Sunday, May 9, 2021

God Save The Republican Truth Squad

 Sunday, May 9th 2021

My Dear America:

It is certainly a sad state of affairs that out of the Hundreds of Republicans in the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate that only Three individual Republicans are willing to stand up and tell the truth about the November 2020 Presidential Election.

Those Individuals are:

Utah Senator Mitt Romney

Wyoming Representative Liz Cheney


Illinois Representative Adam Kinsinger

This Three Member Republican Truth Squad is made up of people whose credentials are those of Genuine Conservative Republican Lawmakers who can obviously recognize Truth from Fiction and are having a difficult time recognizing what happened to the Republican Party that they grew up in.  That Party has changed in ways that Cheney, Romney and Kinsinger would never have dreamed possible

When there is so much progress going on in the White House and the Democratic Party these days I find it difficult to continue to talk and write about Donald Trump.  I thought by now that after four years of Trump Insanity capped off by the dangerous attempt to genuinely steal the 2020 Election by the January 6th Mob that Donald Trump would by now be a bad memory growing more distant every day. 

After all, he is still off Facebook and Twitter, Thank God.  But inexplicably he seems to continue to remain like a Reckless Ghost on the minds and in control of the emotions of Republicans in Congress and in the State Houses all over the Country.

It is not hard to figure out how and why Trump lives in the hearts of his Cult Members.  I try to tune in to Fox News at least a couple of times a week just to find out what Republicans are hearing on that Desperate and Deficient Television Network.  On Fox, as well as on Newsmax and on (OAN) One America News Networks it would be easy for anyone tuning in who didn't know the score to believe that Donald Trump was still the legitimate President who has been Royally screwed by the Democratic Party under the influence of Reckless Bands of Blacks and Jews.  On the Trump Cult News Networks Reality doesn't seem to exist.  Only Dangerous Democratic Enemies who have stolen their Golden President from his Legitimate Presidency seem to be worthy of discussion.  

The Trump Cult News Networks are becoming somewhat more reality based however as they are presently facing the prospect of some very significant financial losses from being sued by the Voting Machine companies that they unfairly disparaged during the 2020 Election.  Those Networks don't seem to be as inclined as they had been to put Madmen like Mike Lindell, the My Pillow Guy or The Russian Collaborator Guy, General Mike Flynn on their networks to spew their 2020 Conspiracy Theories.

As Republicans in Congress have become more Looney in the past few months Joe Biden has hit the ground running and has been doing what he can to get the country back on track.  He has tried to reach out to Mitch McConnell and other seemingly less radical Republicans but despite the fact that Biden and McConnell have been friends for a long time, McConnell seems to have gone fully over to the the Dark Side.  Just as McConnell had vowed at the beginning of the Obama Administration to make Obama a one term President, McConnell, who pissed Trump off by announcing in January 2021 that Biden had won the Presidential Election, now seems to realize that nearly everyone in the Republican Party is singing the old Eighties Hard Rock Anthem, "Mama, We're All Crazy Now."

I feel somewhat sorry for The Republican Truth Squad.  They are, after all, the most sane individuals in a legislature and a Party that has gone completely off the rails.  I do salute their bravery and spirit in standing up for the truth in a Party that is presently all in on telling "The Big Lie" That Donald Trump really won the 2020 Election, not Joe Biden.  

The sad truth for Republicans is that there is no basis for telling "The Big Lie."  Donald Trump will never admit that he lost the 2020 Election but the actual honest to God truth is that Donald Trump did lose the Presidency in 2020, whether he admits it or not.  

I feel bad for the thousands of Americans who did their Patriotic duty in 2020 and whether it was by mail in voting or marching to the polls they cast their ballot.  Yes, Trump voters are undoubtedly disappointed that their candidate lost but that does not give them the right to do away with the long voting history and tradition of America whereby when the voting is over the person with the most votes wins. That is called Democracy and a Democratic Tradition of voting has been with us since the days of George Washington and will be with us for as long as Democracy lives in the American Democratic system.

For the four years that Donald Trump was in office we were not living in a very Democratic system.  When Donald Trump was in office he did what he wanted, whether it was proper or legal didn't much matter to him.  He was a Power Mad Authoritarian and he is still a Dictator in Waiting and the Republican Party seems to be in Waiting with him.  

Nobody in the Republican Party other than the Republican Truth Squad seems to be willing to point out that The Emperor has no clothes, or that The Republican Party has no clues or class anymore about what is or is not Democracy.

The Republican Party also seem to have no principles anymore.  

Republicans voted for a man in 2020 who was OK with doing the bidding of Vladimir Putin, who was OK with Saudi Arabia killing and dismembering Jamal Khoshoghi, who was OK with separating Immigrant children from their parents and not maintaining information that could help them connect later on, who was OK with downplaying the worst Pandemic in my lifetime just so he could get himself re elected, who was OK with Rioters attacking the Capitol to look for and hang a Vice President who had been nothing but Loyal to Trump.

When it comes to Legislation and Principles I have very little in Common with Romney, Cheney and Kinsinger.  During the Trump Administration all Three of Them were almost in Lock Step with Donald Trump every step of the way just like all of their Republican Congressional Colleagues.  They, like the rest of their Party created Trumpzilla, the Monster Who Ate The Republican Party.

Unlike Their Goose Stepping Comrades in Congress, however, they are unwilling to Lie about the 2020 Election simply in order to appease Trumpzilla.

Good for them for not joining in on the Chorus of "Mama, we're all Crazy Now"

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher

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