June 7th, 2024
My Dear America:
With everything else going on these days I almost forgot about the Celebration of D Day which took place this past week in France near the spot where Allied Troops including Britain, Canada and The United States invaded France on the Normandy Coast on their way to victory against Nazi Germany during World War II. Included along with the Dignitaries at yesterdays celebration were some of the last surviving members of the American Armed Forces that pushed through the German guns and troops on their way to victory for Freedom and Democracy not only in America but throughout the world. Those brave men who stormed the beaches in Normandy saved the world from the destructive force that was Adolph Hitler's Germany at the time of World War II. Those old men who showed up to celebrate D Day this time around are a dwindling few who may not see too many more D Day Celebrations.
Some of the unsung and unknown young heroes of the assault on Normandy Beaches included some individuals who would become famous in their later years after the war. Some of those individuals include Civil Rights Leader Medgar Evers, Catcher in the Rye Author J.D. Salinger, Baseball Great Yogi Berra and Actors James Doohan (Scottie on the Original Star Trek Television Show) and Actor Charles Durning ( A Character actor in many outstanding movies)
Among the global dignitaries at this year's D Day Event were American President, Joe Biden, French President Macron and Ukraine's President Zelensky. Although I haven't heard Joe Biden's speech yet, every commentary on it that i have seen on the speech has had very positive things to say about it. Biden apparently referenced in his speech Ronald Reagan's speech of 20 years previous in which Reagan advised the world not to forget about the sacrifices that were made by so many brave individuals back in the days of World War II. Although I never cared that much for Reagan, I do think that he was certainly a True Patriot who sincerely loved his Country and cared about the world. Biden and Reagan's D Day Speeches were certainly in stark contrast with Donald Trump's assessment of D Day Veterans as "Suckers and Losers".
Certainly Joe Biden is a man who is also a True Patriot who cares about his country. He also cares about the rest of the world as evidenced by his continuing Friendship and Support for President Zelensky and Ukraine. Clearly if President Reagan were alive and well and could see the Quisling Republicans in Congress who are ready, willing and unfortunately able to sell out not only America but Ukraine , as well, he would no doubt reel in disgust.
Over Four thousand Allied Troops died upon the Normandy Beaches during D Day. Over two and a Half Thousand troops were Americans. Many of them continue to lie there in French Graveyards just off the Beaches where their lives were snuffed out by the forces of Nazi Aggression.
After what the world has been through in its struggles to keep the forces of evil away from the shores of America it is hard to accept the fact that in 2024 those forces of evil are still alive and have seriously infected the body politic and heart of one of America's major political parties.
How can this be we ask ourselves.
Where did we go wrong?
We fought for Freedom elsewhere in the world. We are still fighting for Freedom elsewhere in the world.
But we took our eye off the ball in America. As the Right Wing Voices spewed out the hate that created profits for the likes of Rupert Murdoch and Fox News we were not paying enough attention to how many Americans were falling off the rails and believing the Bullshit that people like Donald Trump and Steve Bannon were selling.
We took our eyes off the ball and allowed the Democratic Party to be denigrated in the name of Patriotism and allowed Republican voices to spew lies about Democrats.
Although the Democratic Party has long been the party of the common man, the working man and woman and The Republican Party has been the party of the rich and well connected, Bit by Bit and Lie by Lie, the Republicans have convinced many Decent Americans that they are the party that cares for them.
Wake up people. While we see the results of Donald Trump and the Republican Party's lies and deceit on America we have one last chance to get it right.
On Election day we will have two choices for President.
Donald Trump has promised Dictatorship and Retribution. In Trump's view World War II was loaded with "Suckers and Losers". If Trump is Re Elected it is doubtful that D Day will even be celebrated by the "Bone Spur President."
Joe Biden has promised more of the same results that he has produced over the past few years. More Jobs, more infrastructure, More Healthcare, More Freedom, Less College Debt, Decent and Fair Judges even on the Supreme Court.
I certainly know which of these two Candidates sounds better to me.
Even if Donald Trump was a decent man (Which he is not) I would still not want to live in a Dictatorship.
Who in God's name would want that?
The Republican Party. That's who.
Sincerely Yours
Jerry Gallagher
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