Friday, October 13, 2023

Madness In The Middle East: A New Holocaust

 Friday, October 13th, 2023

My Dear America:

I woke up Last Saturday into a New World, A world in which the relative safety of most of the resident's of Israel had become a thing of the past.  Terrorists from the Militant Group, Hamas had broken out of their essentially Prison Like State in Gaza in Israel and had gone on a Cruel and Shameful Rampage in which Countless Israeli residents were Ruthlessly Murdered.  The Murders were not only just outside of the borders of Gaza but were Far Reaching all over the Country of Israel and although some were just straight up murders, which would have been bad enough, some were straight up Shameless Crimes Against Humanity perpetrated against largely innocent and peaceful Israelis such as Women, Children, including Infants, Disabled People and the Elderly.  Although many were killed outright, some Israelis were taken as hostages to be used as Human Bargaining Chips and Human Shields during the Inevitable Backlash from Hell that was bound to come from the Israeli Government and in particular the Israeli Military.

Some of the Israeli Survivors of the Hamas attacks report that the killers of Israeli Jews were, for the most part, laughing and jubilant as they raced across Israel killing, raping, torturing and beheading whoever was unfortunate enough to be in their path. 

Unfortunately we have seen and experienced madness like this before.  Certainly the Jewish People have had more than their share of Genocidal efforts to wipe them out throughout history.  Adolph Hitler's Nazi Regime in Germany took efforts to kill Jews to a new and brutal level which eliminated over Six Million European Jews during the course of World War II.  

Largely as the result of what happened in Nazi Germany many of the surviving Jews in their search for a safe place to live decided to gather together in Israel.  After a very rough start and even a couple of wars to insure their survival the Jews of Israel managed to establish a relatively peaceful homeland where the Jews that lived in Palestine could finally live in peace.

There has been one very significant problem, however, that has reared its ugly head in Israel time after time.  Although Israeli's have now been in Palestine for generations there has been little thought given to improving the lives of the Palestinian Arabs on the West Bank and Gaza who still live in Israel.

While there have been some Israeli Leaders who have recognized and worked toward the prospect of a Two State Solution to the Palestinian problem in Israel, unfortunately those leaders not only had difficulty convincing Israelis to cooperate with this prospect they also had problems convincing Palestinians to cooperate.  

Unfortunately Benjamin Netanyahu, today's Israeli Prime Minister has taken the idea of a Two State Solution with the Israelis and the Palestinians cooperating and buried it along with the hopes of Native Palestinians.  

Some of those hopeless Palestinians last Saturday let loose with an Angry and Brutal Assault on the Israelis who they feel have stolen their homeland much like the American Indians reacted when the white man came and stole their homeland that we now call America.

The Reckless Assault by Hamas on mostly innocent Israeli's certainly can't be justified.  Hamas had no right to kill, kidnap and terrorize Israelis but it must be understood why it was that these people were so pissed off.  In their minds Israel stole their homeland from them and locked them away in parts of Palestine that in their minds resembled Prison Camps, the same type of camps that Jews had been locked away in during World War II.

I am in agreement with President Biden's decision to back Israel in their desperate time of need.  Certainly the terrorists of Hamas need to pay for their war crimes and clearly the Israeli Government and Military are poised to make them do so.  

Unfortunately, it appears as though the Hamas Terrorists are not the only ones who will pay a high price for their Terrorist Crimes.  Certainly the Israeli Hostages have been threatened with assassination by their captors if Israel invades Gaza.  Israel is warning innocent Gaza residents to leave or at the very least retreat to Southern Gaza if they can't get out completely.

What seems clear at this point in time is that it does not bode well for the Innocents in Gaza while Israel amasses their troops along the Gaza Border while they bomb the hell out of Gaza.

As if this situation was not bad enough, Donald Trump has chosen to try to get his name back on the news channels by making controversial statements criticizing Netanyahu and calling terrorists like Hezbollah "Smart" in a speech this week.

Clearly Trump is angry that this story of Death and Destruction in Israel has blown him off the National News during the last week.  He also can't stand seeing Netanyahu and Biden standing together giving each other support.  Trump in his recent self serving speech stated that he was the best friend Israel and Netanyahu ever had.  This is a strange statement coming from someone who enjoys hanging out with Nazis.

Certainly Trump and Netanyahu have something in common with each other.  Both are being pursued by the law and the courts in their home countries.  Prior to this latest terrorist situation Netanyahu was attempting to take away the power of the Israeli Supreme Court which was pursuing Netanyahu's criminal conduct.

Indeed, Trump and Netanyahu have been together in many respects with regard to putting their own personal agenda's in ahead of their Home Country's Political Agendas.  

It remains to be seen what happens in Israel with regard to Prime Minister Netanyahu.  Egyptian Authorities claim that they warned Netanyahu of the upcoming terrorist action prior to it happening.  If that can be proved I think Netanyahu's Political future is dim at best.

Hopefully Israel's future will improve with time and an investment of concern for their Palestinian Neighbors before it is too late for Israel to Recover and Prosper.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher 

Monday, October 2, 2023

What In The Hell Is Wrong With James Carville and Bill Maher

 Monday, October 2nd, 2023

My Dear America:

Last Friday a couple of awful things happened.

The First Awful Thing occurred on Ari Melber's MSNBC Television Show.  Ari was interviewing Democratic Strategist, James Carville and he asked James about a statement that had been quoted in the New York Times. The statement was basically that, like Washington Post Columnist David Ignatius before him, Carville apparently stated that, although he liked Joe Biden and thought that Biden had done a Good Job in the White House during his Presidential Term, so far, Carville thought that Biden shouldn't run for a second Presidential term and that if he did that Biden would probably lose to Trump.

The Second Awful Thing that occurred last Friday was the return of "Real Time With Bill Maher" on HBO.  Although I was initially looking at Maher's return to the HBO lineup with anticipation, I was sadly disappointed with last Friday's Show.  

First of All, Maher's First Guest to be interviewed on last Friday's HBO show was Florida Governor and Presidential Contender, Ron DeSantis, hot off the Trumpless Republican Debate Shit Show held just days before Real Time aired.  It was not the First Time that Maher had interviewed a Controversial Guest.  Indeed, he has carved out a career by interviewing and sparring with Controversial Figures.  Many of those interviews were clever, interesting and Cutting.   Some of them featured Maher showing his skill at Skewering Many Right Wing figures who other interviewers appeared to be intimidated by. 

This time, however, instead of Maher throwing Bombshell Questions at DeSantis, whose Political Vulnerabilities are many, Maher seemed to be throwing nothing but Softball Questions at the Florida Governor and patting the Bastard on the back like they were buddies at the end of the interview.  

Where were the questions about DeSantis's alleged involvement in Torture when he was in the service and assigned to Guantanimo Bay?

Where were the questions about DeSantis banning Books in Florida and Whitewashing Slavery in his state?

The Discussion Session on "Real Time" featured Mary Kathrine Ham as the Featured Republican and Sam Harris as the Featured Democrat.  That part of the program was Okay.

Maher did feature some very funny "Tips To Trump's Future Cellmates."  That part of the program was hilarious.

Then, of course, Maher ended the program with "New Rules"

Friday's "Real Time" ended with Bill Maher showing part of a video of a sit down session between Bill Maher and James Carville.  Apparently, what they were talking about was that both of them agreed that Joe Biden had done a Good Job as President but because some people feel that he is too old he should step aside and let another Democrat take his place in the 2024 Election.

Although I respect and admire both James Carville and Bill Maher and have followed them and agreed with much of what they have had to say about American Politics, I am in total disagreement with this Duo on the issue of whether or not Joe Biden should run for another Term as President.  

Clearly, for the most part Joe Biden has not just done a "Good Job" as President.  He has done an "Outstanding Job" as President.  Trump encouraged people not to worry about silly things like Covid 19 masks and worried more about subverting Democracy and stealing the 2020 Election than distributing Covid Vaccines.  

When Biden arrived in the White House on January 20th, 2021 He immediately went to work on many things including distributing Covid Vaccines and eventually put Covid under relatively good control and so far has maintained that control although new Covid concerns continue to be on the rise again.

Joe Biden has helped his party pass an incredibly far reaching and long range program that has led to, among other things, outstanding employment figures.  His Leadership has led NATO to support Ukrainian Freedom Fighters and work to keep Vladimir Putin's Warmongering out of NATO Countries and except for Putin's control of Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis, out of our country, as well.

Although the Democratic Party has an outstanding Back Bench of Political All Stars that certainly might be capable of being Great Presidents what we learned the last time out was that Joe Biden was the favorite Candidate of many Democratic leaders who gave up their own Presidential Dreams to join the successful Biden team in order to beat Donald Trump.

Yes, Talking Heads like Carville and Maher and probably others have a right to their opinions about Biden giving up the Presidency.  I also have a right to my opinion and in my opinion I think that we are all very lucky that Joe Biden has been willing to give up some of the best and last years of his life to work so hard for America and Americans.  I think its time for all of us to recognize and appreciate the outstanding Job Joe Biden has done throughout his career in Politics and get on board the Biden Train once again as the 2024 Presidential Race heats up.  Yes, Joe Biden is old.  We all know that.  He was old when he ran the last time and won against Trump and did such an outstanding job as President. And Let us not forget that Donald Trump is just a few years younger than Biden and is much more mentally challenged than Biden.  Carville and Maher may be correct in assuming that Biden may lose.  But chances are that he will win the Presidency a second time because unlike Donald Trump whose Presidential Term was nothing but a series of failed policies Biden's Presidential Record is a long series of  extremely successful policy decisions.  

Yes, It is going to be a long hard struggle for Biden to win the Presidency a second time.  It is certainly going to be even harder if people like Carville, Maher and David Ignatious continue to make it even more difficult for Biden to win.  I hope these people will recognize their mistake and correct it sooner than later.

I wish these Titans of Thought would follow a rule in this instance that my Mother taught me a long time ago.

She taught me the following:

"If You Can't say Something Nice about Someone, Don't say anything at all". 

I know that Carville and Maher have been shining lights in the Democratic Party for a long time and I hope that they continue to be shining lights in the Democratic Party but for God's Sake, Guys get off Biden's Case.  There will be enough ruthless MAGA Republicans denigrating Joe Biden during the upcoming 2024 Election.  Biden certainly doesn't need Democrats helping to do the Republicans Dirty Work for them.  Winning the 24 Election is not just simply another election.  There is a lot at stake in 24.  This Election will be a choice between Democracy and Dictatorship.  If Joe Biden wins Democracy will continue.  If Donald Trump Win's We are a Dictatorship, Plain and Simple so lets not take a chance on someone new to take on Trump.  Lets get behind Joe Biden who beat Trump before and work like hell to keep Democracy alive.

After all, Donald Trump has told us what he is going to do if he wins again and it is not a Pretty Picture.  It is certainly not one that I want to see happen in my Country.  

So lets all do ourselves a favor and recognize just what kind of a terrible situation we will be facing if Joe Biden Doesn't win in 2024.    

And Please Cornell West and Robert Kennedy Junior get out of the way of Joe Biden winning the 2024 Election.  I know that neither of you want Trump to win so don't help Donald Trump win in 2024.  I know that neither of you would want to be recipients of the "Ralph Nader Unnecessary Candidate Award" so please end your already doomed candidacies and work with the rest of us to save Democracy as a Political Way of Life in the United States of America in 2024.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher