Saturday, March 21, 2020

How Dare Mike Pence Embarass President Trump by Dealing With The Coronavirus In A Competent Manner

March 21st, 2020

My Dear America:

Certainly it wasn't Donald Trump's Fault that the Coronavirus or Covid 19 was unleashed on the world.  Trump has a point in calling Covid 19 "The Chinese Flu."  It is an ignorant thing to say but it is true that The Chinese could have given the world a Heads Up much sooner than they did instead of covering up the ungodly spread of the deadly virus.

Actually, Trump did a couple of things right, it seems, when it comes to Covid 19. The First positive thing he did was He cut off travel from China to the U.S..  Unfortunately the flu was apparently already here by the time he did it, but it was still a positive, yet controversial step in the right direction.

The Second Positive thing Trump did with regard to Covid 19 was to put Mike Pence in charge of setting up a Task Force to help deal with the Virus.  

Clearly, Trump saw what a Hot Potato the Coronavirus was going to be and he was not handing it off to Mike Pence to do Mike any favors.  Clearly Trump knew that the crap was going to hit the fan with Covid 19 and he thought he was making a smart move putting Mike Pence in charge before the crap started flying back at whoever was in charge of Covid 19 in the U.S.

What Trump clearly didn't count on when he put Mike Pence in charge of Covid 19 was that Mike would be put out front in this mess and look and sound like what a President should look and sound like.   Trump was denigrating Governors and others like Jay Inslee of Washington (Trump called him a "Snake" apparently because he had the gall to make a short run for the Presidency)
Pence, on the other hand did what the President should have done and did what he could to establish positive relationships with Governors and Mayors all over the country.  Pence also established a top shelf high quality Task Force of appropriate experts in their fields to help set up realistic plans as to what to do and how to do it.  

In short, Pence, although he had pretty much been handed a turd was showing intelligence and ability in handling the impossible task that the President had handed him.

Certainly Pence and his Task Force leave much to be desired but his daily briefings have become worthwhile information sessions with Pence and other members of the Task force able to talk with intelligence about what is happening.  No more Trump stumbling over his words or sounding like an idiot. Pence and Company seemed to be able to talk intelligently and appropriately.

Naturally, with Pence outshining Trump completely in the questionable limelight of Covid 19, Trump, who had stepped away from the daily briefings to allow Pence to receive incoming turds, stepped back in and has tried to once again take his place at the head of the table and act as if he, Trump, was the smart one who has put this task force and reaction to Covid 19 together.  

Other than Pence and other Task Force members fawning over Trump constantly, they all seem to be tolerating Trump and trying their best to do a good job in dealing with the virus.  

Naturally, recent polls show that Trump, not Pence, seems to be getting all the credit for the recently more positive responses to Covid 19.

Bill Maher gave Mike Pence the "Ass Kisser Of The Month Award" recently.  

Mike may be an Ass Kisser but it certainly is nice to see someone in charge of Covid 19 who seems to be halfway Competent in doing his job.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher  

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