Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Democrats Rejoice - The Dream Team Has Arrived

 August 12th, 2020

My Dear America:

Well it has finally happened.  With only days to go before the start of the 2020 Democratic Convention, Joe Biden has made his Vice Presidential Choice.   Like Bill Clinton's choice of Al Gore and Barack Obama's choice of him, Joe Biden has made the truly Sensational choice of California United States Senator Kamala Harris to serve as his Vice President.  

Democrats across the board are thrilled with this choice of Senator Harris, as well they should be.  

Although I had liked and admired several other VP prospects under consideration, as well, including Stacy Abrams, Elizabeth Warren and Susan Rice, I recognize that the extraordinary talents and experience of Senator Harris will certainly help Joe Biden garner votes in the final days of the 2020 Presidential race and that she will add a Great Deal of depth to the 2020 Democratic Ticket.

Of course Donald Trump has already chimed in with his denigrating comments about Senator Harris.  She is "Mean" and "Nasty" according to Trump's present assessment of Kamala Harris.

Never mind the fact that a month ago when asked about her as a prospective VP Candidate for Joe Biden Trump said he thought she was a "Good Choice."  Today she is "Mean" and "Nasty."

Where does Donald Trump get the gall to call anyone Mean and Nasty when he is the Meanest and Nastiest Politician in America.

Its unbelievable.  Of course everything that Donald Trump says is unbelievable.

Trump should be reminded that he contributed a substantial amount of money to the Kamela Harris Campaign for Attorney General of California.  I guess that was back when he was still a Democrat.

Trump has a point, though.  Harris did give Trump Appointees, Brett Kavanaugh (Supreme Court) and William Barr (Attorney General) a thorough going over when they appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

In fact Harris also gave Joe Biden one of his worst nights on the debate stage in the first televised Democratic Presidential Candidate Debate.

Harris may not have been intentionally mean and nasty on that night but she certainly knocked Job Biden back on his heels a bit.  If Vice President Biden was an unforgiving grudge holder like Donald Trump certainly he never would have even considered Kamela Harris for the VP spot after that debate incident but lucky for us Joe let bygones be bygones and Kamela Harris will after next week's Convention certainly be on the ticket.

In addition to Kamela Harris being a very attractive candidate she is both a black woman and an Asian American woman, certainly appealing to both demographic groups.  Kamela is also a Bright and Accomplished woman who has served as the District Attorney of San Francisco, The Attorney General of the State of California and most recently the United States Senator from California.

Following the example of Barack Obama even though Kamela Harris was in her First Term as Senator she joined the multi candidate extravaganza in the 2020 Presidential race.

Although she was clearly a fiery and an accomplished debater she recognized reality somewhat quicker than many other candidates and saw that although she had some very high profile and committed supporters that most were not well heeled enough to Keep her campaign afloat so she left the race and returned to concentrating on her work as a Senator.  

Although she has not been in the Presidential race for some time she has not been a stranger to Television Viewers.  Many people know who she is and like her.  

I am sure that representatives of the Trump Campaign will be looking through her record to find dirt on Kamela Harris but I think they are not going to find Ms. Harris's record easy to distort.  

They are already trying to paint her as a Liberal, which she is, but she is also a Law and Order Advocate with an extensive record of Law and Order accomplishments. 

So on today's date as we sprint toward the Virtual Democratic Convention in the age of the Dangerous Donald Trump Plague in America I want to add my welcome to those of so many Democrats who are extremely happy to see Kamela Harris as Joe Biden's brilliant choice for the Vice President.   

Now its on to the Convention and after that lets get Trump out of the White House as soon as possible before he does any more damage to our Democracy.

Let's Go Kamela And Joe.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher

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