Thursday, February 13, 2020

Trumpzilla's Revenge - Congressional Republicans, What The Hell Have You Done

Thursday, February 13th 2020

My Dear America:

Neither you nor I have seen anything this politically dark in a long time.  Not since Richard Nixon have we seen anything this disturbing happening before our eyes in real life and in real time.  At least Nixon had the good sense to commit most of his crimes and direct others to commit crimes in his name behind closed doors.  Richard Nixon was an incredibly bad President but it is becoming more and more evident that in comparison with Donald Trump Nixon was a piker.

I had the bad fortune to turn on the TV last Thursday, the day after the Republican Senators let Trump off the hook with wishes by a couple of Senators that following his acquittal by the Senate Trump would hopefully have learned his lesson.

On Thursday afternoon as I watched the disturbing spectacle of Trump's reaction to his acquittal, it was clear to me that the lessons Trump had learned by his party's failure to call him to account for his misdeeds were not the lessons that Senators Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski had hoped for.

Instead of apologizing for trying to extort damaging information on Joe Biden and his son from Ukraine's President by holding back funds that had been approved by both Senate and House Republicans and Democrats for weapons to hold off the Russians from invading Ukraine, Trump was spending his time at the White House Podium attacking the House Managers, as well as Democrats in the House and Senate who voted to have Trump Impeached.  Trump was also focusing his venom on Mitt Romney who had been the only Republican Senator with the strength of conscience to vote with the Democrats to oust Trump from the White House.  Trump had begun the day at a Prayer breakfast Previewing his Dark Afternoon Screed against Romney and the Democrats who had the nerve to criticize his "Perfect Phone Call" with Ukranian President Zelinsky.

In his dark afternoon "Celebration" Trump had a lot to say and a long time to say it.  Trump celebrated his main attack dogs in the House of Representatives including Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows and Doug Collins, as well as other Republicans who Trump felt had treated him fairly by approving of his every ugly move with regard to Ukraine.  In turn, his Staff and Republican Legislators, along with his large Senate Trial Defense Team all clapped loudly for nearly everything their President told them.

What I saw of the White House Rally was disgusting.  Luckily for me I had a medical appointment to go to with my wife so I had to turn the television off and didn't see the whole thing.  

I had a tough time for the rest of the day dealing mentally with what I had seen.  I hadn't seen it all but what I had seen had left me with a serious case of dread.  Clearly Donald Trump was now emboldened by his saviors in the Senate.  It was clear to me that Trump's White House Celebration Rally following his Impeachment victory was not going to be the end of the story.  It was only going to be the beginning of the story.  There was much more to come.  That was clear.  Trump certainly had it in for Mitt Romney.  He also was angry at Democrat, Joe Mansion, who had sided with Trump on many other issues and votes but in the case of Impeachment had voted with his party against Trump. Trump saved his most poisonous venom for the man who Trump saw as his Arch Nemesis, House Impeachment Manager, Adam Schiff.  Trump clearly did not like  Schiff, who had done a remarkable job keeping his demeanor civil throughout the House Impeachment Hearings and throughout the Senate Trial.  Schiff and his fellow House Managers even without further witnesses, to my mind, proved their case for Impeachment and Removal without a reasonable doubt.  Trump's words for Schiff were "Vicious" and "Horrible" to name only a few.

Thursday showed me that revenge would be coming soon.  It did come soon.  It came on Friday when Lieutenant Colonel, Alexander Vindman and his Lawyer Twin Brother were escorted out of the White House after both were fired from their jobs with the National Security Agency.  Alexander Vindman had not followed White House instructions not to respond to House Intelligence Committee Subpoenas.  Vindman had bravely told the truth to the Schiff Committee.  His twin brother had not testified and had nothing whatsoever to do with the Intelligence Committee.  Why was he fired.  Clearly because he was Alexander Vindman's brother.  

Also fired on Friday was Ambassador to the European Union, Gordon Sondlund.
Sondlund was a large donor to the Trump Campaign who got mixed up in Trump and Giuliani's Ukraine intrigue.  Sondlund testified to the House Intelligence Committee at first trying to cover up Trump's involvement.  It was clear to Sondlund, however, after other officials spilled the beans that he had better clear up discrepencies in his original secret testimony.  By the time Sondlund testified in public hearings he had wised up to the fact that Trump and company were already setting him up as the patsy in the Ukraine scandal.  Sondlund then testified truthfully blowing the whistle on Trump and Giuliani and wisely saving himself from being the Trump Fall Guy who ends up in prison for lying to Congress.

Clearly Donald Trump is now unleashed and more dangerous than ever at this point in time.  How and why his poll numbers are increasing is beyond my understanding.  How anyone can support him is a mystery to me.  Our only real hope at this point is to elect a Democrat in November.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher 

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