Thursday, December 31st, 2020
My Dear America:
Well, here we are again, Old Friend. We have had a Rough Year. The roughest that I can remember in a long time. In fact, we have had a Rough Four Years here in our country. I remember when we thought that Richard Nixon and George W. Bush were the worst we had ever seen. Well up to their time they pretty much were the worst that we had ever seen. But the past four years have shown us that before Trump we didn't know how bad things could really be.
At Midnight tonight we will enter a New Year and a New Age and it can't get here fast enough for me. Oh, Donald Trump will be gone from the Presidency soon. He will be gone but never forgotten, at least by me.
He was, by far, in my estimation, the worst President that we have ever had. For four years this Monstrous Egomaniac took us all on a trip to a place that we never wanted to go in America and we must remember that The Republican Party enabled his every despicable move. They defended even his most cruel and heartless separation of children at the border from their parents. That is a move that will echo into the lives of every child that was a victim of that cruel and senseless Trump Project. Why? Why did Donald Trump and his Toady Attorney General do that to those poor kids and their parents who thought that they were escaping somewhere horrible and bringing their children to somewhere good. The shame of it is that we are somewhere good. At least we were before the clouded election of Donald Trump.
We Americans had never seen anything like the shameless behavior of a man who didn't give a damn about us. He cared only about himself and what he could do for himself while in office. He brazenly colluded with Russian Spies in the Oval Office shortly after firing James Comey from his job as Director of the FBI. He virtually destroyed the Justice Department and the FBI while he was in office.
It was not only the Justice Department that he destroyed. Trump put his Weird and Gutless Trump Worshippers in as the heads of every single Department of the Federal Government. But they will be gone soon. We must never forget what has gone on in our country in our name, in the name of Americans and we must never allow what has gone on for the past four years to ever go on again in our country in our name.
In mid January we will be swearing in a new President, a man who is totally different from Donald Trump. Joe Biden has been throughout his life a decent man who cares about America, who, unlike Trump, has empathy for other people, who does not view Military Men and Women as "Suckers and Losers" as Donald Trump does.
God knows, how many people Donald Trump killed in his desperate plot to act like Covid 19 was nothing. Clearly Trump didn't want Covid to get in the way of his Re Election, but it did. Thank God Covid did something good. But in the meantime we have seen over 300 thousand of our brothers and sisters taken away from their Families and Friends. We can't blame Donald Trump for all of their deaths but he is certainly responsible for a good many American Deaths.
Certainly we have to give credit to Trump for backing "Operation Warp Speed" and the quick development of Covid 19 Vaccines. It was Pence and his Covid 19 Advisory Board who pushed the idea of "Operation Warp Speed" and thank God they did but in every other way Trump did the wrong things with Covid 19.
"No Masks for me" Trump told his followers.
"No Need to Social Distance" Trump showed his followers by his Rallys and his White House Superspreader Events.
"Don't listen to Anthony Fauci. He's a Never Trumper" Trump told his followers.
I spent a little time this week looking over Wikkipedia's Qanon page. I would suggest that everybody to do the same. Look it over and think about the fact that so many Americans have bought into this Incredibly Stupid Bullshit. I have been trying to wrap my head around how many people voted for Trump even though he lost. Clearly if many Americans could believe in Qanon they could believe in Trump.
I am not one to totally put down Conspiracy Theories. I have some real concerns of my own about The JFK Assasination and UFO Coverups but anyone believing in Qanon should not be going to Congress. They should be going to a Mental Hospital.
But rather than looking back at the First American President to join The Dictators Club with his Buddies from Russia, China, North Korea, Turkey and Saudi Arabia, we should be looking ahead to the Next President of the United States.
I watched a very interesting interview on You Tube this week that Mike Wallace had with Aldous Huxley, Author of Brave New World, that was broadcast in 1958. In this interview Huxley was extremely prophetic about how it could be that the United States of America might possibly slip into a Brave New World in which we could lose our Democracy.
Quite Frankly, we came damn near to losing our Democracy for good during these past four years but luckily we saved our Democracy, but only by the skin of our teeth. Had it not been for the personal sacrifices made by every Major Democratic Presidential Hopeful to throw their support to Joe Biden we might well be looking toward the beginning of a Second Trump Term on January 20th.
Good God, Please take that Image away.
But instead, we are looking toward the long overdue comeback of a Living Breathing Democracy led by the man from Scranton and Delaware who will need the support of Americans as he tries to dig us out of the ditch that Donald Trump drove us into.
No, Joe Biden is not a Miracle Worker. He is going to make mistakes but they will be Honest Mistakes rather than the Self Centered Dishonest Mistakes made by Donald Trump. Can we please give Joe Biden a chance to get us on the right path without tearing down everything he does. Lets give him the Honeymoon Period that we have given so many other Presidents.
As Joe Biden and the Democrats in Congress look down the road I hope that they, with the cooperation of Republicans who we can only hope will come to their senses when Trump is gone, will get rid of the Electoral College once and for all. It is outmoded and unnecessarily dangerous and as we have found out this time around, as well as in the case of Gore-Bush and Kerry-Bush it can be manipulated, and not in a good way.
So as we stand before the crossroads of 2020 and 2021 let us thank Joe Biden for getting in the race this time around and thank his Democratic Comrades who stepped out of the way and threw their support to Biden.
We Salute you all and we look forward to the New Year of 2021 and a New Truly Democratic Administration led by a man of Decency and Honor.
To 2020 and to Donald Trump we say loudly "We are glad you are almost over"
I also want to say Thank You to everyone who has joined me this year in reading my Blog and listening to my Podcast Your support is much appreciated.
I hope you will be coming back in the New Year.
Sincerely Yours
Jerry Gallagher