Friday, June 12, 2020

Trump In Tulsa On Juneteenth - One More Last Straw

June 12th, 2020

My Dear America:

Something that I have heard often and that I totally believe to be the case is that with Donald Trump there is no bottom to how bad this President can be.  Clearly Trump has made serious overtures to Racists in the past.  Namely Charlottesville where he found "Very Fine People" on the side in which Klanspersons and Nazis dominated the group.

As if that wasn't bad enough it seems clear that Trump is willing to go lower than that in the near future.  In an upcoming Rally in Tulsa Oklahoma Trump is celebrating Juneteenth (June 19th) the day that Slavery finally ended in America in the city that had the worst massacre of Black Americans in history.  Hundreds of Black Tulsa citizens were killed and hundreds of black operated businesses were torched.  What a place to celebrate the end of Slavery.

Indeed, Slavery is a stain on the American soul that can never be honestly removed.  It was an institution that lasted for well over a century in America and the end of the institution of slavery was so entrenched that the south was willing to sacrifice thousands of southern lives to keep slavery from ending.  Slavery was brutal and inhuman and the effects of that brutality and inhumanity can still be seen today in the picture of a Minneapolis Police Officer kneeling on the neck of a black man.

That picture and the death of George Floyd that resulted from it set off a firestorm that is continuing to burn and has caused the United States and the rest of the world to continue to chant "Black Lives Matter" and "Defund The Police."

The truth is that Police Departments often require a city to turn over more than fifty percent of its funding to Police Departments.  We certainly can't completely defund Police Departments.  Nobody wants to live in a real life Purge in which there is no control of unlawful behavior.  

On the other hand, no one wants to live in a world in which Police Departments and Police Officers are out of control and unlawful themselves.

In the situation in which we find ourselves whereby most of the citizens of the United States are responding with compassion and caring toward the black Community, our President is responding with a "Screw You" to the Black Lives Matter Movement.  

Trump's response to Black Lives Matter is to have his In House Nazi, Stephen Miller write a speech for Trump to address the issue of Racism in America.  

The truth is that Americans don't need to be lectured by Miller and Trump about the issue of race.  These people are way out of the loop on this matter.

What we need is Donald Trump out of the White House and Joe Biden in there and some serious changes in the United States Senate so that Mitch McConnell can't kill every progressive bill that the House sends to the Senate.

What we need to realize as we watch all polls predict Joe Biden's election is that we cannot let our guard down.  We have seen this scenario before and we should learn a hard lesson from the result of overconfidence by Democrats in 2016.  We all thought that Trump couldn't win but we were wrong.  

We need to realize that Donald Trump and his supporters will be doing their best to purge the rolls in every state that they can to suppress minority voting and bend the prospects for Trump.  We must not rest easy until the November voting is over and Donald Trump is finally gone from the White House and with him many of his cowardly Senate Minions.  

There should be no overconfidence by Democrats who see an easy win for Biden in the upcoming election.  Every Democratic Voter needs to either march to the polls, pandemic or not, or vote by mail if you are allowed to.  

Despite the fact that things are looking good for Biden at present, things can change very quickly.  

There is certainly no limit to what Donald Trump is going to be willing to do to defeat Biden.  Trump will continue to Lie, Cheat and Distract all the way to November and Democrats need to be ready to respond to whatever Donald Trump chooses to throw at them.

No Time for Overconfidence.  Only time to work hard for Biden.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher

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