Saturday, January 9, 2021

The Miracle Of Democracy In America

 Thursday, January 7th, 2021

My Dear America:

We all had a rough day yesterday, America.  It was, as Walter Cronkite used to say "A Day That Altered And Illuminated Our Time."  And We Were There.

Your day began with President Donald Trump greeting his followers in D.C. with his recurring lies about having had his Election Stolen from him by that damned Democrat, Joe Biden.  If only the Ukrainian President had just delivered on some Biden dirt that Trump could have used against the unbearably likable Delaware Democrat. Damn that Biden.

I continue to wonder and be concerned about the dumbing down of Americans if this ridiculous Bullshit Stolen Election Claim can't be figured out by Trump's Followers.  It certainly seems to me very easy to figure out that Trump is lying.  Why the hell can't these people figure it out.

I have to admit, though, that Trump can be convincing when he is laying out his Bullshit Election claims.  I watched Trump the other day lying to his Georgia Followers at his last Georgia Rally about the Election that was "stolen" from him and as he rattled off his ridiculous claims it almost began to sound like some of the lies he was telling could be true. After All, Trump is a very convincing liar.  He very nearly convinced me.

But then, there are the actual vote totals in every State in the Union that blow Trumps Election Claims to Kingdom Come, at least for me.

Certainly I don't think that Harvard Educated Ted Cruz or Josh Hawley or their other Senate and House Partners in Collusion with the President's "Stolen Election" Scenario believe for a minute that Trump really won the Election any more than Brian Kemp, Brad Raffensperger or Gabriel Sterling believed it.  I think that Georgia's Secretary of State Raffensperger's taped conversation with Trump was a brilliant move on the part of the Georgia's Secretary of State.  The tape was proof that Trump was trying everything in the book to get Raffensperger to come up with just enough votes to throw the Georgia Presidential Race to Trump.  Although Raffensperger, Kemp and Sterling all claimed to have themselves voted for Trump they were obviously not willing to throw the Election to Trump and in the process throw their careers and Reputations into the Dumpster Fire that Donald Trump had become in recent days.

Its over now.  The deed is done.  Congress stayed long into the night and despite the Trump Demanded Attempted Obstruction of Senators and Congress Men and Women to delay the acceptance of Certifiying Electors, The Hell on Earth Scenario that Donald Trump encouraged from his followers happened today as Trump's hopped up fans followed Trumps instructions to go to Congress and be "Strong" 

Although a great many Trump Supporters followed the rules and behaved appropriately as they protested, seemingly just as many Trumpers disrespected barricades and broke windows as they pushed their way into the Capitol and caused havoc and a Lockdown of Politicians and Staffers.  They even came onto the floor of the Senate and House and one individual had a picture taken of himself in Nancy Pelosi's office.  I hope the guy in Nancy's office is smiling like he is in his picture when they haul his ass off to jail.

But in the end after the lockdown ended police reinforcements arrived and pushed the Trumpers outside and as far away from the Capitol as possible. By the time the D.C. Curfew was in operation at 6:00 PM many of the Trump Addicts were gone from the Capitol grounds and Law enforcement officers and National Guard troops had control of the area.  Unfortunately at least one woman had been killed from a gunshot wound inside the Capitol.  At least three other people were dead also and Many Law Enforcement Officers were injured.  Certainly no one was calling for defunding the Police on this day when the world was watching all hell break loose inside the United States Capitol Building simply because Donald Trump was upset because he lost his Presidential Election.

And Donald Trump did lose the Election.  He may not accept it, but by now most Clear Thinking Americans have come to terms with the actual fact that he was soundly defeated by Joe Biden in the 2020 Presidential Race despite his herculean efforts to suppress the Democratic vote.

But to Donald Trump's surprise the Democrats voted in record numbers.  In fact, both Democrat and Republican vote totals were astounding and record shattering.  Unfortunately for Trump his record setting total was less than Joe Biden's record setting total.  

Back in November following the election totals showed that Biden not only had an Electoral College total win but also a vote total win.  In other words


There was no doubt about who won the election, except for Donald Trump who had told his followers over and over that the only way he could lose the election was if it was rigged.  So Trump unleashed Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell out to the far reaches of America to try to find those elusive votes that had somehow failed to be counted for Trump in that "rigged election."

Unfortunately, Trump's Republican minions in Congress decided to play along with Trump's Election Fantasy and so here we are at the end of the line with the Capitol building in shambles and the Republican Party in shambles too.

Clearly yesterday was a bad day for America.  

There were a couple of bright spots for Democrats, however.  After the Trump supported madness was over in Congress yesterday, Congress followed through  on their duty to count the Electoral College votes.  They voted long into the night to show Americans that they were going to do their job.  To no ones surprise Joe Biden's election was certified and finally it was over and done with.  

Along with the bad news in D.C. there was a bit of good news.  We found out that after the votes were counted in the Georgia Runoff Election for Senator both Democratic Candidates, Raphael Warnok and Jon Ossoff had won the Georgia Senate Seats thereby giving the Democrats control of the United States Senate.

It has been an election season like no other in History.  But now at the end of the line we can be overjoyed that regardless of what Donald Trump and his gullible fans think Trump is out in two weeks after putting our country through Hell for the past four years.

Once again the Miracle of American Democracy has worked.  Despite the lies and manipulation of Donald Trump, in all 50 States in the U.S. votes were cast in staggering numbers for President and for many other Political offices.  In Georgia, Arizona, Nevada Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and many other states Americans worked at the polls, many of them worked for no pay as they have for many years.  The votes were counted in each state and despite efforts by the Trump Campaign to suppress Democratic votes, More Democrats voted than in any other Presidential Campaign.  State officials like those in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona and elsewhere took care to count and recount the votes.  Instead of denigrating those unsung heroes who brought this Election Period to a close and the baseless Trump claims of fraud we have brought this Election period to a successful close.  

Certainly the desecration of the Capitol is, like Pearl Harbor, D Day and 911, a day that will live in infamy.

But in the end it looks like, despite the efforts to dispose of it by Trump and his Supporters, Democracy has won out over Tyranny once again in the United States of America and those people who made our Miracle Election happen during these difficult times have reason to be very proud and are worthy of Great Appreciation.

We did it again America.    

We the American People Salute you and thank you from the bottom of our heart for what you have done once again to keep us Free And Fearless in our Great Country.

We truly have Made America Great Again.

Now Lets get Joe Biden into the Oval Office with a Democratic House and Senate and get to work on that Great New America.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher




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