April 11th, 2020
My Dear America:
Let me say First of All that the rumors that some people have been saying are untrue. No, Donald Trump is not a Medical Doctor.
Yes, It has also been rumored that Donald Trump is a Graduate of Jim Jones University School Of Medicine in Guyana but that is also not true.
What is true is that after Donald Trump appointed Mike Pence to be in charge of the "Covid 19 Task Force" he quickly realized that his plan to saddle Pence with this pain in the ass assignment that Trump didn't want to be bothered with, had backfired.
Pence, to his credit, quickly realized that Trump's castoff assignment was a very important one and one that he should and did take very seriously. Pence gathered together some of the most important medical and governmental people to work with him on this Task Force assignment.
For probably the first time since the beginning of the Trump Administration people began to realize that Pence seemed to know what he was doing and seemed to be on the right track with how to deal with the Coronavirus.
Unlike Donald Trump, who dealt with State Governors in the disparaging way he dealt with everybody, Pence seemed to be willing and able to build positive relationships among the United States Governors and their Health Care representatives.
As a result of his Collaborative Reputation with the Nation's Governors, Pence began to get some kudos from everyone regarding his handling of the ever increasing destructive epidemic.
Once Donald Trump realized that Pence was unintentionally upstaging the President then suddenly Donald Trump was back in the White House Briefing Room taking over the daily Task Force Briefings.
What could Pence do other than do what he had done for over three years. He had to "Suck It Up" and praise everything that was being done as being done as a result of "The President's Leadership."
It was clear by the way Trump mispronounced nearly every medical term in the briefings that had now become expanded into two hour plus sessions that almost always wandered away from the topic of "Covid 19" to God Knows What, that Trump didn't know what he was doing and certainly didn't know what he was doing when it came to "Covid 19."
Clearly we would all be better off if Donald Trump knew what he was doing in dealing with Covid 19. Unfortunately for all of us, however, it seems clear that Trump really doesn't care how many people get tested or How many people die or whether we open up the country too soon or whether Governors are doing the right things in their states.
Trump has dealt with complaints about hospitals not having enough supplies with ridiculous accusations regarding hospital employees stealing supplies. Hospital employees are putting their lives on the line and because Trump who has authorized tremendous tax giveaways to the rich and to corporate America, does not want to deplete any further the already depleted Federal coffers, he has laid the responsibility for failures in dealing with the Coronavirus on American Governors and other state leaders.
In Trump's mind somebody is always trying to screw him out of his November Election Victory. Whatever problems arise they are always somebody else's fault. The Chinese, The Democrats in Congress, The Democratic Governors, The Thieving Hospital Employees.
One of the main mysteries to me about Donald Trump is how at this point in time when polls show Biden beating Trump in the next Presidential Election in November of this year how is it that Trump is still showing that 41 percent of Americans still support him. How can there be that many Deplorable or stupid people out there who can look at the Trump Administration and see a man who is successful. Good God, what the hell is wrong with these people?
But just when it looks as though Trump can't be any more stupid than he has been for the past three and half years he has stood behind the White House Podium and seriously suggested to Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx that we should look into ingesting bleach and somehow putting light into our bodies as a Coronavirus cure.
Mr President. What is wrong with you?
That is a question that has been asked by New York Times Columnist, Tom Friedman. It is an appropriate question that needs to be asked by all Americans.
Almost anyone in their right mind would know that ingesting bleach into our bodies is not only frowned on, it is suicidal. Bleach is poison. Of course Doctor Trump said the next day after his dumb suggestion that he was only being sarcastic but anyone seeing the video of Trump making the suggestion of drinking or ingesting bleach can see for themselves that when Trump said it he was seriously suggesting it. Only after nearly everyone in America reacted badly to his suggestion did he claim to be "sarcastic."
Please Dr. Trump turn the reins of power on Covid 19 back to Mike Pence and Doctor Fauci. Get off the podium and go back to watching Fox News until November when I sincerely hope that the American People will turn you out of office.
The only positive thing about the Deadly Coronavirus in the United States is the fact that it has exposed and continues to expose the fact that Donald Trump is not the smartest guy in the room. He is the dumbest guy in the room and he seems to be getting dumber every day.
No mask for him as Coronavirus seems to be invading the White House. It makes him look weak, he says.
Hey you 41 Percenters, Wake up, before its too late for all of us.
Sincerely Yours
Jerry Gallagher
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