our Presidents have been worthy of their offices, however.  Richard Nixon comes to mind.  After the shameful conduct of what became known as the Watergate Affair, resulting in Nixon resigning the Presidency, I was hopeful that we would never again witness the level of shameful conduct that we witnessed with Nixon.  After all, Nixon was so bad that it was doubtful to me that anyone    could rise to that level of shameful conduct ever again. 

I was wrong, however, to expect that Richard Nixon's criminal behavior would truly be the bottom of the barrel.  As bad as Nixon was, at least he was not a Traitor.  

How in the world Donald Trump got to be President is a mystery that will haunt me to the end of my days.  It is not as though Donald Trump hid all of his faults from the American People.  He tried to hide a great deal about who and what he was.  But he certainly revealed much about himself in his Presidential Campaign to alert even the most dense American about what Donald Trump was all about.  

Donald Trump was Greedy, An Egomaniac, A Dictator lover and Dictator Wannabe, A man who had no respect for anyone other than himself or certain members of his family, A man who would stoop to any level to get what he wanted. A man who hated Immigrants, Women and many others, A Man who was unfit to be dogcatcher, never mind President of the United States.  

Donald Trump was a man who was so deeply flawed that only a system like the Post Civil War Racist Inspired Electoral College could have elected him to the highest office in the land.

We the reasonable people of the United States, have watched in horror over the past two years as Donald Trump seems to have done everything in his power to do what Vladimir Putin wanted him to do in an effort to run the Democratic Government of the United States into the ground.

During her Campaign for the Presidency Hillary Clinton identified many of Donald Trump's supporters as "Deplorables." Certainly not all of Trump's supporters were Neo Nazis and Klansmen, but as we have seen in what seems to me like an extraordinary amount of continued poll support for the Trump Administration Trump seems to have hung onto much of his deplorable support.  

Certainly Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, has won a minor victory in the battle over the Border Wall but with Trump still President none of us can rest easy in the coming days, weeks and years.  

Next Tuesday Donald Trump will give his State Of The Union Speech.  I would love to see the Democrats either not show up for the speech or walk out on the speech.  Clearly no Democrat who attends the speech will find out anything about the State of the Union that they don't already know.

There is a danger, however, that if Democrats don't attend his speech they can be castigated by Trump as UnAmerican although the opposite is true.  

Regardless, it is hoped that Trump will not shut the country down again in a few weeks.  Clearly, one of the reasons that Trump did it in the first place is that he wanted to make if more difficult for American Law enforcement to track down his traitorous crimes.    

We are living through a very dangerous time in which Democracy itself is on the line.  I am sure we Americans will make it through this difficult time Just like we did through Watergate.  

We will probably be a little battered and bruised after our experience with Donald Trump but we will still be a Democracy and will still be America.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher 

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