Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Remembering The Assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy 60 Years Later

Wednesday, November 22nd, 2023

My Dear America:

Today is November 22nd, 2023.

This date may not mean a lot to many young people but to those of us who can and do remember this date 60 years ago it means a Great Deal.

November 22nd, 1963 was a day that those of us who were old enough to remember will always remember for the rest of our lives.

On November 22nd, 1963 President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was murdered while riding in a convertible in Dallas, Texas while on a Campaign trip to shore up support for his 1964 Re Election.  

I have been a JFK Assassination Junkie for a long time now and I have written what I prefer to call a Non Fiction-Fictional Novel in which I present my fictional premise of how I think the Assassination occurred based on information that I have uncovered over the many years I have studied the many books, magazines, movies and other Television presentations available on the JFK Assassination.  My Novel is called "The Man On The Grassy Knoll" and is available in Paperback and E Book Editions on and for anyone who might be interested in reading it.

There have been many theories on Who killed JFK and Why he was killed.  My theory, after reading almost everything available on the subject is that John Kennedy was probably killed by Rogue CIA agents, including E Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis (Of Watergate Infamy) whose pictures were taken in Dallas near Dealy Plaza shortly after the Assassination and were later on published in several publications.  

Rolling Stone Magazine published a story some years ago which explained that shortly before Howard Hunt died, after decades of denying his involvement with JFK's Assassination, he confessed to his son, St. John Hunt that he was indeed involved with the JFK Assassination but denied being the triggerman.  Hunt also named other CIA Operatives involved with the Assassination and also stated that the person who was in charge of the Assassination Operation was none other than Lyndon Johnson, the Vice President of the United States at the time, who became President following the Assassination and appointed the members of the Warren Commission who investigated the JFK Assassination and concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald was the Lone Gunman who acted alone in killing Kennedy.  

Some years later the House Select Committee on Assassinations concluded that there was evidence that Lee Harvey Oswald was not the only shooter in Dallas in 1963 and that evidence existed that John Kennedy was killed as the result of a Conspiracy. 

The truth is that there is and has been for a long time evidence that the Warren Commission Report covered up crucial information that was revealed over time and blew holes in many of the initial Warren Commission findings.

60 years down the line from the Dallas murder of John F. Kennedy there is much disarray not only in the United States but all over the world.  It is no wonder that many Americans are no longer focused on what happened in Dallas 60 years ago.  

But to tell you the truth I am heartened today to have learned just recently about recent updated  presentations about the Assassination of President John Kennedy that are revealing his incredible legacy to some new generations of Americans.

One new Presentation which I discovered on the History Channel this past weekend was a Docuseries called "Kennedy".  I missed seeing the first few episodes of this excellent series which I assume were about his life before politics.  I hope that the series will be repeated so that I might see those episodes that I have missed.  Although much of what I saw was information that was not new to me, some of what was revealed about the Cuban Missile Crisis was far more detailed and disturbing than anything I had learned before regarding how close we came to Nuclear Destruction of the World.  The Producer, Director and Musical Composer and Musical Director of this Feature was a young man named Ashton Gleckman who is only 24 years old.  I must say that this was a very impressive job, Ashton. Well done.

Another JFK Assassination Documentary is being presented on Paramount Plus. It is called "JFK What the Doctors Saw", which I suppose is about what the Doctors saw in Dallas and in Maryland and D.C. when Kennedy's body was Examined and Autopsied after he was killed.

I also recently signed up to follow "Who Killed JFK", a Podcast that features Rob Reiner, a very talented gentleman who has always done a good job with whatever projects he is involved in.  Journalist Soledad OBrien is also involved with Reiner in this project so I am guessing that "Who KIlled JFK" will be a First Class Operation.

There is a lot of material available to anyone who is interested in JFK, and in particular the JFK Assassination.  

Books, Movies, TV Shows.  There is a lot out there.

But let me warn you.  When you start looking into this area of study, you will have a tough time stopping.  

I have been at it a long time and I know that I will still be looking into it for a much longer time to come.

The more you do it, the more you become addicted to finding out more .  

I've given you fair warning.  

Please don't blame me if you turn yourself into a Bona Fide JFK Assassination Addict.

If you do succomb to this addiction, I am warning you that there is no cure.

Only more information to find out about this incredibly Fascinating, Interesting and Disturbing Subject.

Good luck to all of you who will join those of us who have traveled down this Fascinating Rabbit Hole before you and will never stop.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher


Thursday, November 16, 2023

Donald Trump Isn't Even trying To Hide It Anymore That He Is A Straight Up Nazi

 Thursday, November 16th, 2023

My Dear America:

The Following is an Exact Quotation from Donald Trump that was released on his Social Media Platform "Truth Social" on November 11th, 2023 - Veterans Day and was also featured word for word in a Campaign speech he gave in New Hampshire.

"In honor of our great Veterans on Veterans Day, we pledge to you that we will root out the Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our Country, lie steal and cheat on Elections, and will do anything possible, whether legally or illegally to destroy America, and the American Dream.  The threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous and grave, than the threat from within.  Despite the hatred and anger of the Radical Left Lunatics who want to destroy our country, we will MAKE AMEERICA GREAT AGAIN."

Donald Trump never really made much of an attempt to hide the fact that he is an admirer of Adolph Hitler. When he was President he was criticized often for kissing up to several Brutal Dictators while he also rudely disparaged some of our closest Allies.   Who can forget the disgusting ass kissing of Vladimir Putin when Trump met with him and Trump foolishly stated that he believed Putin over our American Intelligence Agencies. Certainly that was a clue to how Trump felt about Dictators.  

But this Truth Social Post and his using this same language in a speech in New Hampshire is a new Low even for Trump.  

There is no doubt in my mind as to where the word "Vermin" came to be used by Trump in this disturbing Veterans Day message from Trump.

It came directly from Trump's book of Translated Hitler Speeches that his First Wife, Ivanna, revealed he used to read from every night when they were married.  He has always been a notorious non reader yet he was reading Hitler's speeches nightly.  Isn't that interesting and deeply disturbing.

I have spent a good deal of time over the past couple of months reading about Adolph Hitler.  It was not by any means light reading and every day I seem to be seeing increasingly disturbing signs that Hitler Fan Donald Trump is done with Democracy and is all in on Dictatorship.

What is truly unnerving is the fact that despite his increasing numbers of City, State and Federal Criminal Charges against him he still has vast numbers of supporters clamoring for his return to power.

I don't Get it.  I have never gotten it and I'm damn sure that I will never get this man's attraction for so many Americans.

For God's Sake, Joe Biden, despite the fact that he has had nothing but venomous opposition from so many Republicans in Congress (Some of them like Mitch McConnell were even old friends of his) has still managed to accomplish an incredible amount of progress in the limited amount of time that he has had in the White House.

His reward for all he has done since Totally Legitimately Beating Trump in 2020 is to have many people in his own party praise what he has done but worry about him running again because of his age.  Yes, Joe is old.  He was old when he was elected and he still accomplished a great deal despite Republican opposition.  

Give a guy a break.  He's done a Fantastic Job as President of the United States.  Unlike Donald Trump who always seemed to denigrate the Armed Services.  "Suckers and Losers" Trump called Veterans.

Biden, on the other hand closes every single speech with the words "God Bless our Troops."

In my opinion it is time for Americans to wake up to reality before it is too late and recognize that what Donald Trump is promising if he is Re Elected is a Full On Dictatorship with "Retribution" aplenty for those of us "Vermin" who recognize Who and What Donald Trump really is and what "Retribution" he is planning When and If, God Forbid, he is legitimately allowed back in the White House.  

Just this week on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Rachel Maddow said something that I think answers a lot of questions as to why Trump is doing what he is doing regarding deliberately aligning himself with Hitler.

Rachel pointed out that what Donald Trump has done since he arrived on the Political Scene is to make his outrageous, seemingly insane and dangerous rhetoric and actions normalized over time and worthy of publicity.  Rachel points out, I believe correctly, that Trump is trying at the present time to normalize Hitler and the Nazis so that by the time the 2024 Elections roll around his Hitler talk will have been given some sense of normality.  But make no mistake, Donald Trump talking about implementing the Insurrection Act which would put the United States Armed Forces under his control on the streets of America is a dangerous and probably deadly proposition.  

He has also apparently set up plans to build "Camps" throughout the United States.  Something tells me that he is not planning to put Boy Scouts in those camps.  The camps will certainly bear resemblance to Concentration Camps.  We can only hope that these strange camps will not have ovens disguised as showers.

As I think about Rachel Maddow's brilliant explanation of Trump's dark and disturbing plans I also realize that what Trumpaholic Senator Tommy Tubberville is doing with regard to stymieing Armed Forces promotions suddenly makes sense.  

If the United States Armed Services leadership is in chaos it will be easier for Dictator Donald to assume complete control of the Armed Forces and put his own Dictator friendly officers like Mike Flynn in charge of the Pentagon and Armed Forces Bases everywhere.

Get serious people.  

It is time for Dean Phillips, Cornell West, Robert Kennedy Junior and Joe Mansion to abandon their campaigns for President and get behind Biden.  If these Ralph Nader type candidates don't get on board the Biden train those of us who love and treasure Democracy may be meeting together in the "CAMPS"

                                 As my Irish Mother used to always say

                                       God Bless Us And Save Us. 

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher


Friday, November 3, 2023

Here Comes MAGA MIKE

 Friday November 3rd, 2023

My Dear America:

It appeared to be good news at first.

After three weeks of Ridiculous Republican Shenanigans the Republicans in the House of Representatives had finally decided on who they were all in favor of becoming the new Speaker Of The House - A Position that is two heartbeats away from becoming the President of the United States.

The New Speaker's name was Mike Johnson.  He was a Congressman from Louisiana.  Unlike those other Lucky bastards whose names had been brought up as possible Speakers and had been discarded like trash by the members of the Republican Party in the House, Johnson had failed to piss off enough other members of the House Republican Party and Donald Trump to cause them to vote against him for Speaker.

My wife and I caught his first speech on the House Floor shortly after he was voted in as Speaker.  He seemed pretty normal.  He seemed like a nice guy.  He was well spoken as he talked about Bipartisanship and working with the Democrats.  He was saying the right things, after all.

Could this be it?  Could the House Republicans have actually chosen a Speaker who was, or at least could be, the Right Man for the job.  It seemed that way to me, at first, before MSNBC and other news outlets began dishing out the bad news about Mike Johnson.


Where the hell do I start.  

A clue as to where Mike Johnson stands is the fact that after he was elected Speaker he was immediately endorsed by Donald Trump.

And why wouldn't he be.  He was a Trump insider long before January 6th, 2021. 

He traveled with Trump at times on Air Force One and supported much of Trump's Right Wing agenda while Trump was in the Oval Office.  

He was also one of Donald Trump's staunchest supporters on the House Judiciary Committee during the Trump impeachment hearings.  

He was such a Trump Acolyte that he was chosen by Donald Trump to be a member of Trump's Defense Team during the Senate Impeachment Trial in which Trump was acquitted.  

Mike Johnson was also a lead organizer of the December 2020 Amicus Brief in support of The "Texas v. Pennsylvania" lawsuit that Texas Republicans pushed all the way to the Supreme Court where it finally fizzled out.

Mike Johnson has also been identified as the "Architect" of the scheme in which MAGA Republicans in the Congress voted against certifying the 2020 Election on January 6th, following the invasion of the Capitol by Trump Followers.

Johnson, along with all other House Republican Leaders in 2021 voted against establishing a National Commission to investigate the January 6th Insurrection.

While running for Congress in 2016 Mike Johnson  pledged that as a member of Congress he would cosponsor and vote for the U.S. Term Limits Amendment which would limit Congressional Candidates to only three (3) House Terms.

Johnson is presently serving in his Fourth (4) Term in The United States House of Representatives.

Johnson also has a long history of Anti LGTBQ Rhetoric.  His wife, Kelly runs a Counseling Business that Advocates that Homosexuality is comparable to Bestiality and Incest.

Johnson is of course an ardent opponent of Same Sex marriage and defended Louisiana's same sex marriage ban before the Supreme Court in 2004 and 2014.

Throughout his Career Mike Johnson has authored several bills aiming to restrict abortion access.

Johnson opposes the legalization of marijuana including medical marijuana.

Mike Johnson is a climate science skeptic who has accepted more campaign cash in his Congressional career from the oil and gas industry than any other industry.

Johnson sits on the House Armed Services Committee and unfortunately supports ending American Military Aid to Ukraine.

Mike and his wife Kelly had a Podcast in which they espoused their Radical and Extreme Views.  Now that Mike has been elected Speaker of the House the Johnson Couple's Podcast has strangely disappeared from the Podcast Universe.  

What has recently begun to bubble up with regard to Mike Johnson is that in his hometown of Shreveport, Louisiana it was common knowledge to some in town that when he was younger he frequented a Gay Bar in town and reportedly occasionally hooked up with men.  It is also reported that a Male Prostitute in New Orleans is about to go public regarding his relationship with Mike Johnson.  What a surprise that another radically Anti Gay Republican may possibly be OK with getting some Gay Action on the side.

Clearly with MAGA MIKE in the drivers seat in the United States House of Representatives we are in for some tough times.  His election may not only shut down our government but may also be responsible for the Death of Democracy in Ukraine.  Clearly MAGA MIKE will be OK with the return to the Oval Office of Donald Trump and this time out will be willing to make the Coup Successful in the House of Representatives if Donald Trump doesn't win legitimately.  The House may finally have a Speaker but we who are not residents of Trump's MAGA World are in for some serious difficulties in the coming months if I can read the tea leaves correctly.

Well, maybe now is not the time to be a naysayer.  So I will try my best to give Mike Johnson a chance to show that he can actually be Bipartisan and Responsible in the coming months.  

Lets all hope for the best but also prepare for the worst as Mr. Johnson begins his term as Speaker Of the House Of Representatives in the Congress of the United States of America.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher