Monday August 26th, 2024
My Dear America:
I have been watching both Democratic and Republican Conventions for a long time now, starting with the enormously important 1960 election of John Kennedy over Richard Nixon.
I have seen exciting spectacles in which Candidates of one specific party fought like hell with other members of their own party for their party's Nomination for the right to fight like hell with the nominees of the opposite party to be the President of the United States.
I have seen backstabbing deals and Love Fests in which American Politicians did whatever they could to show that they were the right people for the Job of American President.
Although I have watched many Conventions in the past I have never seen anything close to what I saw in the Democratic Convention just concluded last week. This past week's Democratic Convention was the kind of Convention that Politicians dream about attending and speaking at.
It was without a doubt one of the most well managed operations that I have ever seen. I know that there were some nights when the speeches and other stage presentations and videos took more time than was expected. That seemed to really bother MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell but the excess time span certainly didn't bother me or many others when everything was put in perspective.
Although some other things happened on Night One, most of Night One was in Celebration of President Joe Biden, whose Grace and Unselfishness was on display big time during his Monday Night Speech. As Joe gave his speech on Monday night and was celebrated by some of the Convention speakers, it occurred to me that President Biden, although he was not the Nominee, had pulled somewhat of a fast one on the Democrats.
Although some Democrats including Nancy Pelosi had not only called for Joe Biden to Step out of the race for President, some had also called for an "Open Convention" in which Democrats would do as they had done many times before, which would have been to fight like Cats and Dogs and probably come out of the Convention with very little Unity and probably, like many times before, Lose The Presidential Election.
Yes Joe Biden had dropped out of the Race For President in time and he had smartly immediately thrown his support to Kamala Harris who had given her full support to President Biden throughout his extremely successful Presidency.
Following President Biden dropping out of the Campaign and Kamala Harris dropping in, the support the Vice President has received from every section of the Democratic Party has been truly Extraordinary. Seemingly there was no Democratic Opposition to her running for President on the Democratic Ticket. She received an Avalanche of support from Democrats.
As was evident at the Chicago Convention, and was also demonstrated in the 2020 Democratic Primary Race the Democratic Party was and still is loaded with Political Talent who probably could have legitimately challenged Kamala Harris for the Presidential Nomination but thanks largely to Joe Biden, would certainly not be doing that in 2024.
With Tears in my eyes I heard Joe Biden tell the Democrats and all Americans
"I Gave My Best To You" and Really Mean it.
After his Dynamic Speech on Monday Night Joe Biden Left town and left the rest of the Convention to his chosen candidate and her many supporters. My head is still spinning from the incredible number of awesome speakers all singing the praises of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and what a Great Job they have both done over the past 3 and a Half years of their Administration.
There were so many Great Speakers that I hesitate to mention them for fear of missing names. Some of the most Impressive speakers that I saw were Pete Buttigieg, Hakeem Jeffries, Cory Booker, Andrea Ocasio Cortez and Wes Moore. I believe that these five and many more are destined for Greatness in the Democratic Party in the future.
But in talking about Speakers who can do any better than the Tag Team of Michelle and Barack Obama. I am always blown away by the Oratorical Skill of these two people. Its just too bad that Michelle dislikes Politics so much that she would never want to pursue a Political career. I would love to see both of the Obamas given serious consideration if and when Supreme Court Nominations are in order. Both Michelle and Barack gave outstanding speeches this time around as they have in other Major Conventions. What a One Two Punch they gave the convention on Tuesday Night.
Although they were on Two different nights, Bill And Hillary Clinton did their amazing Political speeches which were both well received.
Wednesday Night Tim Walz clearly showed the Convention why Kamala picked him to be her Vice Presidential Candidate. Not only did he set the Convention into a Frenzy with his speech but Coach Walz was so well liked by his grown up Minnesota High School Football Players that he coached that many of them showed up on the stage at the end of his speech.
Kamala closed out the Convention with a Fully Packed Explanation of what she has planned for what will happen in America if and when she wins the Presidency. She started her speech with a thank you to her husband on her Anniversary for the incredibly loving speech he had given at the Convention.
I think that considering everything that happened in just the last month DNC Leader, Jamie Harrison and his staff that put this Convention Together in the space of a couple of weeks once Joe Biden made Convention Preparation totally different deserve a lot of credit. Jamie Harrison and his crew really did an outstanding job of making what could have been a disaster into a Democratic Convention that I think was the best of all times.
I found out a long time ago that the best way to watch both the Democratic and Republican conventions is on C Span, where you get Gavel to Gavel coverage and no breaking in on a speech by commentators from MSNBC, CNN or any other News Organizations. When each nights Convention Events were over with I switched to MSNBC for Commentary from the MSNBC Hosts. Then I switched over to Colbert's Live Show from Chicago where he featured Nancy Pelosi, AOC, Hakeem Jeffries and Pete Buttigieg.
All in all, The Democratic Convention was really a Bang Up Job by everybody involved and now it is on to Grass Roots Live and In person Door Knocking and Phone calling and helping Kamala Harris and Tim Walz win this thing.
It is certainly looking good for the Democrats right now.
Lets just hope that it stays that way and that after November we can look forward to an Intelligent and Savvy Black Woman in The White House with a Coach by her side and A Democracy Still intact.
Sincerely Yours
Jerry Gallagher
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