Monday, March 3, 2025

Letter To President Zelensky

Monday March 3rd 2025 

Dear President Zelensky:

I am writing this letter to you to express my sincere regrets and I would assume the regrets of countless other Americans regarding the shameful and uncalled for disrespect you received last Friday in the White House.  

Clearly the ambush you received from President Trump and Vice President Vance was a setup designed by them to denigrate you and give them an opportunity to back out of an agreement with you and pursue Donald Trump's obvious wish for a Pro Putin and Pro Russian Agenda. Those of us Americans who I feel are on the right side of history and on the right side of Ukraine are truly appalled by the treatment you received from Trump and Vance.  

I want you to know that despite the rude and obnoxious treatment you received from Trump and Vance You are a hero to the majority of American citizens and your fight with Russia is known by most of us to be clearly an unwarranted and illegal invasion of your country by Russia.  Clearly Trump and Vance and their Congressional Toadies know that, yet Republicans who days ago supported You and Ukraine now are changing their tune and calling for you to resign.  People like Secretary of State Marco Rubio, National Security Advisor Mike Walz and Senator Lindsey Graham have caved in to Trump's twisted view of You and Ukraine.  They and their Republican Traitors Club Members in the United States Congress have shown an incredible amount of Cowardice in this situation while they try to kiss up to Donald Trump as he attempts to squirm out of the United States Long Term Commitment to help Ukraine remain a Democracy.  Anyone with a brain can see what Trump and Vance and their Quizling Congressional Followers are doing. They should be doing the right thing but they are not.

The truth is that our situation is much like your situation was before you were elected President of Ukraine.  As you are acutely aware, your Ukrainian Government prior to your election was plagued by Corruption and Fraud and you and your party cleaned things up and sent Vladimir Putin's Puppet Ukrainian Leader scurrying to Moscow to avoid prosecution.

Unfortunately for us and for you, we in the United States have watched a perfectly good Democratic Administration be voted out of power and Donald Trump be voted in  I still have my serious doubts about the odd participation of Elon Musk's million dollar lotteries and Starlink in the last election but be that as it may, Donald Trump is now back living in the White House and the stink of corruption is everywhere today in the Trump Administration and will apparently be there for the next four years.

As much as it pains me to say it President Zelensky, I can see and I'm sure that you can also see that Although America during the Biden Administration was a relatively reliable ally, such is not the case anymore.  Things have unfortunately changed, and not for the better when it comes to Ukraine.  You still have strong support in our Democratic Party but unfortunately the Democrats are presently not in control and at the present time can make noise but can't make much else happen.  

The unfortunate ambush of you in the White House may, in fact, have a silver lining.  It is my understanding that NATO and European Union Countries are stepping up their support for You and your country.  

I would strongly advise you to concentrate on getting help from your European Allies and Keep fighting for your freedom and for the freedom of all Democratic Nations.  

We American Democrats recognize how important your fight for freedom is for every free nation in the world.

Donald Trump is truly an embarrassment but it looks like we are stuck with him for the next four years so I would advise you, President Zelensky to do what other Free European Countries seem to be doing.  Write him off and in the process write off the United States until and unless we can get our act together and find some way to rid our country of this Embarrassing Putin Fan from the White House.

I sincerely hope that you and your country are able to prevail in your Fight for Freedom because I feel that your Fight is just as much our Fight for Freedom, as well.

Once and Forever Slava Ukraine.        

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher