Thursday, January 31, 2019

Chris Christie - Huckster on Parade

Thursday, January 31st, 2019

My Dear America:

Is it just me or are we seeing way too much of Chris Christie on Television this week. 

I know that he has a new book out called "Let Me Finish" and that it was probably appropriate for him to appear on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert and on The Daily Show with Trevor Noah.  But why in the hell was he on CNN today pontificating on Trump and the Russia investigation.   

With apologies to my son, who loves the guy, I have to say that Chris Christie has always seemed to me like one of the phoniest politicians that we have ever seen. I have not read his book which has just been published but reports are that Christie savages both Jared Kushner and Steve Bannon.  Quite frankly I'm OK with his savaging both of these people.  They are both deserving of savaging in my opinion.  The word is, however, that phony Chris continues to find nothing but love for Poor Misunderstood Donald Trump.  On Colbert's show and Trevor Noah's show Christie made it a point to state that he has been offered several positions by Trump after being embarrassingly dumped by Trump at the last minute as his Vice Presidential choice.  Christie says that he turned down the many Trump offers because they weren't the right offers for him.  Chosen assignments that he would take, he said were Vice President or Attorney General.

Certainly Christie asked for the humiliating experience of being dumped by Trump for the Vice Presidential nod.  Common sense should have told Christie that with Jared Kushner (whose Father Christie had sent to prison) being Trump's Son in Law, that Christie's future with the Trump Administration was Dead on Arrival.

Plus Christie had Bridgegate  and Beachgate, as well as Christie's less than charming personality to also help to put the screws to Christie's chances to score with Trump.  As for Trump, he did what he has done with so many others in his path.  Trump had few kind words for Christie during the period of Character Assassination that some called a Republican Presidential Campaign.  Like a fool Christie jumped on the Trump Bandwagon early when he saw his own chances to be President fly into oblivion.  Trump dragged Christie around the country like an obnoxious worn out teddy bear surely with promises by Trump of great things to come for Christie.

After watching Christie humiliate himself laaughing about his failures in his obvious huckstering for his new book on Colbert and The Daily Show, today Christie showed up on Jake Tapper's show on CNN talking like he really knows what's was going on in Trump World.  Chris Christie is out in the cold but still trying to hang on to what he says is a 17 year long friendship with Donald Trump.  

One thing is for sure.  With Donald Trump as your friend you already have an enemy.

Please CNN.  Enough obnoxious Republican losers on the Network.  Charlie Dent at least has a personality.  Rick Santorum is a Know Nothing Know it all.  Please don't add incredibly arrogant Chris Christie to this rather disgusting mix of Republican Has Beens.    

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher

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