Saturday, October 12, 2024

American Hitler - The Lies Have Become More Reckless And Dangerous The Closer We Get To Election Day

 Saturday October 12th 2024

My Dear America:

I have spent a good deal of time during the past couple of years reading what I genuinely feel was really way too much about Donald Trump and Adolph Hitler.  Although there were many differences between these two men, there were also many striking similarities between them.  

Both men seemed to have no problem in passing out lies and claiming they were the truth.  

Both Donald and Adolph also found scapegoats to blame for their countries problems.  Donald Found Immigrants and blacks.  Adolph found Communists and, of course the Jews.

These days as Donald seemingly begins to realize that a major part of his fan base are Klansmen and women and Nazi Sympathizers, His Whiney Pathetic Hopelessly Wandering Rhetoric seems to be getting more Jew Focused and not in a good way.  He is setting up the Lie that if he loses this time out that its the fault of the Jews. 

Jesus Christ, Where have we heard this Jew baiting before.

Although Trump is preparing to blame the Jews if he is not successful at the ballot box He still seems to be attempting to maintain good relations with Israeli Leader, Bebe Netanyahu as Netanyahu continues to disrespect Joe Biden and destroys what little is left of Gaza in Israel and now is currently focused on destroying Hezbollah also in Israel's neighboring country of Lebanon.   

The truth is that Trump and Netanyahu are both in very similar positions.  Both are trying their best to desperately hang onto power.  Trump is doing so by running for President again and despite all of the terrible things he has done he still seems to have a strange stranglehold on the American Republican Party.  

Netanyahu, on the other hand is still in power.  It may be difficult to remember now but just before the October 7th massacre of Israeli Citizens by Hamas last year Netanyahu was facing mass Israeli protests because he was trying to get rid of the Israeli Supreme Court, who were threatening to put him in jail.  The sad truth is that Netanyahu has no real incentive to stop the killing of Hamas and Hezbollah Fighters because when the fighting stops Netanyahu will at the very least be forced out of power and may very well be imprisoned, much like the prospect for Trump if he loses the 2024 Election.

Trump's conduct continues to be called out by Democrats who are stumping for Kamala Harris all over the country such as Barack Obama and Bill Clinton.  One of the truly astonishing stories that has recently come to light is that during the early days of the Covid Pandemic when the only way to test for Covid was with a machine, which were incredibly scarce and hard to find, Donald Trump secretly gave Vladimir Putin one of these Covid Testing machines for his personal use while people were dying by the thousands in the United States because few medical personnel were able to find these machines.

Incredible, absolutely incredible.  

As Barack Obama says "You can't make this stuff up."

Although Donald Trump is not known to be a truth teller he seems to have really gone off the deep end when it comes to telling lies recently.  

Much like Hitler's relentless lying about the Jews in Germany back in the day before he started Mass Killing Them, Trump is doubling down on his ridiculous charges against immigrants.  

Trump's Television Ad's paint Kamala Harris as someone who did not lock up Killers and Rapists but cruelly and recklessly let them all back on the streets to kill and Rape again.  Clearly there may have been times when Kamala Harris may have given someone a chance to redeem themselves that did not work out.  But she was certainly not recklessly pouring criminals back on the street as Trump's ads seem to show.

Both Donald Trump and JD Vance have also been doubling down on their lying about Haitian immigrants eating Cats and Dogs in Springfield Ohio, a story that they are peddling that seems to have had no basis in fact and has caused tremendous problems for the residents of Springfield.  The Mayor and other City Officials and the Ohio Governor have begged Vance and Trump to stop their lies but hey have not stopped peddling their Bullshit.  Trump has also recently gone to Aurora Colorado to peddle his Anti Immigrant Bullshit there.

In addition, As Two destructive Hurricanes have recently struck the south and  caused major devastation Donald Trump is now peddling a new lie.  He has gone on television and stated that The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is out of money and is not helping families in the Southern states to recover from the devastating storms.  Although the Governors of all of the affected states (Mostly Republican Governors) have all stated that the Biden Administration and FEMA are fully cooperating with all of the states involved Trump is still pushing the lie that they are not doing so.  

Clearly we have found that Trump's Lies often have devastating consequences.  Certainly the fact that in order to get some television airtime and encourage his followers to blame the Biden Administration for something that they don't deserve to be blamed for is reckless and irresponsible.  If Trump were a responsible candidate he would be encouraging his followers to apply for FEMA aid and he would be encouraging the Speaker of the House House of Representatives to bring Congress back to Washington in order to provide funds for FEMA.

Trump is not doing that.  He is doing the opposite of that.

To my mind these Outright Blatant Lies are meant to stir up Trump followers at this late date in the Presidential Campaign in order to have them blindly vote for Trump instead of Kamala Harris because of lies and this reckless regard for the truth shows very clearly the dark side of life that we are in for in a Second Trump Administration.  

Although I think that most Americans can see through the lies that Trump and Vance keep peddling and will vote for a Candidate who will tell the truth in November, I think that the Danger that these increasingly reckless lies That Trump is telling need to be addressed immediately and forcefully by Democrats.  

It is becoming increasingly obvious that the American People are in a fight for our lives.

It is really rather simple.

If we vote for Kamala Harris and Democrats for Congress we can keep our Democracy and actually accomplish a lot through legislation that will move our country forward.

If We vote for Trump we will see a Darkness cover this land and just like the Novel 1984 Truth Will be Lies and Lies Will Be Truth and we may never have another election again because the Trump Packed Supreme Court has given Trump permission to do whatever he wants with no need to worry about accountability.  January Sixth of 2021 and Trumps lies about Disaster Relief have given us a preview of what life will be like in a Second Trump Administration.  

It will be like a Dystopian Disaster Movie except it will be Absolutely Real.

It will be a Nightmare that we may never be able to wake up from.

And We American Voters Should Not and Must Not Let it happen to The United States Of America.

Time is running out, Americans.  Get your votes ready. We really need them this time out if we want to save our Country from a Dictator on Day One and every day thereafter.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher

Monday, October 7, 2024

Slick Jimmy And The Coach - A Disturbing Debate Review

Monday October 7th, 2024 

My Dear America:

I've been watching some very interesting but highly disturbing Television this Past week.  

The Vice Presidential Debate between JD Vance and Tim Walz was evenly matched and exceptionally revealing concerning the views and values of the two candidates.  

JD was very slick and polished in his debate style and I would guess might have been very appealing to the MAGA Crowd and to his running mate, whose views JD certainly tried his best to mainstream.

On the other hand, Minnesota Governor, Tim Walz seemed to easily handle the answers to questions posed to him by the CBS Moderators, Nora O'Donnell and Margaret Brennan.  Walz appeared to be a bit nervous at first during the debate but he seemed to calm down quickly and the longer the debate continued the more stable and relatable the Democratic Vice Presidential Candidate seemed to be.

Although Vance didn't really have much to work with in defending not only Donald Trump's extreme views and conduct he did his best to make Donald Trump seem like just another reasonable candidate.  But although JD Vance did his best to put lipstick on this pig it was an impossible task.  

Vance tried to put forth the notion that Donald Trump had actually been a supporter of the ACA (Obamacare) Health Plan.  Walz was in the House of Representatives at the time that Trump and the Republicans tried over and over to kill Obamacare and Tim Walz reminded JD Vance that John McCain helped Democrats put the screws to Trump's plan to deep six Obamacare and helped to save the day and save Obamacare.

Tim put the finishing touch on JD Vance when he challenged JD to answer the all important question of "Who Won the 2020 Election?"  

Vance answered the question by saying "I'm looking forward" and in my estimation his refusal to answer that question lost the debate at that moment.

Although I think that realistically Vance and Walz both did very well in the debate, I was disturbed that Vance did as well as he did primarily because of what I saw and heard on The Rachel Maddow show the night before the Vice Presidential Debate.  Certainly I had not been a fan of JD Vance and was disturbed by the lies and distortions he had been peddling about Haitian Immigrants "Eating The Dogs" and Cats in Springfield, Ohio that was total Bullshit clearly meant to ramp up negative feelings and actions towards Haitian and other Immigrants in that city and elsewhere.  That despicable conduct alone made JD Vance persona non grata to me.

But Rachel's Monday Night Show revealed something that I certainly had never heard about JD Vance before that suddenly made the Vice Presidential choice of    JD Vance by Donald Trump  make sense.  Rachel began the story by talking about the fact that she had not particularly wanted to do this story but since no other journalist or network news person had done it she felt that this story she was featuring needed to be told especially since the Vice Presidential Debate was happening the next night after her show.

Essentially, the story Rachel told involved a man named Curtis Yarvin.  Rachel had learned about the story from some of JD Vance's appearances on long ago podcasts on which he hawked his book, "Hillbilly Elegy" back in the day.  The Podcasts revealed that JD Vance considered himself a friend and someone who had learned from and been mentored by a man named Curtis Yarvin.  Rachel even had some video of Curtis Yarvin that had been recorded back in 2012 that showed Curtis Yarvin expressing some of his rather extreme and frightening views on politics and politicians.

In the video that Rachel featured Curtis Yarvin clearly stated that he felt that all of our leaders were corrupt (Don't forget that Barack Obama was President at this time) and should be arrested or otherwise been driven from power and in their place should be a CEO or someone in charge that would be in Curtis Yarvin's words "A Dictator".

Rachel Maddow also played video of JD Vance stating that he was friends with and got a lot of his ideas from Curtis Yarvin.  Clearly views like those of Curtis Yarvin are not typical of Democratic Politics.

Indeed, I just saw a video today that was produced by "The Lincoln Project" that promoted the idea that in some circles of radical right wing thought it was anticipated that Trump will win the presidency with JD Vance as his Vice President.  And as Trump becomes increasingly unfit to do the Job JD Vance will force Trump out by activating the 25th Amendment and will give himself the job of CEO or more accurately Dictator of the United States of America.

Now, I really don't know if this scenario is realistic or not but just the thought of JD Vance being Vice President scares the hell out of me.  

Tim Walz has tagged both Donald Trump and JD Vance as being "Weird Dudes". He is right, of course. They certainly are "Weird Dudes" but they are far more than Weird.  They are people who are willing to not only give up Democracy.  They appear to be more than anxious to completely give up Democracy and join the Dictators Club.  

I hope for our sake that Donald Trump and JD Vance are simply "Weird Dudes" that don't know what they are doing but I am being more and more convinced that these people know exactly what they are doing and I don't know about you but these "Weird Dudes" are clearly "Dangerous Dudes" who I freely admit scare the living hell out of me.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher