Thursday, October 31, 2019

Revenge Of The Trump Republican Insane Clown Posse

Thursday, October 31st, 2019

My Dear America:

A few days ago I had a very disturbing conversation with someone I had considered to be a friend.  My friend, it seems, ascribes to most of the principles of the New and Reckless Branch of the Republican Party that I call The Trump Republican Insane Clown Posse.  

My friend's conversation revealed, among other things, that he has no use for Blacks or Arabs.  He is OK with the Jews as long as Netanyahu remains the Prime Minister of Israel.  He hates Barack Obama, who he thinks never should have been elected President.  He thinks that no black person should have been elected President and that no other black person should ever become President of the United States of America ever again. He likes Putin and thinks that Donald Trump is smart to remain buddies with him.  

He does hate THE WALL, though because it is going to be so expensive.

Suffice it to say that I was taken back by my friend's revelations.  I can't say that I was totally surprised that he remains a supporter of Donald Trump.  I knew that he had voted for Trump but I had truly hoped that he had come to his senses by now rather than gone round the bend.

I had little to say to my friend about his revelations.  The few things I did say  to him seemed to be falling on deaf ears.  That seems to happen with Trump Voters.  With Trump Voters all the rules of civilized society seem to go out the window quickly.

Donald Trump's Republican Insane Clown Posse Members don't care that Trump 

Paid off a Porn Star to win an election

That he threw people who were close to him or members of his Campaign and/or his Administration under the bus whenever he felt that it was an advantage to him.  There always seems to have been someone other than himself to blame for Trump when the going got tough for Donald Trump. 

That he virtually led many of the Kurds who helped America defeat ISIS to their deaths in Syria as he opened the door to Turkey and Russia to come in and slaughter them.

That he lies every time he opens his mouth.

That he disrespects our actual Allies and seems to love the most despicable Dictators in the world.

What the hell is wrong with these Insane Clown Posse Members.  They seem to have changed like Invasion of the Body Snatchers Pod People from Truly Conservative Russian Hating Patriots into Putin Puppets like the leader of their  Organization.  

Where the hell are the Barry Goldwaters, the William F. Buckleys, the John McCain's in the present day Republican Party.  Where are the Commie haters and Dictator haters in the Insane Clown Posse

Today we have Republican House Member "Mad Matt" Gaitz leading his followers into what are supposed to be secure impeachment hearings in which most of the Gaitz followers are actually members of the Committees they are breaking into.

We also have Senator Lindsey Graham kissing up to Donald Trump at every turn and a Senate full of Trump followers who seem ready and willing to follow the leader into whatever disgusting cesspool he is aiming this country.  

Sound the alarm, people.  We are heading for the end of Democracy in America if we don't get rid of Trump. 

I am getting ready to do whatever I can next year to elect a Democrat for President in 2020.  Although I like Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren if another Democrat ends up as the front runner and the eventual nominee of the Democratic Party I will support their Campaign for the Presidency.  

Any one of the Democrats who have stood on the 2019 Campaign Debate Stages so far would be a hundred times better President than Donald Trump, The Criminal Leader of the Trump Republican Insane Clown Posse.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher 

1 comment:

All my trials singer said...

Unfortunately, I suspect everybody in "the Clown Posse" has been subliminally programmed without their knowledge -including the Republican congressmen. I had actually thought some of these people who are supposedly well educated might not be blinded by the constant repetition of lies. I fear we are on the brink of a civil war- not just of ideology but with guns.