Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Kamala's Dedication To Democracy - You Can Feel It In The Air Tonight

July 30th, 2024 

My Dear America:

One thing is for sure.  This latest Election For President Of the United States has certainly not been boring.

In the course of a month we have seen, among other things:

A Debate in which Joe Biden showed his age and Donald Trump Lied every time he opened his mouth.

But the Democrats and the Media didn't seem to care about Trumps Lies.  They only seemed to care about Joe Biden's Age.

Despite Joe Biden showing in Media Interviews, an Important Press Conference and at a NATO Summit Meeting with Many World Leaders that he was still functioning Pretty Well in his Role as President of the United States, The Media and the Democrats kept on harping about his Debate Performance.

The Republicans showed in their Milwaukee Convention that they really didn't care about Donald Trump's Failed Marriages, His Close Connection with Jeffrey Epstein and Porn Stars and Playboy Models, his mocking of people with disabilities, his encouraging Trump Fans of his to ignore Covid Masks and vaccines resulting in God Knows how many thousands of deaths, his separation of Immigrant parents from their children, His Vile Disrespect of anyone who chose to criticize him.  Many of Those who had run against him in the Republican Primary showed up at the Republican Convention and Praised Trump despite the fact that he shamed them and Humiliated them prior to the convention. 

Actually the Republicans with a few weird exceptions seemed to be having a pretty normal group of speakers on the Convention Podium, that was until Donald Trump took the stage.

Although he sounded relatively normal for the first part of his speech accepting the Republican Presidential Nomination it didn't take him too long to go off the rails and start shit talking Democrats and ranting about "The Late Great Hannibal Lecter".  Seriously, why the hell is Donald Trump continuing to talk about Hannibal Lecter as if Hannibal Lecter is a real person and not a fictional character. What is it with his Weird Obsession with Hannibal Lecter.

And Democrats were worried about the shape that Joe Biden was in.

Well, Democrats are not so worried about Joe Biden's Health anymore since he announced that he was quitting the race for President and was giving his support for the job to his Vice President, Kamala Harris.

What has happened since Biden Bowed out and Harris picked up the Democratic Torch Has been nothing less than an Earthquake in the Democratic Party and in the United States Of America.

Kamala Harris has gained support from nearly every Major Democratic Donor and from Countless Small Donors to build up the Democratic War Chest to well over 200 Million Dollars in this very short time.


Support for Harris is coming from everywhere inside and even outside the Democratic Party.  

Although most Democrats love Biden for what he has done for our Party and our Country he is loved even more these days for showing the Courage and Concern for our Country and our Democracy to step aside and make way for a member of a Younger Generation of Leaders.  

There surely is something happening today that wasn't happening a short time ago.  Democrats, Independents and even some Republicans are Fired Up and Ready to go to Support Vice President Kamala Harris for President.  

Donald Trump and the Republicans are already thrown off their game by Biden passing the torch to Kamala Harris.  Clearly Trump thought that he was going to have an easy time by brutally bashing Biden all the way to November.  

So now Trump is flailing in his bid for the White House.  He is calling Kamala Harris "Dumb" and "Low IQ"

This ridiculous claim is certainly going to come back to haunt him.  

Kamala Harris is one of the smartest and most accomplished women in the United States.  Anyone who has observed her, as I have, as she participated in Senate Judiciary Hearings knows that she is not Playing.  Donald Trump is already dodging the prospect of Debating her because not only has she been a Killer Prosecutor, Attorney General of California and Senator from California but she has been the Biden Administration Point Person with regard to much of the Biden Administration's most difficult problems and most successful progress.  And every Democrat including Joe Biden knows what an awesome Debater Kamala is.  

Suffice it to say that Donald Trump calling her "Dumb" was about the dumbest thing that he could have done.

Although Trump likes to brag about how smart he is, one of his University of Pennsylvania Wharton School Professors labeled him "The Dumbest Goddam Student I ever taught".  

Trump's longtime Hatchet Man who turned into a Trump Critic as a result of a couple of years in the slammer thanks to Donald Trump, Michael Cohen testified to a Congressional Committee that one of his jobs when he worked for Trump was to call the schools that Trump had attended and threaten them that they would be sued by Trump if they released any information on his grades to anyone seeking that information.  Cohen was also required by Trump to contact The College Board and also threaten them with being sued by Trump if they released Trump's SAT information. 

Certainly it is too early to be overconfident.  But we Democrats have a reason to be energized at this point in time and we are.  I have heard several commentators talk about the fact that right now it feels like it did after Obama took off like a Rocket in the 2008 Campaign and was unstoppable.  But in the year 2008 Barack Obama was running against John McCain, someone on the Republican Side who was opposed to many of Obama's ideas but who was not a threat to Democracy.  

At this time in the history of America we Democrats are not just running against  a run of the mill Republican.  Kamala Harris is running against a Man who admires Hitler and other World Dictators of the Past and Present.  There is no doubt in my mind that if Kamala Harris does not win that we will lose our Democracy.

Although Donald Trump certainly lies a lot I think he is telling us the truth when he tells us that after he wins this election that he will arrange it so  we will not need to vote again in four years or ever again.

Personally, I'm OK with voting every Four years for President, Every Six years for Senator and Every 2 years for Congress People.  

I'm OK with voting, Period.  

And in this Exceptionally Important Election I'm More than Okay with voting for Kamala Harris, one of the most qualified individuals that has ever run for office.  

After observing the recent Political Earthquake roaring through America I am trying not to be over confident but I am at least somewhat confident that right now in America We have a decent chance to save our Democracy from The man who would be Dictator on Day One, and every day thereafter.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Thank You Joe Biden For Your Remarkable Career And Your Long Lasting Dedication To Democracy

 Thursday, July 25th, 2024

My Dear America:

I'm not going to lie.  I am both Disappointed and Encouraged today.  

I am disappointed because I was Willing and Anxious to back Joe Biden all the way to Election Day 2024. I am certain that without the Widespread Democratic Hand Wringing and Panic over the past few weeks since the debate that Joe Biden could have done what he has done all his life, which was to Get Up and Fight Every time he was knocked down.  I was and still am in his corner as he continues his work in what might very well be the Most Successful Presidency of all time.  

I am not going to spend a lot of time going over the many successes of the Biden-Harris Administration.  Others will surely be doing that over the coming weeks and months.  Suffice it too say that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have done a Remarkable Job in stacking up wins for the American People.

As I say, I am also Encouraged today because as Joe Biden has chosen not to run for another Term as President he has chosen to back his Vice President, Kamala Harris for President.  

Kamala Harris was from the first, a wise choice for Joe Biden to select as his Vice President.  I clearly remember in one of the early Democratic Presidential Primary Debates for the 2020 election Kamala Harris and Joe Biden got into it and Kamala Harris solidly verbally kicked Joe Biden's Ass. I was quite frankly impressed by her Debating skills as well as her other Political Skills including her blistering questions for Judicial Nominees including Supreme Court Judges in Congressional Committee Hearings.  

Certainly Kamala has taken on some of the more difficult assignments in her role as Vice President.  She has never been a shrinking violet and clearly never will be.  I can't wait to see her kicking Donald Trump's ass all over the debate stage.  She has also been the point person in reacting to many of the reactionary goings on in the Republican Party and has been a terrific spokesperson for the Biden Administration on any number of Television shows.  

In point of fact Kamala Harris will be an Outstanding Nominee for President in the Democratic Party in the coming weeks and months as she has done an Outstanding Job as Joe Biden's Vice President.   

I know I will be writing a lot more about Kamala Harris in the weeks and months ahead but for today lets get back to talking about Joe Biden and his Incredible Legacy.

Back in 2020 I read Joe Biden's Autobiography, "Promises To Keep" prior to voting for him in November of that year.  I had already gotten on board the Biden Train prior to reading the book but I was doubly impressed by how well written the book was and how honest and interesting the Joe Biden story really was.  Some of his best friends in the Senate were Republicans including John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell.  Joe spoke at John McCain's Funeral for a man who truly was a friend.  On the other hand Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell seem to have been the kinds of friends you have when you don't need enemies.

Even when Joe Biden was a young buck in the Senate it was clear that he had a great deal of leadership potential.  He was Re Elected as Senator of his state of Delaware time after time. Despite the personal tragedy of losing his wife and daughter in a car accident, which also kept his two sons in the hospital for a lengthy period of time Joe Biden continued to be an effective Senator for many years.  Biden flirted with running for President a few times but it didn't work out for him until he got to know Senator Barack Obama, who tapped him for his Vice President.  Following the Obama years Biden gave up politics to spend time with his family.  His son, Hunter had some serious drug issues and his son Beau, who had been Attorney General of Delaware passed away from Brain Cancer.  

When Biden observed Donald Trump giving aid and comfort to Nazi sympathizers in Charlottesville he decided to run for President in 2020 and won.  After a contentious battle with Donald Trump, Biden has been a remarkable President whose accomplishments have been staggering, especially considering the fact that most Republicans have stood in the way of almost all of his accomplishments.  Those few Republicans who signed onto a few of Biden's legislative achievements have been driven out of their party, as have those few Republicans who had the audacity to call out Donald Trump for his encouragement of the January 6th Siege of the Capitol Building in order to stop the Certification of Joe Biden's Clear Election Victory in November of 2020.  

Joe Biden led us out of Covid and has led to a resurgence of NATO and an obvious appreciation of American Leadership by Allies throughout the world.  

Clearly Joe Biden's accomplishments alone should have led to an easy election victory over Donald Trump in 2024 but despite his record of incredible achievements over the three and a half years he was in office His poll numbers did not reflect his accomplishments and a poor debate performance in a recent debate with Donald Trump led to panic in the Democratic party and today to Joe Biden's decision not to run for another term.  

So here we are.  Biden is not running again and Kamala Harris is running for President.  If we are lucky, Democratic Hand Wringers will thank their lucky stars that we have a Democratic Candidate as accomplished as Kamala Harris to take Biden's place.  Democrats, Regardless of where you stood before today, you should take stock of where we are and who we are up against and get the hell behind the candidacy of Kamala Harris. 

To my mind, with a little bit of time on the Campaign Trail I am sure that Joe Biden could have pulled out a victory in November of 2024.  but we will never know now whether or not Joe Could have pulled it off.  

Now, we Democrats need to do all we can to bolster the Campaign of Kamala Harris and keep Democracy alive and well in America and keep Donald Trump and JD Vance as far away from the White House as we possibly can.

Donald Trump showed at his 90 minute rambling and sometimes insane acceptance speech at the Republican Convention that he is truly unfit to be President.  

Trump's Choice of JD Vance for Vice President is truly alarming.  Just a few years ago Vance called Trump an "American Hitler" but is now showing that he has no trace of a soul or spine or moral compass and is presenting himself to be even more extreme than his running mate.

We Democrats need to keep these Weirdos in their Cages where they belong and do everything we can to keep American Politics Nazi Free

We Americans need to realize how lucky we were in 2000 to have Joe Biden running for President of the United States. He saved us from becoming a Dictatorship, along with Vice President Pence and the Democrats in the United States Congress.  Without Pence and the Congressional Democrats we very well could have lost our Democracy on January 6th, but we didn't lose it.  We saved it and Joe Biden and Kamala Harris kept it running for another three and a half years.  

As we travel toward November and Election Day we know that if Democrats win we will save Democracy.

If Donald Trump wins we will see him doing everything he can to cement his participation in the World Dictators Club.  Americans need to wake up and smell the Treason before we blindly throw our Democracy into the Trash Heap of History.

Lastly, Let us not forget what Joe Biden and the Democrats have done for America and lets not let what we have protected for two and half centuries slip away.  We've got one more opportunity to save Democracy in America.  Lets get every Freedom Loving American to vote either by mail or by showing up at the polls in record numbers.  

Kamala Harris will need our vote in November.  

Lets give Kamala and other Democrats our votes in record numbers so that Freedom will continue to ring throughout The United States Of America. 

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Welcome To The Fourth Anniversary Of "Podcast For A Lost Nation" In What May Be (God Forbid) The Final Days Of American Democracy

 July 18th, 2024

My Dear America:

I believe it was January of 2008 when I began writing my Blog which I called "Letters To A Lost Nation".  It was an exciting time for me to write about some of the incredible things that were happening in and around the 2008 Election.  I loved writing about all of the Interesting Characters that were running for President of the United States in 2008.  It was Fun.

In 2020 I was still writing my Blog when I started listening to Michael Moore's "Rumble" Podcast.  Mr. Moore was a genuine Hero of mine as a result of some of the Powerful Films he had produced.  Back in 2020 when I started listening to the "Rumble" Podcast Michael Moore was sponsored by Spotify. In addition to being the talking head featured in the Podcasts Michael Moore also did commercials for Spotify in which he talked about how easy it was for anyone interested to start their own Podcast.  Although I was skeptical about how easy it would be to start a Podcast I figured I had nothing to lose.  Michael Moore said it was free and easy to start a Podcast.  He was right.  

I found out that Michael Moore was telling the truth, It was free and easy to start a Podcast on Spotify.  I had a good Shure SM58 Microphone setup and spent a little over a hundred dollars for a Scarlett Interface and I was ready to go.  I record my Podcast on Audacity, which is a Free Recording Program available to anyone who wishes to download it.  When I record my Podcast I, first of all write my Blog and publish it online.  When it is Published Online through Blogspot I use my I Pad to read my Blogspot script.  Although there are possibilities to make money from a Podcast on Spotify I chose not to do so because I did not want to be accused of profiting from my mostly political Podcast.

I have spent a good deal of time since retiring from my job as a Family Therapist in writing my Blog and Podcast.  Although much of what I have written was fun for me early on, these days as we approach the prospect of Election day in 2024 I am not having much fun.  Although in the past I worried sometimes about the outcomes of Elections, at times, Except for the 2020 Election I never really worried about the prospect of losing Democracy in America.

In July of 2020 I had just had a Heart Attack the previous January and although my health seemed to be improving I was extremely worried about Covid, which seemed to be out of control and killing people all over the world at an alarming rate.  After three and a half years of Donald Trump's lies and outrageous conduct I was extremely worried about the prospect of Trump being reelected when I began my Blog.

During the 2020 Election I was very impressed that Joe Biden was able to emerge as the Democratic Candidate who was able to rally the support of most of his 2020 Democratic Candidate Colleagues and in the end emerge as the victor in the November Election in 2020.  He and Kamala Harris have not disappointed those 2020 voters who cast their ballots for the Biden-Harris team.  Their accomplishments have been staggering but it seems as if most of their great work has earned great praise from Democrats but not a lot of voter enthusiasm for Biden and Harris, at least so far.  Hopefully voters will begin to recognize the good work that Biden and Harris have done and will respond appropriately at the Ballot Box in November of 2024.  

In July of 2024 I am more worried than ever that the dark days of Donald Trump in the White House could happen again.  

Quite frankly It seems to me as though we are all living in a Nightmare.  Every day seems a bit darker than the last.

Although Joe Biden has done an outstanding job as President of the United States he seems to be given no credit at all for what he has accomplished with almost no help at all from Republicans.

The Republican Party that used to be has completely gone off the rails so far that they seem to be all in on Putin because that's what Donald Trump wants.  Most Republicans are OK with Putin turning Ukraine into a wasteland.

Although I am continuing my Blog and My Podcast for Now past my Podcast's July 2024 Fourth Anniversary I am not sure that I want to be as out front politically as I have been in the past.  I am not interested in spending the rest of my life in an American Gulag.

Most of my friends and relatives have tended to see me as an optimistic person and I believe that throughout my life that is generally how I have approached things.  

But I'll be honest.  I haven't given up on the prospect of Joe Biden or on the Democratic Party Pulling us out of this Nose Dive that we are in.  We still have the election in front of us and to my mind we Democrats have an Outstanding Candidate in Joe Biden who has proved himself to be honorable and competent even though he is not as great a debater as he used to be.  

I am hoping that Joe Biden wins again and that Democracy and that "Podcast For a Lost Nation" will continue.

Time will certainly tell how everything works out.  

As my Loving Irish Mother used to say:

"God Bless Us And Save Us"

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher

Thursday, July 11, 2024

An Important Democratic Party Presidential Race History Lesson - With Fair Weather Friends Like These You Don't Need Enemies

July 11th, 2024

My Dear America: 

What I would hope that Joe Biden's Fair Weather Friends like George Clooney and Rob Reiner and others would be thinking right about right now is Shutting the Hell Up and letting Biden get on with what they are making an incredibly impossible job of running for President once again in 2024.

Why can't these Crybaby Millionaires who were staunch Biden Supporters just a few weeks ago recognize the damage they are causing in a Do or Die election that the Democrats can't afford to lose.

Every time that some Democrat calls for Biden to step away from his running for the Presidency is to my mind one more step toward improving Donald Trump's election  prospects.

Maybe Joe Biden is not that great of a Debater anymore.  

So What.

He is still a Hell of a Great President who is doing a good job and proving himself worthy of the Presidency every day of his life.

I know that not everyone lives as long as I have and can remember the disasters that were some Long Gone Democratic Convention War Zones.  What was always true in Democratic Politics was that Chaotic Fight Filled Conventions never worked out well for those Democratic Candidates that had to fight for the Presidency afterward.

In 1968 at the Truly Epic Battleground Democratic Convention in which Hubert Humphrey, Lyndon Johnson's Vice President was unfairly portrayed as a warmonger he lost the 1968 Election to Richard Nixon.  

We all know how that turned out.  For those of you who don't remember lets just say that the Nixon Administration didn't turn out well.

In 1972 Nixon ran against George McGovern after a chaotic Democratic Convention.  McGovern lost.

In 1980 Ted Kennedy challenged Jimmy Carter for the Democratic Nomination for President.  Following that convention Carter Lost to Ronald Reagan.  

On the other hand when Democrats report to their Conventions United as was the case in 2020 they have a long record of success.

As some Democrats are falling off the Bandwagon in this Election Season they are plain and simply making life easier for the Republican Party who are not only Okay with their parties Nominee being Old but also seem to be Okay with him being a Pathological Liar, Rapist and Convicted Criminal who threatens to pardon those insurrectionists who attacked our Capitol Building and beat our Police Officers on January Sixth, 2021. 

I will say this about the Republicans.  They will certainly stick with their guy no matter what.

Why can't we Democrats do the same.  Why can't we stick with our old guy who doesn't debate so well these days but has assembled a great team to work with him in governing the United States and improving the lives of all Americans.

We can talk a good game about Biden stepping down but who else would take his place on the 2024 Campaign trail.  Kamala Harris, Gretchen Whitmer, Gavin Newsom are all still ridin on the Biden train.

The truth is that Joe Biden even with his faults is our best bet as a Presidential Candidate.  He has beaten Trump before and if Americans will give him a chance  I think he will do it again.

Yes, I understand that we are living in dangerous times which will become far more dangerous if Donald Trump is elected President again.

But I have faith in the fact that when push comes to shove Americans when faced with a choice of Either Donald Trump or Joe Biden on Election Day that Americans are not interested in living in a Dictatorship with a Lame Brain like Donald Trump as their Fuhrer.

I think that despite what polling now seems to suggest as Americans have a chance to look hard at these two candidates and what they they stand for, they will know who the best choice is and will not only support Joe Biden but will also support Democrats up and down the Democratic ticket.  

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher

Friday, July 5, 2024

Why I'm Still Ridin On The Biden Train To The End Of The Line

Friday June 5th, 2024

My Dear America:

For God's sake and for the sake of Democracy in America can we Democrats please get it together.  

Yes, we all know that Joe Biden had an off night on the Debate stage with Donald Trump at least appearing to be on his game.  

But Jesus Christ, People can we please recognize that every word out of Slimey, Slick Donald's mouth on that debate stage was a lie.

Maybe Joe was a bit sleepy on the debate stage but at least he was telling the truth when he answered a question unlike the person he was debating.

Something happened this week that really pissed me off.  

Actually a few things pissed me off but lets take them one at a time.

First of all let me say that up until this week I had always really admired and respected both Jake Tapper and Dana Bash.  I usually watch their show "State of the Union" on Sundays although I don't usually watch them during the week.  

One day this week, I think it was Monday, I started watching Jake Tapper's late afternoon show and was really disturbed by the fact that all of his guests were bashing Joe Biden's debate performance and were mostly people who were obviously bashing Biden long before the debate performance.  I sat through James Carville and Ezra Klein and then switched over to Nicole Wallace on MSNBC where a Journalist from the Boston Globe talked eloquently and passionately about why Democrats needed to (in my words, not hers) get their heads out of their asses and realize that if they want to save Democracy they had better get on board the Biden Train and stop finding reasons to criticize Biden and give a pass to Slimy Stinky Lyin Donald.

To make matters worse Nicole Wallace had on Matt Dowd and Charlie Sykes who also suddenly seemed to be advocating that Biden be replaced.  

In addition to these people going after Biden, to make matters far more worse we had the Less than Supreme Court hand out a ruling that potentially kills any prospect for Donald Trump to be prosecuted for crimes he has committed and seems to give him Carte Blanche for him to commit any future crime he wants to if he is elected again.

What in Holy Hell is wrong with the Supreme Court?  Are they out of their minds?

To say the least, things are not going well for Democrats these days.

First of all, who the hell is Jake Tapper to take it upon himself to organize a Biden bashing.  Tapper was the debate Moderator and heard every lie that Donald Trump told and pushed back on none of Trump's lies.  

Second of all, I have noticed that at least some of the recent Biden bashers like Charlie Sykes, Matt Dowd and Bill Crystol were in their lives before Trump changed them, True Believers in the Republican Party.  Although I certainly do not doubt that their present opinions are sincere I think that in their Republican Past lives they were probably never really big Joe Biden fans to begin with.

Regardless, We are where we are.  We just celebrated Independence Day on July 4th and we can only hope that we can Re Elect Joe Biden so that we can continue to have true Independence along with Independence Day.  

In my opinion it is time to put away and get past the fact that Joe Biden stumbled during the debate.  He did.  Its over now.  Lets get what we need to say and do and get it out of our system.  It is now time to ask ourselves can we live with a man who has done everything right for most of his Presidential Term but had a poor debate performance.  The truth is that in almost every way things in America have been much better during the Biden years than they were during the Trump Years.

Can we please remember that Trump refused to admit that we had a Pandemic Problem until people were dying at an alarming rate.  And can we also remember how many Trump Fans died because the Fearless Leader told them that they didn't have to wear masks and take other precautions because Covid was going to disappear when the weather changed.

Can we also remember that Trump was impeached for trying to assist Putin by trying to screw over Zelensky by keeping arms that had been Congressionally authorized from Ukraine while he was also strong arming Zelensky to find dirt on Hunter and Joe Biden.

The truth is that I can't think of one thing that Trump ever did for anyone other than himself or his Rich Buddies.  He was a horrible President who sent his goons to Ransack Congress because he couldn't stand to be called a LOSER even though that's exactly what he was and still is.  He is still lying about that.

Although he may not ever go to jail for it he was convicted of 34 felonies in a New York Courtroom not by the United States Justice Department but by a jury of his peers.  He also lost in court to E Jean Carroll who was one of the many women who claimed to have been sexually assaulted by Donald Trump.  He and his buddy Jeffrey Epstein liked young girls.  We all heard the ACCESS HOLLYWOOD tape admission.  

Trump is still lying about a lot of things.  We heard a shit ton of lies when he was on the debate stage and unfortunately Jake Tapper and Dana Bash allowed him to do it.  

And yet through all of this we are worried because Joe Biden who had one of the most successful Presidencies in history was not at the top of his game on the debate stage.

Well I will gladly take Joe Biden at the bottom of his game over Donald Trump at the top of his game any day.   As we inch closer and closer to what could be a Day of Doom in November of this year if Trump is elected it is certainly time for Democrats to wake up to reality, take a chill pill and Get on board the Biden Train.  

And although I know that there are many Republicans who are so corrupted at this point that they have no other choice but to vote for King Donald I have a strong feeling that there are also many Republicans out there who are not comfortable voting for a "Dictator on Day One" and every day thereafter. who would be unleashed and uncontrolled by his thoroughly corrupted MAGA dominated Supreme Court.

I strongly urge all Americans to search their Consciences and vote accordingly in November of 2024.  We are truly at a Crossroads where it is time to put away your minor concerns about Biden and consider very intently your deep concerns about Donald Trump.  

One more last thought for Democrats.

When you are assessing what to do on Election day please consider that the reason Donald Trump does not have the backing of the person who was his Vice President for Four Years is because he attempted to have Mike Pence Assassinated because Mike Pence chose to honor the Constitution rather than Trump's illegal and immoral plan to steal an election that he clearly and legitimately LOST.

On the other hand Joe Biden has a Vice President in Kamala Harris who is a strong supporter of Biden's Presidency and is an extremely capable as well as loyal partner in that Presidency.

Choose Carefully Americans.  

Democracy is Genuinely On the Line in this year's Election.

Please Don't make a Mistake that will come back to Haunt us all.

Sincerely Yours 

Jerry Gallagher