Wednesday, November 22nd, 2023
My Dear America:
Today is November 22nd, 2023.
This date may not mean a lot to many young people but to those of us who can and do remember this date 60 years ago it means a Great Deal.
November 22nd, 1963 was a day that those of us who were old enough to remember will always remember for the rest of our lives.
On November 22nd, 1963 President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was murdered while riding in a convertible in Dallas, Texas while on a Campaign trip to shore up support for his 1964 Re Election.
I have been a JFK Assassination Junkie for a long time now and I have written what I prefer to call a Non Fiction-Fictional Novel in which I present my fictional premise of how I think the Assassination occurred based on information that I have uncovered over the many years I have studied the many books, magazines, movies and other Television presentations available on the JFK Assassination. My Novel is called "The Man On The Grassy Knoll" and is available in Paperback and E Book Editions on and for anyone who might be interested in reading it.
There have been many theories on Who killed JFK and Why he was killed. My theory, after reading almost everything available on the subject is that John Kennedy was probably killed by Rogue CIA agents, including E Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis (Of Watergate Infamy) whose pictures were taken in Dallas near Dealy Plaza shortly after the Assassination and were later on published in several publications.
Rolling Stone Magazine published a story some years ago which explained that shortly before Howard Hunt died, after decades of denying his involvement with JFK's Assassination, he confessed to his son, St. John Hunt that he was indeed involved with the JFK Assassination but denied being the triggerman. Hunt also named other CIA Operatives involved with the Assassination and also stated that the person who was in charge of the Assassination Operation was none other than Lyndon Johnson, the Vice President of the United States at the time, who became President following the Assassination and appointed the members of the Warren Commission who investigated the JFK Assassination and concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald was the Lone Gunman who acted alone in killing Kennedy.
Some years later the House Select Committee on Assassinations concluded that there was evidence that Lee Harvey Oswald was not the only shooter in Dallas in 1963 and that evidence existed that John Kennedy was killed as the result of a Conspiracy.
The truth is that there is and has been for a long time evidence that the Warren Commission Report covered up crucial information that was revealed over time and blew holes in many of the initial Warren Commission findings.
60 years down the line from the Dallas murder of John F. Kennedy there is much disarray not only in the United States but all over the world. It is no wonder that many Americans are no longer focused on what happened in Dallas 60 years ago.
But to tell you the truth I am heartened today to have learned just recently about recent updated presentations about the Assassination of President John Kennedy that are revealing his incredible legacy to some new generations of Americans.
One new Presentation which I discovered on the History Channel this past weekend was a Docuseries called "Kennedy". I missed seeing the first few episodes of this excellent series which I assume were about his life before politics. I hope that the series will be repeated so that I might see those episodes that I have missed. Although much of what I saw was information that was not new to me, some of what was revealed about the Cuban Missile Crisis was far more detailed and disturbing than anything I had learned before regarding how close we came to Nuclear Destruction of the World. The Producer, Director and Musical Composer and Musical Director of this Feature was a young man named Ashton Gleckman who is only 24 years old. I must say that this was a very impressive job, Ashton. Well done.
Another JFK Assassination Documentary is being presented on Paramount Plus. It is called "JFK What the Doctors Saw", which I suppose is about what the Doctors saw in Dallas and in Maryland and D.C. when Kennedy's body was Examined and Autopsied after he was killed.
I also recently signed up to follow "Who Killed JFK", a Podcast that features Rob Reiner, a very talented gentleman who has always done a good job with whatever projects he is involved in. Journalist Soledad OBrien is also involved with Reiner in this project so I am guessing that "Who KIlled JFK" will be a First Class Operation.
There is a lot of material available to anyone who is interested in JFK, and in particular the JFK Assassination.
Books, Movies, TV Shows. There is a lot out there.
But let me warn you. When you start looking into this area of study, you will have a tough time stopping.
I have been at it a long time and I know that I will still be looking into it for a much longer time to come.
The more you do it, the more you become addicted to finding out more .
I've given you fair warning.
Please don't blame me if you turn yourself into a Bona Fide JFK Assassination Addict.
If you do succomb to this addiction, I am warning you that there is no cure.
Only more information to find out about this incredibly Fascinating, Interesting and Disturbing Subject.
Good luck to all of you who will join those of us who have traveled down this Fascinating Rabbit Hole before you and will never stop.
Sincerely Yours
Jerry Gallagher