Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Unhappy New Year 2023 - Welcome To The Republican Clown Show In The House - A Preview of Coming Distractions - The Lunatics Have Clearly Taken Over The Asylum

 January 4th, 2023

My Dear America:

On January 4th of 2023 we are getting a clear view of what Republican Failure looks like just this side of the New Year.  

Clearly the Lunatics have taken over the Asylum in plain view of not only all of America but in plain view of the whole world.

About 20 of the most Radical Republican Trumpaholics in the United States House of Representatives have decided that although spineless California Congressman, Kevin Mccarthy has given in to every single one of their outrageous demands so that he could be chosen Speaker of the House by his party, it was not enough to satisfy the Trumpaholics.  

There is a Question that I think should be asked of every Republican in Congress today and every day.

"Aren't You Embarrassed"?

"Are you people even capable of being Embarrassed"?

It certainly doesn't look like it.

Yesterday and Today should have been easy days for Republicans, who by the slightest of margins captured the house of Representatives in the November Election in 2022.

Kevin McCarthy and Donald Trump and the rest of the Republican Clowns in Congress before the 2022 Election arrogantly and predicted that they and their Election Denying Arrogant Fool Candidates were going to crush the Democrats.

Big Mouthed QAnon Candidates like Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Paul Gosar and Matt Gaetz went everywhere including to White Nationalist Conventions predicting the rise of a Republican Election RED WAVE that would soon destroy not only the Democratic Party but would also destroy Democracy Itself.  The Traitors like Steve Bannon and Former General Michael Flynn and other Republican Crackpots were out in force on Fox News, Newsmax and OAN Giddily predicting the end of Democracy as we know it.

Many Americans were panicked that the end of Democracy was near at hand.  I was one of those panicked Americans who felt as though Democracy was on life support in November of 22 and quite possibly near the end of its life.  

But something Spectacular happened on Election Day in November of 22.  Those decent Americans who were tired of the Crazy Republican Bullshit came out in force to vote and the Republican Red Wave virtually disappeared.  Democrats were successful everywhere except for the United States House of Representatives.  In the House of Representatives the usual pattern of the Party out of the White House winning a shitload of seats and taking full charge over the House didn't happen to the extent that Republicans counted on it happening. Although in November of 22 Democrats for the most part did well all over the country they lost the House of Representatives by the slightest of margins and that failure for Republicans to win the House by a wide margin is showing itself to be a serious problem for Kevin McCarthy and the Republicans in the United States House of Representatives.

The Kevin McCarthy Shit Show is playing out in real time on Television and is displaying the tremendous Dysfunction that appears to be on display for all Americans to see.  During and after each vote taken to determine who the Speaker of The House will be, Kevin McCarthy stands around with his cronies appearing to laugh hysterically like something funny is going on.  

Well clearly something funny is going on but it is not something funny that Kevin McCarthy should be laughing about.  As of my last count I believe 5 votes have been taken and the 20 or so Republicans who are opposing McCarthy are not budging from their opposition to McCarthy's being selected as House Speaker.

The Anti McCarthy Republicans certainly seem to be set in their ways and after 5 or so vote counts and two wasted days of House dysfunction it seems clear to me that this unprecedented situation is probably not going to end soon or well for Kevin McCarthy.  Either he is going to lose the Speakership or if he does by some miracle obtain it and keep it, he is going to be so weakened within his slim Republican majority that it will be almost impossible for him to do anything other than stymie Democrats.  

Well, the truth is that this was his primary goal, after all.  Screw the Democrats.  How dare they pass all this expensive and progressive legislation in the Previous Congress that helped people and made the Democrats look good.  To tell the truth  Screwing The Democrats and blaming them for everything that goes wrong in the world seems to be the only main political desire of the Present Day Republican Party.

To make matters worse for Kevin McCarthy, during every vote for the Speakership that has been taken the total number of votes cast has shown that Democrat, Hakeem Jeffries of New York has been the top vote getter always topping Kevin McCarthy's vote total.

Jeffries is clearly the Democrat's choice for the leader of their party in the House of Representatives. The Democratic Representatives are united in their support of Hakeem Jeffries.

Unfortunately Jeffries would have to have obtained 218 votes to become speaker and he has only risen to 212 which is more than McCarthy's 201 or 202.

Certainly Democrats must be looking at this dreadful situation and finding an extraordinary contrast to the smooth sailing strong leadership, control and competency exercised by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi for so many years that she did such an outstanding job as Democratic Speaker of the House.  Kevin McCarthy as Republican House Leader during Pelosi's Speakership made her life as miserable as he could during Nancy's successful run as Speaker although she never seemed to let McCarthy's obstructive behavior knock her off her stride.

I can only wonder if Nancy Pelosi will be able to resist smiling as she watches Kevin McCarthy proudly walk around the House floor Laughing Hysterically and inappropriately as he is publicly humiliated time after time on vote after Speakership Vote.

How long will this public Humiliation of Kevin McCarthy go on only time will tell.

In the meantime The Democrats will continue to show in the White House and the Senate what it is like to actually succeed in accomplishing goals by working together.  

Republicans could probably learn a lot by observing Democratic Progress but I would be surprised if they bother to do so.  They seem hell bent on Power Tripping and stupid investigations like that of Hunter Biden's Lap Top.  

As my mother used to say in times of difficult situations:

"God Bless Us And Save Us"

I think that is an appropriate statement for today, Yesterday and especially tomorrow.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher


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