Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Important Announcement for Everyone: Check Out Our New "Podcast For A Lost Nation" Available For Free on Spotify and Other Podcast Sites - Also Get Your Free E Book "Donald Trump And The Death Of Democracy 2020" on Smashwords

Wednesday, July 22nd, 2020

My Dear America:

First of all let me apologize for not having posted anything on "Letters To A Lost Nation" for more than a month.  Although I was not posting anything on this Blog I was rather busy during the past month putting together the finishing touches on a book I have been working on for many months and a Podcast  that I was preparing.  

That book is called "Donald Trump And The Death Of Democracy 2020."  I believe the title of the book says it all. The book is a collection of postings from this Blog beginning back in 2015 when Donald Trump was running for President up to and including the beginning months of 2020.  The book is currently available for FREE on several E Book Platforms at  Just look for Jerry Gallagher in the search bar and you will find "Donald Trump and The Death Of Democracy" by Jerry Gallagher listed along with my other books.  

"Donald Trump and the Death Of Democracy" by Jerry Gallagher is also available in a Large Print Paperback Version on  The Paperback book is available on Amazon at the lowest cost Amazon will permit which is six dollars and four cents. There is also a Kindle E Book Version of the book available on Amazon at the lowest cost Amazon will permit which is 99 cents.  Just go to the "Books" category in the Amazon Browser Bar and type in the name of the book, "Donald Trump And The Death Of Democracy 2020".  Or you can  type in Jerry Gallagher.  Then go to the second page listed under Jerry Gallagher and find the book on that page.  I don't know why Amazon doesn't have all of my books on the same page but they don't.

In addition to Preparing and Publishing my book I have also been busy this past month preparing to release a Podcast on Spotify called "Podcast For A Lost Nation"  The Podcast will generally deal with many of the same subjects that the Blog deals with but I am hoping that some episodes of the Podcast will differ from the Blog Postings.

Although I will make no money from the sales of "Donald Trump And The Death Of Democracy" or from the Podcast, "Podcast For A Lost Nation" I will be able to state truthfully that I did not write the book or create the Podcast just to make money because I will make no money from either project.

Quite Frankly, I am proud to announce that these two projects are presently ready to go and I look forward to anyone interested in what is going on in our country to get a copy of the book and/or to listen to the Podcasts.  

Every day we are presented with a reality that none of us could have expected in our lives.  Our country is being run by a madman, a criminal, a vicious monster with no positive feelings for other human beings in his heart.  And as he sees the impending end of his reign of terror he is becoming more dangerous and unhinged in his actions with each passing day.

It is a time to be informed and prepared for the worst because, like the Pandemic that Donald Trump tried to convince us was not real, things are going to get worse before they get better.  

Regardless of what the Pandemic situation is in November we must all vote.  And we must vote for the far Saner of the two Candidates.

Hands down, that is Joe Biden.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher  

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