Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Kim and Don - The Nuclear Bromance Is Over, For Now - What's Next For The Rest Of US

March 19th, 2019

My Dear America:

Much like an episode of "The Kardashians" the Bromance between United States President, Donald Trump and The North Korean Dictator he fell in love with, Kim Jong Un, appears to be over.  

Who knows what made this love affair go bad.  

Well, the timing of the Vietnam Summit wasn't the best, Really.  

Kim and Don got together in Vietnam on the day that Trump's long time Lawyer and Fixer was spilling the Trump Beans to the House Oversight Committee.  And some stinky beans they were.  It was certainly enough to dilute the President's Mojo in Vietnam. No Doubt it was difficult for the President to concentrate on Nuclear Issues when Michael Cohen was letting it all hang out in the halls of Congress.

That and the fact that the CIA had revealed that the North Koreans were not, in fact, giving up their Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear Capability certainly was not a good sign that this Nuclear Bromance was going to last for any extended length of time.  

Well, if nothing else, at least the end of the Nuclear Bromance finally got Donald Trump to Vietnam.  Although Trump had dressed in cool looking uniforms at his Military School when it came to going to Vietnam his bone spurs were acting up.  Trump didn't want to take a chance of being like John McCain, who was tortured for years in the Hanoi Hilton after being shot down by the North Vietnamese. 

Jesus, those bone spurs were bad enough.  Trump surely couldn't put up with torture in Vietnam.  No wonder Trump didn't like John McCain, who was captured by the enemy.  Trump liked soldiers who weren't captured, like himself.  A Phoney Spoiled Rich Brat dressed in a uniform with bone spurs hurting too much to go to Vietnam.  

I will give Trump some credit, however.  After yelling and screaming about Fire and Fury at Kim, seeming to drive Kim and North Korea to what appeared to be the brink of actual Nuclear Fire and Fury, Trump finally got wise and started trying to communicate in a more reasonable and loving way.  Don and Kim agreed to meet in Singapore and they both seemed to hit it off.

Now, however, it is a new day.  Neither Kim nor Don stayed in Vietnam for the length of time they had been scheduled to and reports are that since the failed Vietnam Summit more activity is going on in North Korea's Nuclear facilities.  Not a good sign.  

Also North Korean spokespeople have indicated that North Korea found that President Trump and American Negotiators have been "too Demanding and Too Stubborn" in their insistence that North Korea give up their Nukes.

I personally don't understand how the North Koreans feel that it is too demanding for them to give up their Nukes.  That was the whole point of the negotiations.  

I think Trump made a mistake prior to the Vietnam Summit when he stated that he would be satisfied if North Korea would just give up Nuclear Testing, as they seemed to have done since the Nuclear Bromance began.  Certainly that was setting the bar low for North Korea.  But apparently not low enough.

In Trumps defense, at least the North Koreans are no longer threatening to bomb Hawaii or the U.S Mainland, at least not yet.  Trump is right, however.  If we can keep the North Korean hands off the Nuclear Trigger and keep Trump from threatening Kim we will all be better off, at least for the immediate future.


Jerry Gallagher

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