Thursday, February 29, 2024

For God's Sake Will You Republicans Please Let Joe Biden Enjoy His Ice Cream

 Thursday February 29th, 2024

My Dear America:

It constantly amazes me that regardless of what kind of horrible behavior that Joe Biden is forced to tolerate from Republicans in Congress and on the Supreme Court that he continues to be generally optimistic and relatively serene in going about his daily duties and responsibilities.  I am thankful every day that Joe Biden won the Presidential Election fairly and squarely in November of 2020 and remains our President.  I can't say for sure whether Joe Biden is the best President of all time.  I don't know enough about all of the Presidents we have had.  What I do know is that he is far and away one of the most effective Presidents we have had in my lifetime of paying attention to Politics.  And I do know that his predecessor, Donald Trump has to either be, or at least be in the running for "THE WORST PRESIDENT OF ALL TIME."

I remember being really impressed on Inauguration day 2021 that Biden, even with all he had to do on that day, had stacks of documents that he needed to sign right away to deal with problems that Donald Trump had either not dealt with or had created.  

Throughout his term in the Presidency Joe Biden has continued to work hard, along with his excellent team, not to grandstand and create problems like Trump did but to solve problems that needed solving.  I sometimes think about just how different Biden and Trump are and what a nightmare it would have been if Donald Trump had been elected instead of Joe Biden.  Quite Frankly, its too scary to think about Trump being back in the White House.

Unfortunately, the incredibly frightening prospect of Donald Trump returning to the White House needs to be considered daily until we finally Re Elect Joe Biden for another term as our President.

I don't know why we are so lucky to have Gentleman Joe willing and able to stick with us and to run for another term.  I'm sure there are times that he wishes that he could just ditch all of the Republican Bullshit and go retire to his Rehoboth Beach Home and just relax and take a walk along the beach at sunset every day of his life. 

All I know is that I and a lot of other Democrats appreciate what Biden has done  for us and continues to do for us as he has accomplished and continues to accomplish so much not for himself but for the American people.

I really enjoyed seeing him show up on Seth Myers Late Night Show this past week to celebrate Seth's 10 Year Anniversary on the air.  Joe was actually on Seth's First Show 10 Years ago.  Joe seemed to be relaxed and having fun with Myers and even went downstairs after the show was over and got an Ice Cream Cone.

Of Course the Lunatics at Fox News and other Right Wing Nuts went crazy over Biden eating Ice Cream like there was something wrong with it.  Biden was so relaxed in the Ice Cram Shop that he answered a question about a Cease Fire in Gaza optimistically and of course, took shit for that.

Jesus, Give the guy a break.  All Right Wing news ever does is Trash Joe every day like he is always doing something wrong when the truth is that he is always doing something right.

All the Republicans in the House of Representatives ever do is try to pull the rug out from Joe Biden every chance they get.  They insisted that if Biden wanted to get money for Ukraine and Israel he had to fix the Border according to their demands.  Senator Lankford and Senators Murphy and Sinema worked out a reasonably good Bipartisan Plan and it looked like it was a done deal.

That was until Donald Trump weighed in on it and told House Republicans to kill the Bipartisan Border Bill because he did not want Joe Biden to get a win.  Trump, not giving a shit about the consequences of killing the Border Bill, just wanted to keep the Border screwed up so that he could blame Biden for the problem.  

At this point, however, I think it is obvious to anyone paying attention to this situation that Biden is not to blame for this Border Boondoggle.  Once again Donald Trump has shown his lack of concern for America and his willingness to shaft America and Americans if it serves his self interest.

I just hope that Voters in November of this year will not forget which Presidential Candidate has the interests of America and Americans on their minds and which Candidate couldn't give a damn about them. 

In the meantime, Joe, Please keep up the good work.  You have accomplished a lot and it seems as though you have a lot more to do.  Don't let yourself become discouraged by Republicans.  Please know that there are a lot of us out here who appreciate you and will be in your corner in November. 

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Biden And Navalny: Brothers In Democracy

Thursday, February 22nd, 2024

My Dear America:

I watched the Rebroadcast of the CNN Film, "Navalny" last Saturday Night.

I had seen it before when it was broadcast for what I think was the first time.

I was blown away by the film both times I watched it.

I was blown away the first time I saw the film because I had known very little about Alexei Navalny prior to watching the film.  Observing this Tall, Handsome, Charming, Charismatic, Fearless Russian Lawyer and Politician call the individuals on the telephone who attempted to assassinate him by poisoning his clothes and pretending to be a top Russian Official demanding a report was gutsy beyond belief.  

Watching him in the movie the first time I truly felt as though I was watching someone who was fearless enough and capable enough to turn Russia into the kind of Reasonable and Righteous Democratic Country that those of us who believed in Democracy hoped it could be.

Navalny fooled The Russian Assassin who admitted to attempting to kill him into explaining on the phone while he was being recorded on camera just how he and his comrades went about attempting to kill Navalny by poisoning his underwear with a deadly nerve agent.

The First time I saw the film, especially the part of the film in which he voluntarily returned to Russia only to be arrested, I finished watching the film with a feeling of Hope For The Future Of Russia because Navalny was there.

I had a different feeling watching "Navalny" on CNN this past Saturday night.

Although I felt hopeful the first time I watched "Navalny," this time I felt hopeless and angry that Navalny was obviously no longer able to stir the consciences of the Russian people and give them hope for their future. 

Although it was reported there was film showing Navalny looking especially healthy taken at his Arctic Prison camp last Friday it was also reported later on that Navalny was dead.  Certainly when someone looks healthy early in the day and dies of what the Russian officials term "Sudden Death Syndrome" it is not difficult to figure out that there was something incredibly wrong with this picture.  In fact "Sudden Death Syndrome" seems to be a method of dying that has been recently on the rise in Russia.  Amazingly enough almost all of the victims of this uniquely Russian method of demise seem to be Russian citizens speaking out against their country's increasing Political Repression.

Bono at a concert in Las Vegas encouraged his fans to "say Navalny's name" as a gesture of respect for Navalny and a well deserved slap in the face for Vladimir Putin who took great care never to mention Navalny's name in public probably because he didn't want Navalny to be any more well known in Russia than he already was.

President Joe Biden was obviously angry in his reaction to the news that Navalny was dead.  Biden was very clear who he blamed for Navalny's death.  He blamed Vladimir Putin for Navalny's demise and would be looking at what steps he could take to react to Alexei's death.

Clearly Biden certainly felt a kinship with Navalny with regard to both men having a love and respect for Freedom and Democracy in their Home Countries. On today's date Joe Biden met with Navalny's widow and daughter and clearly will be supportive of Navalny's wife's efforts to continue her husband's Legacy to attempt to bring Democracy and Freedom to Russia 

There is a deep sadness in the world right now as one more light has gone out as another Truly Brave Patriot is gone from Russia.  

"Sudden Death Syndrome has killed a number of brave individuals in Russia recently who have had the courage to speak out about the conditions in their Home Country.

To make matters worse for lovers of Democracy in our country we presently have to endure Donald Trump making statements about NATO indicating that if our Allied Countries in NATO don't pay what he determines is their their fair share of the financial burden of NATO that in a Trump Administration they will not be protected in the event of being invaded by Russia.  Trump has also let it be known that he does not want Republicans to vote to give aid to Ukraine at a time when a lack of assistance to Ukraine is beginning to show its dangerous consequences in Ukraine.

Hopefully Trump's Reckless policies will at some point turn off those individuals in the Republican Party who still believe in Democracy and that somehow Radical Republican Extremists will still figure out what it is that their party used to stand for and that they come to their senses before it is too late to save Democracy in Ukraine or in other NATO Countries, or in fact in America .

We are most certainly living in very Dangerous times these days and if Donald Trump is elected we will most certainly be seeing the end of Democracy in America. 

It is surely time for all Americans to wake up and pay attention to what is happening not only in America but all over our world.  

In the meantime, we will miss Alexei Navalny and what he stood for and we will be grateful that in the United States of America Joe Biden is still in charge, and not Donald Trump.

Now if we can only keep it that way.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher


Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Hey Republicans, For GOD's Sake, Aren't You Embarrassed

February 14th 2024 

My Dear America:

I feel bad for you, America.  

One of your Major Political Parties appears to be Mortally Sick and Damaged beyond belief. It seems  to me as if there is no end in sight for the incredible Humiliation and Degradation that it takes these days to call yourself a member of the Republican Party.

I saw the Leader of the Republican Party on C Span recently.  He was spewing out his insane verbal venom in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and since he was on display in my home state I thought I would try to see  and hear what he was ranting about in Harrisburg.  Quite Frankly, I couldn't stand watching him for very long.  As Usual, Donald Trump had a lot to say but not much of it was true.  I must say Though that He has his rant pretty much down pat these days.

Donald was weeping and wailing that he is constantly being pursued by those damned Radical Lefties who just won't let the poor guy alone.  The Lefties are pursuing him in Florida, Georgia, New York and D.C. just because Democrats won't accept the fact that Poor Donald won the 2020 Election and Democrats refuse to let him back in the White House.  Well the poor insane Megalomaniac is right about one thing.  Democrats certainly do not want Donald Trump ever to darken the White House doors ever again.  He is simply not correct about the fact of whether or not Trumpzilla actually won the 2020 Election.

He did not.

Not only did Donald Trump lose the 2020 Election but he has convinced a lot of his Republican Voters/followers who have for many decades trusted the American Election System to follow his BIG LIE that the 2020 Election was stolen by Joe Biden and the Democrats.

Donald Trump is correct about one thing.  There was a serious attempt to steal the 2020 Election.  But how in the hell could Joe Biden have stolen the election.  Although Joe Biden was certainly running for the office of the President in 2020 he was not in a position of power in which he realistically could have managed to steal the Election.  The only Presidential Candidate who was in a Power Position to steal the election was the man who was President at the time in 2020.  That person was Donald Trump and make no mistake although he was not successful in his attempt to steal the election in 2020 he certainly did everything in his power to steal the election away from Joe Biden.

He was just unlucky enough to have a Vice President who cared more about the American Constitution than he did about Trump.  

I feel bad these days, however for Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Charlie Dent, Cassidy Hutchinson, Mike Pence and all of those other decent Republicans who have been banished from their party because they wouldn't accept Trump's MAGA Lies especially the one about his winning the 2020 Election.

Republicans have had plenty of time to come to their senses but in the Republican Party MAGA Lies have simply become truths and if you want to remain a Republican you are required to accept Trump's Lies as the Gospel Truth.

And Speaking of the Gospel, check out on Twitter and You Tube the astounding lies presented in a Video by Republican Evangelical Christians that equate Donald Trump as some kind of Savior sent by GOD to Save America and the World.

Incredible, absolutely INCREDIBLE.

How fairly decent Republicans can buy this Reprehensible Republican Bullshit is beyond me.  It even appears as though some Evangelicals are Pulling away from their churches and church families in order to put their Faith and their Money into Donald Trump  rather than Jesus.

What the hell is going on with you people?  

Wake the Hell up and smell the insanity and the treason.

There is nothing remotely religious about Donald Trump.

He is as faraway from being a spiritual being as you can get.

All the man cares about is money.

I have never been much of a fan of the Republican Party but for a long time I have recognized that whether I agreed with them or not, The Republican Party did appear to have some Principles, which I respected.  

Some Republicans were actually identified as "Liberal Republicans" and some as "Moderate Republicans".

In today's MAGA led Republican Party if you are "LIberal" or even a "Moderate" there is no longer any place for you to fit.

However If you have NAZI tendencies and hate Jews, Blacks, Immigrants, Latinos, Gays or Trans people Come on Down.  There is plenty of room for you in today's  Republican Party.

We are certainly headed for a Showdown in The United States Of America on Election Day 2024 at the ballot box.

After this year's election we will either continue to be a Democracy with Joe Biden as our President or a Dictatorship with Donald Trump as our Fuhrer.

I live in hope that at the end of 2024 we once again look forward to living in Freedom and Democracy in 2025.

I have a Democratic Friend who proposes that perhaps the thing for Joe Biden to do after the 2024 Election is regardless of the election outcome Biden should immediately declare himself the winner of the election and refuse to leave the White House.  

The more I think about it, The more I like that idea.

If we have to have a Fuhrer I'd rather it be Biden.

Sinceerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher