October 29th, 2022
My Dear America:
This week a Debate featuring Democrat John Fetterman and Republican, Mehmet Oz occurred in Pennsylvania. Both of these individuals were running for the United States Senate from Pennsylvania.
I did not watch the Debate on Television because I was driving during the time of the debate. I did get a chance later on to watch some snippets of the Debate on MSNBC. While I was driving I found a Scranton Public Broadcasting Station that was carrying the debate live and although the reception was problematic I did hear much of the debate on my car radio.
I have discussed my support for John Fetterman in Previous Blog Posts and Podcast Episodes. I have been aware of John Fetterman and his excellent reputation in Pennsylvania for a long time. He is a man who got involved in Politics in order to improve the town of Braddock, Pennsylvania after moving there to teach GED Classes for Americorps.
Republicans have been trying to disparage Fetterman's reputation by stating that he lived off his wealthy parents for a long time. That may be true because Fetterman has been doing good work in Pennsylvania for a long time but unlike Oz, Fetterman was not getting rich in the process. So if Fetterman's parents were well off enough to help him out while he was working to improve Pennsylvania Society, Good for them. The last time I looked, parents helping out their children was not against the law. Clearly Fetterman's parents were supportive and proud of their son's accomplishments, as well they should have been.
In what I could hear in the debate on the radio and what I saw later on TV was that Doctor Oz, who was certainly as a physician familiar enough with the fact that a man who had a stroke just a few months months before the debate should not be having a debate. But Oz was relentlessly aggressive in pushing the Democratic Candidate to join Oz on the debate stage. In addition, Oz was also relentlessly aggressive toward Fetterman on the debate stage.
So it was not unexpected to see Doctor Oz (Or Mr. OZ as he was addressed by one of the debate questioners) do well on the debate stage. Oz was a longtime fixture on daytime Television and certainly knows how to operate in front of a Television Camera.
Despite the obvious advantage that Oz had during the debate I still feel that Fetterman, despite his disadvantages in the debate format, did a good job in letting Oz have it when he got a chance to respond to the Oz onslaught.
Also what seemed obvious to me was the fact that time after time Oz did not answer the question that was asked by the debate moderators but skillfully turned the topic around to what he was more willing to discuss on the debate stage.
On the other hand when Fetterman was asked a question in the debate he did his best to give an honest answer to the question asked in all cases.
In other words John Fetterman showed himself to be honest and forthright and Doctor Oz turned out to be an Artful Dodger skilled in keeping his Extreme Political Opinions under wraps.
Oz screwed up once very badly, however, and in answer to a question about his views on Roe Versus Wade. Oz stated that he wanted decisions about what happens to a woman's body to be made by a Woman, her Doctor and "Local Political Leaders".
That accidental nugget of truth was turned into a Fetterman ad very quickly.
I have been a long time supporter of John Fetterman in Pennsylvania. I voted for him when he ran for Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania and won. I had already sent in my Mail In Ballot before the debate. I did not hear or see anything in that debate that would have changed my mind about voting for John Fetterman.
Although Fetterman's debate performance might have been problematic there is no doubt in my mind about who I think will make a better Senator for Pennsylvania.
John Fetterman supports codifying Roe Versus Wade into Law and Mehmet Oz is OK with a National ban on Abortion.
Although OZ might have changed his opinion recently he initially backed Donald Trump's false claims that his 2020 Election Victory was stolen from him. That was Bullshit, plain and simple. The only individuals actually trying to steal an election were Donald Trump and his MAGA Supporters.
The next Elected United States Senator from Pennsylvania might be the person who holds the key to who determines whether or not Democracy Continues in the United States.
I am thrilled to see that Joe Biden and Barack Obama are both strongly in John Fetterman's corner in this upcoming election. Both have issued statements and may be coming to Pennsylvania to support Fetterman for Senator and Josh Shapiro for Governor.
The race for the U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania is very close right now and it is extremely important that all Pennsylvania Democrats vote in this year's midterm election.
The choice in this race is very clear to me. Doctor Oz is an opportunist who snuck across the state line into Pennsylvania from New Jersey where he really lived before this race to take advantage of the fact that Republican Senator Pat Toomey was retiring from the Senate.
Full Disclosure is that I was a longtime fan of the Doctor Oz Television Program. His show topics certainly indicated to me that Doctor Oz was probably a Liberal Democrat.
I was incredibly surprised and extremely disappointed to find out that instead of being a liberal Democrat that Doctor Oz was in fact a MAGA Republican.
In my opinion, Oz was either an actual Liberal Democrat or was pretending to be one. In any case Oz has proved to be a complete phony like JD Vance and Kerri Lake, who changed their entire philosophy and personality in order to kiss Donald Trump's ass and gain the support of his MAGA Followers.
Anyone who genuinely cares about Democracy needs to recognize that the November Election in 2022 could spell the end of Democracy in America. Wherever you live in the United States you need to recognize that what is in store for all of us in 2023 if the Republicans take over either the House or Senate is the end of an incredible period of Democratic Progress.
If you are someone who has called yourself a Republican but loves Democracy please recognize that your Party has turned into an Authoritarian Qanon influenced American Taliban like Organization that is no longer anything like the Republican Party of the past.
Get out while you can and please bring your vote with you.
Wherever you are - VOTE DEMOCRAT - while you still have the opportunity to vote at all in America.
Sincerely Yours
Jerry Gallagher