Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Cassidy Hutchinson: Confessions Of A Decent Republican

Tuesday, September 26th, 2023 

My Dear America:

It seems as though finding Decent Republican Politicians these days is about as easy as finding Unicorns playing in your backyard.

They are both very rare animals and are hard as hell to find these days.

I was very lucky to find one of those Rare Decent Republicans on Television on Monday night guesting on Rachel Maddow's program.

Cassidy Hutchinson, one of the star witnesses at the January Sixth Congressional Hearings, was on Rachel's program talking about her new book that is just coming out.  The book is called "Enough".

As is usually the case, Rachel Maddow conducted an informative interview with Miss Hutchinson.

Cassidy Hutchinson is a young lady who has a lot going for her.  She is young, attractive and seems to have a good head on her shoulders.  She had a lot of interesting things to say during the interview including the fact that she has had to fight off the advances of some of the more prominent villains of the January Sixth Scandal including Matt Gaetz and Rudy Giuliani.

It certainly could not have been easy for Cassidy Hutchinson to testify to the January Sixth Committee and like John Dean and Alexander Butterfield back in the Watergate Committee Hearings, blow the lid off the Donald Trump led scandal.  According to what I heard last night I think that Miss Hutchinson's book will be revealing a lot more than she revealed to the Committee and to Rachel Maddow.  

I felt bad for Cassidy Hutchinson as she discussed what she had been through since clearly like John Dean and Alexander Butterfield before her back in the Watergate Era, Cassidy was a True Believer in her President until his increasingly Criminal and Anti Democratic Behavior caused her to have no other choice but to jump off the Trump Train to allow her to live with herself and retain her self respect.  

Although Decent Republicans seem to be increasingly hard to find, Cassidy Hutchinson is certainly not the only one of her kind.

Mitt Romney has, for the most part, shown himself to be Decent and honorable although he is presently looking forward to leaving the Senate and heading for the Utah Hills.

Liz Cheny and Adam Kinzinger both signed onto the January Sixth Committee knowing that serving on that Committee would probably be the end of their Republican Congressional Careers. Neither one is still in Congress.  

What we have seen throughout the January Sixth Committee Hearings is that there continue to be at least some Decent Republicans unwilling to accept Lies in order to succeed in the Republican Party.  

Unfortunately, however, it seems to be all too easy for many of those Decent Republicans to go along with the nonsense rather than to, like Cassidy Hutchinson, tell the truth and refuse to accept Donald Trump's Republican Bullshit. 

During her interview with Rachel Maddow Cassidy Hutchinson called on Decent Republicans to come to their senses and take back their party.  

Hopefully at least some Republicans will follow Cassidy Hutchinson's lead and realize that supporting Democracy is far more important than supporting Donald Trump and MAGA Republican lies

In any case I wish the best for Cassidy Hutchinson.  She seems to be an intelligent young lady and a good writer.  I would hope that perhaps MSNBC or CNN might pick her up as a commentator on Donald Trump's many upcoming trials.  I think having Cassidy Hutchinson commenting on the trials would provide some very relevant perspective from someone who knows what she is talking about.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Advice Democrats Don't Need Right Now From Washington Post Columnist David Ignatius

 Wednesday, September 13, 2023

My Dear America:

Let me be clear about the fact that like many people in America, especially Democrats, I have a great deal of admiration and respect for Washington Post Columnist (and Novelist) David Ignatius.  MSNBC and CNN Viewers will probably easily recognize the face of David Ignatius because he is often on their programs and is often on other Network news programs, as well.  To be honest I have often found myself, as I am sure that other Democrats have as well, in total agreement with Mr. Ignatius as he has commented in his column and on Television mostly on Foreign Affairs issues that affect The United States of America.  Clearly Mr. Ignatius has proven himself over and over to be someone with highly respectable Intellectual and Foreign Policy credentials.

So basically what I am trying to say is that I am a great admirer of David Ignatius.  I think that he has had a great deal of insight with regard to American Foreign Policy and up to now, American Politics.

Unfortunately, in his latest Washington Post Column titled "President Biden Should Not Run Again in 2024" I think that Mr. Ignatius has made a serious mistake in judgement in his recommendation against Joe Biden running for a Second term.  

As a Democrat I find the recommendation by Ignatius for Biden not to run in 2024 unwelcome and obnoxious for many reasons.

What is really weird is that most of the Ignatius column reads like a campaign document listing the accomplishments that the Biden Administration can be and should be proud of.  

Then the Column veers off into a listing of reasons why Biden shouldn't run again in 2024.

The main reason that Ignatius seems to cite is the fact that many Americans including Democrats complain that at his age (80) he is too old to run for President again.  

That is a ridiculous charge made by a 73 year old writer and columnist who admits to the many accomplishments made by the Biden Harris White House.  Biden was elected in 2020 beating an elderly and insane candidate named Donald Trump who is today being criminally pursued all over the country.

Ignatius indicates in his column that Biden's greatest accomplishment has been stopping Trump.  I certainly agree with that.  So why wouldn't Joe Biden want to stop Trump again.  Besides, who in the Democratic Party can guarantee that they can beat Trump.  Nobody that I can see.  

Ignatius also brings up the fact that Vice President Kamala Harris does not have incredible poll numbers and is not very popular in the Democratic Party.

Yes, Vice President Harris may not have the best poll numbers and may not be thought of as the most popular person in the Democratic Party but the truth is that she is a Dynamic Campaigner and a very capable Vice President.

She has shown her stripes over and over and has been in the forefront of the Biden Administration's reactions to such important issues as supporting the Tennessee Justin's when the Tennessee legislature tried to throw them out.  Vice President Harris was also the Administration's point person in pushing back hard against the outrageous actions of Ron DeSantis in trying to whitewash the subject of Slavery in the state of Florida.

I am sure that David Ignatius means well in his recommendations regarding Biden and Harris but I would hope that he comes to his senses soon and sensibly recognizes that this coming election is not only going to be a referendum on Joe Biden and Kamala Harris but it is also going to be a referendum also on whether or not Democracy is going to survive in the United States of America in the coming years.

Please Mr. Ignatius things are going to be hard enough for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in the coming years.  For God's sake please don't make it any harder for them to stave off the possible Dictatorship of an American Hitler named Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis or Vivek Ramaswamy.

We know Mr. Ignatius that you are trying to do your job responsibly but in making it harder for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to do their difficult jobs you are presently playing with Fire and if you inadvertently help Donald Trump or one of the other MAGA Flunkeys get elected we may all kiss Democracy Goodbye.

I know you don't want that.

Neither do I and neither do millions of other American Voters.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher