July 11th, 2024
My Dear America:
What I would hope that Joe Biden's Fair Weather Friends like George Clooney and Rob Reiner and others would be thinking right about right now is Shutting the Hell Up and letting Biden get on with what they are making an incredibly impossible job of running for President once again in 2024.
Why can't these Crybaby Millionaires who were staunch Biden Supporters just a few weeks ago recognize the damage they are causing in a Do or Die election that the Democrats can't afford to lose.
Every time that some Democrat calls for Biden to step away from his running for the Presidency is to my mind one more step toward improving Donald Trump's election prospects.
Maybe Joe Biden is not that great of a Debater anymore.
So What.
He is still a Hell of a Great President who is doing a good job and proving himself worthy of the Presidency every day of his life.
I know that not everyone lives as long as I have and can remember the disasters that were some Long Gone Democratic Convention War Zones. What was always true in Democratic Politics was that Chaotic Fight Filled Conventions never worked out well for those Democratic Candidates that had to fight for the Presidency afterward.
In 1968 at the Truly Epic Battleground Democratic Convention in which Hubert Humphrey, Lyndon Johnson's Vice President was unfairly portrayed as a warmonger he lost the 1968 Election to Richard Nixon.
We all know how that turned out. For those of you who don't remember lets just say that the Nixon Administration didn't turn out well.
In 1972 Nixon ran against George McGovern after a chaotic Democratic Convention. McGovern lost.
In 1980 Ted Kennedy challenged Jimmy Carter for the Democratic Nomination for President. Following that convention Carter Lost to Ronald Reagan.
On the other hand when Democrats report to their Conventions United as was the case in 2020 they have a long record of success.
As some Democrats are falling off the Bandwagon in this Election Season they are plain and simply making life easier for the Republican Party who are not only Okay with their parties Nominee being Old but also seem to be Okay with him being a Pathological Liar, Rapist and Convicted Criminal who threatens to pardon those insurrectionists who attacked our Capitol Building and beat our Police Officers on January Sixth, 2021.
I will say this about the Republicans. They will certainly stick with their guy no matter what.
Why can't we Democrats do the same. Why can't we stick with our old guy who doesn't debate so well these days but has assembled a great team to work with him in governing the United States and improving the lives of all Americans.
We can talk a good game about Biden stepping down but who else would take his place on the 2024 Campaign trail. Kamala Harris, Gretchen Whitmer, Gavin Newsom are all still ridin on the Biden train.
The truth is that Joe Biden even with his faults is our best bet as a Presidential Candidate. He has beaten Trump before and if Americans will give him a chance I think he will do it again.
Yes, I understand that we are living in dangerous times which will become far more dangerous if Donald Trump is elected President again.
But I have faith in the fact that when push comes to shove Americans when faced with a choice of Either Donald Trump or Joe Biden on Election Day that Americans are not interested in living in a Dictatorship with a Lame Brain like Donald Trump as their Fuhrer.
I think that despite what polling now seems to suggest as Americans have a chance to look hard at these two candidates and what they they stand for, they will know who the best choice is and will not only support Joe Biden but will also support Democrats up and down the Democratic ticket.
Sincerely Yours
Jerry Gallagher
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