Saturday, October 15, 2022

The Final Days Of The January Sixth Committee Hearings And Possibly The Final Days Of American Democracy

 Saturday October 15th, 2022

My Dear America:

Thursday was billed as The Last Hearing of The January 6th Committee but at the end of the Very Comprehensive and Disturbing Hearing the Committee voted to Subpoena Donald Trump to testify to the Committee.  Of Course Donald Trump is making statements which indicate that he is dying to testify to the Committee but we have been down this road many times before and it is doubtful, at best, that he will ever show his face before the House Committee.  

There is something sad about the end of the January Sixth Committee Hearings.  The Hearings were Substantial and Riveting to those of us who watched them.  Unfortunately the people who needed to watch these Hearings avoided them like the plague. The Hearings were clearly highly organized and there was very little in the way of showboating by the members of the Committee.  Everyone on the Committee got their chance to present different portions of the Television Presentation and they all did a good job in my opinion.

I thought Bennie Thompson did an excellent job of helming the Committee and was skillful in allowing Moderate and Truthful Republican members of the Committee, Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger to shine brightly at the Hearings.  Unfortunately for Cheney and Kinzinger, though, their sterling performances on this historical House of Representatives Committee would mark the end of their careers in The House of Representatives.  Kinzinger voluntarily gave up his House seat in anticipation of the backlash he was going to be receiving from his state Republican Leaders. Although Liz Cheney had been one of the most significant vote getters that Wyoming had  seen for years, the Wyoming Republican Party (Still Obviously Trumpified) tried their best to drive Liz out of the party.  She refused to leave on her own and ran again for her House seat but she lost in a humiliating landslide defeat to a former Cheney Ally and Donald Trump Critic who had changed sides and accepted a Trump Endorsement in the Republican Primary Election for Cheney's House Seat.   

As usual, Thursday's Scheduled January Sixth Hearing was Incredibly Significant and Powerful.  It was different from previous Committee Hearings in that it featured no individuals outside of the Committee Members testifying to what they had learned about what had happened on, before and after January Sixth, 2021. They also featured some truly stunning videos of House and Senate Leaders, especially Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, shot by Nancy's Filmmaker Daughter, Alexandra, who happened to be filming at the Capitol on January Sixth of 2021.  Both Pelosi and Schumer appeared to be very angry about the invasion of the Capitol but still very much in control of themselves and unafraid as they tried their best to seek help in controlling the dangerous insurrection from the Mayor of D.C., the Governors of Maryland and Virginia, as well as the Justice Department and the Defense Department because they were getting no help at all from President Trump who was reportedly enjoying the Televised Shit Show on Fox News all afternoon. Trump resisted pleas, however, from Fox News Personalities, as well as everyone in the White House to help put an end to the violence that he had instigated and was enjoying watching.  

It was not until after 4:00 in the afternoon that Trump finally consented to make a video asking the Lynch Mob to leave the Capitol and go home. Despite the fact that Trump's Goon Squad had broken windows, trashed almost every office in the Capitol, as well as shit on the floor of the building Trump's plea for them to leave seemed effective and the Trump Mob began to leave the Capitol and allow the Capitol to be cleared of invaders.  In his plea for the rioters to leave the Capitol, however, Trump couldn't resist telling the insurrectionists how much he loved them and how "Special" they were and, of course, repeating his lie that the Election had been stolen from him.

Things did get back to normal enough by 8:00 PM so that Pence, Pelosi and Schumer, along with the House and Senate were able to complete the Certification of Joe Biden's Election to the Presidency and prepare the way for Biden's Inauguration on the 20th of January.

My wife and I looked forward to watching the Certification of the 2020 Election on January Sixth, 2021 on Television.  After five years of watching Donald Trump's Reckless, Dimwitted and Dangerous behavior every day for over four years while he was in the White House and putting up with his constant whining about having the election stolen from him since November of 2020 we were ready to sit down and enjoy what we anticipated would be some minor objections to the Certification by some Republicans but in the end would be a rather quick and easy Certification of the 2020 Election of Joe Biden to the Presidency.

It all began as expected.  The House and Senate got together and the proceedings began smoothly enough.

But shortly after the Certification had begun MSNBC began to show what was happening outside the Capitol.  Trump had finished his speech and told the crowd at the Ellipse to walk down to the Capitol.

"I'll be there with you," he told the crowd, apparently intending to accompany them but luckily for everyone involved, the Secret Service did not drive him down to the Capitol.

If they did most certainly what was already an out of control situation would have been turned into a bloodbath of epic proportions.

As my wife and I watched what happened in D.C. on MSNBC It was obviously a terrible situation.  We could se that it was bad but until the January Sixth Committee presented their testimony over 10 separate Televised Sessions featuring videotaped testimony of mainly Republicans we really had no idea how bad it really was.

January Sixth of 2020 was a Dark Stain on American History.  That's for sure.  But we now know thanks to the January Sixth Committee just how much worse it could have been.  Trump and his Acolytes such as the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers were seriously ready to kill people.  Certainly Mike Pence was a target and so were Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.  These Trump Supporters may have seemed like fools but they were fools with guns and ammunition and although some of them may be going to jail there were thousands of others gathered in D.C. on January Sixth who are still on the loose and are still Armed and Dangerous. Some of them are running for office in 2022, like Doug Mastroiano, who is running for Governor in Pennsylvania.

Thanks to the January Sixth Committee we also know that contrary to what we have been told previously, The FBI and The Secret Service were warned ahead of time about what was planned and due to individuals in both of those agencies sympathetic to Trump and his followers, nothing was done to prevent the Capitol Invasion and some members of those agencies were thought to be participants in the Capitol Riot on January Sixth.

I would certainly be overjoyed if politics had improved in our country since January Sixth of 2021.  I am not overjoyed, however.  I am instead deeply concerned about the fact that Election Denial has become almost a Republican Party Principle for not only MAGA Republicans but for Many Mainstream Republicans, as well.   

In fact, these days seem to me like some of the darkest days ever for the Democratic Party in America.  Republicans have completely lost their minds and some of them are even starting to back Fox News Host, Tucker Carlson, in his Unhinged and Treasonous backing of Russia against Ukraine.  Russia had no right to invade Ukraine.  Carlson knows that.  Everybody knows that.

All over the U.S. Election deniers are possibly set to win elections and set the stage for them to do in 2024 what they were not able to pull off in 2020, which is to throw the next Presidential Election to Donald Trump or one of his fellow Republican "Conservatives".  Jesus, what is Conservative about what these Republicans have done and continue to do. 

To be honest, our only hope at this point is for Democrats to rise up and vote for Democratic Candidates in such large numbers that those people seeking to destroy our Democracy are defeated not in a war with guns but in a war of votes.  

Lets hope that happens.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher

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