Monday August 29th, 2022
Oh, Those were the days, My Friend
I can recall them so well. Those days suddenly seem so long ago but they really weren't that long ago, actually.
Back in those bygone days when a Presidential Election was over, after the ballots were counted, even in a sometimes extremely close election The Candidate with the most votes won the election and shortly after that the Candidate who lost the election went home and except for brief periods every once in awhile were hardly ever heard from again.
Yes, there were sometimes ugly campaigns and occasionally ugly candidates but come January and February after the Inauguration of the new President the old President. The one who had been beaten or was simply retiring as his own choice. He (It was always a "HE") hit the road or flew away almost never to be heard from again.
That Tradition of the old President getting out of town, or at least getting out of the spotlight had lasted for as long as the Republic, For as long as Democracy in America had lasted.
But apparently that longstanding Tradition of Peaceful Transition of Power in a Democracy is no longer in operation in the Republican Party. The well known norms of Politics that lasted as long as Democracy has lasted in America are no longer in operation.
Under Donald Trump's Leadership the MAGA Republicans seem to have decided that we don't need Democracy anymore. Apparently they think that it is an outdated principle that has kept Donald Trump from his rightful place which is at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
What the Hell is wrong with you Republicans?
For God's sake, you people have up to now always been the backbone of Democracy in America. You were often willing to go to war to protect your Democracy and you worried and acted forcefully when you witnessed our country beginning to go off the rails. Where the hell have you Truly Super Patriots Gone to.
In your place we now certainly have people calling themselves Republicans and Patriots but the flags they are waving are on Flagpoles they have turned into spears.
Jesus, all of you Congressional Republicans were running just as fast, Maybe even faster than Democrats, on January Sixth after Trump sent his Lynch Mob to Capitol Hill to "Hang Mike Pence" and to stop the certification of the 2020 Election.
It's not like you people are blind to what is going on with Trump. Maybe some of you like Paul Gosar and Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert really are dumb enough to actually believe their own and Trump's Bullshit. But educated people like Josh Hawley and Lindsey Graham, you people should know better and I'm sure that you do.
Back during the 2016 Election none of you who were running against Trump, except for Chris Christie, had a good word to say about Donald Trump. Now all of you Republican Senators and Congressmen and Women, with the exceptions of Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger and sometimes Mitt Romney, have anything but praise for the Disgraced Ex President.
You despicable bastards even sign on to Trump's Insane Claim that HE won the 2020 Election. You can't all be that stupid.
I find it hard to be reasonable with people who seem to be OK with turning the United States into a Fascist Country.
It is time that you Republicans who claim to be such Patriots recognize that what you are doing is following a Madman, a Charlatan, a man who seriously doesn't give a shit about you people other than how much money and praise he can squeeze from you.
Some of you are going to jail for what you did on January Sixth, while some like Doug Mastriano run for high office like Governor in places like Pennsylvania.
Jesus, this can't be happening. But it is.
Wake up Republicans and smell the Treason in the air. I don't really think that most of you following Trump really know the full extent of what is on the horizon for America if Trump is not stopped.
Are Republicans really OK with living in a Fascist Nation in which voting is a thing of the past.
I think the answer is "NO".
Before you start talking about starting a "Civil War" please think about what you are doing and what Donald Trump is doing.
And think about the fact that Trump has no proof whatever that he won the 2020 Election.
Instead of doing what candidates have done for centuries which was to congratulate your opponent for a difficult race and concede that you lost, Trump instead put into motion bullshit claims of fraud and committed real fraud by trying to get fake electors into the mix, He tried unsuccessfully to get Mike Pence to throw the election and when all else failed he instigated a coup at the Capitol which he wanted to lead but was not allowed to by members of the Secret Service.
Now we have found that on his way out for the White House he stole Top secret files and refused to give them back until the FBI retrieved those he had not given back.
Why did Donald Trump take these classified files in the first place and more importantly what did he do with them.
I ask myself the question would a desperate man on his way out of the Presidency take classified files to sell to the highest bidder.
He had those files for over a Year and a half. It would have been easy in that extensive length of time for someone with a cell phone to copy all of those files
What did Trump do with them?
Who did he allow to have access to them?
The answers to these questions is extremely frightening to me.
In my opinion Donald Trump is either a Lunatic or a Criminal, or is possibly both.
In any case Donald Trump should never again be allowed to be anywhere near classified United States Files ever again.
Whether or not he did or did not sell or give files to one or more of his Dictator Friends he should still never again be in a position in which he could possibly do such things.
Sincerely Yours
Jerry Gallagher