Tuesday, July 25th, 2023
My Dear America:
There is something Deadly Wrong going on in America today. Sometimes I feel as though I'm the only one who sees how bad things are. But I'm not the only one who knows how bad things are. My Wife knows it. My Children know it and most of my friends know it too. We can all see where we are today and where we are headed. we can clearly recognize just how close to the edge of madness our Country's political system has become.
I am scared to death that it may already be too late. Just like it may be for Climate Change. I hope that is not the case but it is difficult to clearly recognize just how close to the end of Sanity and Democracy we may truly be in the United States of America.
Good God, the madness is everywhere you look. Yes, I recognize just how Insane I sound but the truth is that I'm not Insane. I'm just worried that not enough Americans are clearly recognizing just how incredibly important this coming Presidential Election is going to be for the future of Democracy in America.
For Christ's Sake, Two of the Higher Polling Candidates already signed up for the 2024 Republican Presidential Primary are not simply just Right Wing Nuts. Dumb Donald Trump and Reckless Ron DeSantis are Straight Up Traitors.
Yes, I said Traitors.
Among the many good things that President Joe Biden has done is to change the American policy toward Ukraine.
One of the main reasons that Donald Trump was impeached by the U.S. Congress was that Trump blatantly tried to keep arms shipments that the United States Congress had authorized for Ukraine from being delivered to Ukraine. Who can forget that "Perfect Call" that Trump made to Ukrainian President Zelensky in which Trump showed his inappropriate favoritism for Vladimir Putin. Trump also did everything he could to weaken NATO, making it very difficult, but luckilly not impossible, for Joe Biden to help repair the damage and bring NATO back to Unity and Strength.
Clearly Donald Trump feels a genuine Affinity and an Authoritarian Kinship with Russian Leader, Vladimir Putin. We have all seen Trump kissing Putin's ass over and over again during the Trump Administration. We also heard Trump praising Putin's brilliance at the beginning of the Ukrainian Conflict until he realized just how out of step he was with the rest of the country. These days Trump seems to be going out of this way not to make any comments on Putin or the Senseless Russian Invasion of Ukraine.
Can anyone really believe that if We were unlucky enough to have Donald Trump return to the White House that Trump would do anything other than try to help Putin defeat Ukraine.
The answer is "No." If it walks like a Traitor and Talks like a Traitor it's a Freakin Traitor.
The other Traitor on the Republican Campaign Trail who has shown himself to be totally unfit to run for President but is doing it anyway is Ron DeSantis.
DeSantis has, up to this point, shown himself to be a disturbingly reckless clone of Donald Trump's cruel policies although in some instances this Nazi influenced White Jackbooted fool has sometimes outdistanced Trump in his hurtful treatment of human beings in his home state of Florida.
Book Bans
Fights with Disney, one of Florida's main employers
He has sent representatives to Texas to lie to Illegal Immigrants in order to send them to other states.
He even seems to have had the gall to see some good things about Slavery that he thinks should be taught in schools
This guy is a real Jackass.
Oh, and he has said about Ukraine that the United States should not be involved in a "Territorial Dispute."
A Territorial Dispute is not what has happened in Ukraine.
Russia cruelly and violently Invaded their Neighbor, Ukraine and Russia has been continuing for over a year to attempt to destroy their Next Door Neighboring Country. There is no territorial dispute. This war would be over immediately if and when Russian forces had the good sense to return back over the border to their own country and left the Ukrainians to live peacefully, free and democratically in their own country, which they were doing for many years prior to the Russian Invasion.
It seems logical to believe that these Two Obnoxious Republican Traitors do not have a snowballs chance in hell to be elected President even if one of them becomes the Republican Nominee for President.
But I find it difficult to believe in logic anymore. Logic would have told me in 2016 that Donald Trump would not have been elected President and that Hillary Clinton should have been Elected. She had more votes in 2016. Yet Trump became President. Illogical.
Logic also would have told me that in 2020 when Trump obviously lost the election to Joe Biden that he would not try to manipulate the system and stage a Coup to stay in power. But Surprise Surprise, Trump tried to manipulate the system and if Mike Pence wasn't a bit more concerned about the Constitution than Kissing Trump's ass Trump might have pulled off his coup.
And as we look forward to the 2024 Election would it be logical for us to believe that if Donald Trump loses this election that he will this time go gently into that good Mara Lago night.
I don't think so.
We Democrats have a lot to think about this next time around. But first we have to win the 2024 Election for Joe Biden. Enough with the whining about how old Biden is. That doesn't matter. Trump is only a few years younger and he is a Traitor who should never be allowed near the White House ever again.
Biden's Presidential accomplishments are many and important. We must not let Republican lies about Biden win out in 2024. We are looking at an election in which the results are clear as a bell.
Democracy must win this one and MAGA Republicans who obviously don't have Democratic values must lose.
In 2024 when we go to the voting booth we must say "No" to MAGA Republican Traitors.
Sincerely Yours
Jerry Gallagher