Thursday, March 6th, 2014
My Dear America:
"These are the times that try men's souls," a Great American once said.
"I can't believe we're on the Eve of Destruction," another Great American once said.
"Why don't these destructive Republican Windbags just shut up," I say.
I am talking about John McCain and Lindsay Graham, among other Whiners.
Don't these people have any common sense. We are possibly on the brink of a situation which could destroy the world in the blink of an eye and all these people can do is find fault with President Obama and harken back to Benghazi.
I've got news for you, Foxholes. We are Waaay Past Benghazi at this point in time and it is about time for those people who have made their reputations and their money by riding the back of the President of the United States to get off his back and get behind him as he tries to deal sensibly with possibly the most dangerous individual in the world. It is time for Republicans to realize that this political nonsensical game of "Hate the President" that they are playing is just what Vladimir Putin needs to succeed in his attempt to annex the Ukraine. As long as Republicans tie the President up in their ridiculous political game of "Loudest Fool Of The Week" Putin will be not only taking advantage of the President but he will be walking all over all of us.
Hillary Clinton said it best when she compared what Putin is doing to what Hitler did during World War II. Clearly Putin is using the same excuses to invade Crimea that Hitler did to invade nearly all of Europe. I am tired of people trashing Hillary for saying something that was absolutely true when she found Putin's actions eerily similar to Hitler's.
We are clearly in a dangerous and truly life or death situation in the Ukraine and whether people like or don't like President Obama if they are American citizen's it is time to recognize that the President's choices are limited. Now is not the time to be finding fault with him as he tries to keep this extremely dangerous situation from getting completely out of control.
Those Warmongers who drumbeat for Military action need to wake up to reality. We are living in the Nuclear Age and if we aren't careful here we could truly be living on the Eve of Destruction. The consequences of foolhardy actions by anyone in power at this point in time could very well be the end of all of us. So Please let the President do his extremely difficult job while trying to make the best of this Very Very Bad Situation.
Sincerely Yours
Jerry Gallagher
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