Friday, July 29th 2022
My Dear America:
Well, the Eighth and what had been originally scheduled to be the Final Wrap Up Session of the United States House of Representatives January Sixth Committee Hearing is over. What has happened, however, is that a great deal of new evidence has been shared with the Committee and as of now it looks as though new Committee Hearings will be scheduled, possibly as soon as September.
This does not mean that the Committee has failed in presenting their evidence so far. Quite the opposite is true. The January Sixth Committee has shown itself to be quite adept in their presentation of evidence, which to my mind proves, among other things, that Donald Trump is Guilty as Hell of High Crimes and should never again be permitted to darken any doorway in the White House.
The January Sixth Committee Hearings have been Interesting, Sensational and Successful, to my mind. They have been presented almost like Regular Broadcast Television Episodes which were complete stories, in themselves but when you put them all together they present a stunning narrative of truly spectacular Political Intrigue emanating directly from the White House Oval Office.
Unfortunately, however, the people who need to watch these tales of political treachery the most will likely never watch any, never mind All of the January Sixth Hearings.
Every phase of the hearings was powerful to me. The fact that almost all of the witnesses were Republicans was stunning and made it difficult, if not impossible for critics to claim that the hearings were simply a Democratic Hatchet Job.
The January Sixth Committee Witnesses were not, for the most part, enemies of the Former President, looking to extract revenge for some political reason. They were almost all Republicans who had pledged their support to Donald Trump and many had testified under oath that they had voted for Donald Trump in the Election of November 2020.
One reason that I think the Hearings were presented so powerfully was that the Committee had wisely hired a Veteran ABC Television Executive to guide the Television Production of the Hearings. Granted that there might have been some hitches along the way but for the most part the January Sixth Hearings were pretty smooth and power packed Television Productions.
The January Sixth Committee Members seemed to give a demonstration of how individuals from two political parties can and should be able to get along with one another and work together for the benefit of the American People.
Clearly Nancy Pelosi put a good deal of thought into who would be effective and would work well together when she set up the January Sixth Committee. Jamie Raskin is a Constitutional Scholar and Adam Schiff is a former Prosecutor. Clearly Kevin McCarthy was played for a fool by Pelosi when after his attempt to put election deniers on the panel and Pelosi refused he decided to refuse to cooperate further with the January Sixth Committee. Even Donald Trump thought that McCarthy was stupid in that situation.
Unfortunately for Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger they have probably laid down their Political Lives for their insistence on Truth being told in the Republican Party about Donald Trump. Liz appears to be on her way to being driven out of Politics by her Wyoming Republican Party because she continues to reject "The Big Lie" that Donald Trump is a victim of Voter Fraud. She realizes that losing her House seat is probably in her future but she is unwilling to lie in order to keep it.
Adam Kinzinger has chosen to leave his House seat on his own rather than be tossed out by his party chiefs.
Unfortunately for Cheney and Kinzinger their integrity is out of step with their Republican Party which these days seems to be made up of only individuals who are willing to sacrifice their integrity to keep their Congressional Seats and are even willing to give up Democracy so that their party remains politically successful. It is truly a shameful state of affairs and one that should give every Republican pause before they ever cast another vote for another Republican for any office.
The issue of Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney gives me pause because for the most part I disagree with both of them regarding most issues. They truly are Conservatives on most issues and have voted with Donald Trump during his Presidential Tenure most of the time. Unfortunately for them, but fortunately for us, they, unlike most of their party, were unwilling to lie on the issue of whether or not Donald Trump was a "Loser" in the 2020 Election. Cheney and Kinzinger were not OK with having people killed and injured at the Capitol just to soothe Donald Trump's Oversized Ego.
What is clear to me now and I think should be clear to any correct thinking American at this point is that Donald Trump was front and center in this plot to destroy the rule of law in the 2020 Election. I believe that the January Sixth Committee has shown that. Indeed, a tape exists in which Steve Bannon in a presentation prior to the 2020 Election announced that regardless of the outcome of the Election Donald Trump was going to claim that he won, whether or not he did or didn't legitimately win the Presidency. Certainly Bannon's prediction came true and even now Trump is still refusing to admit that he lost the 2020 Election.
Trump was no innocent Doofus who didn't know what he was doing when it came to attempting to steal the election from Joe Biden. Although clearly Trump was stupid in what he did and how he did it, correct thinking Americans should recognize that he was desperate to stay in office not because he wanted to work hard for the people of the United States but simply because he wanted to save his sorry ass from prosecution for God Knows how many numerous crimes that he committed during the four years he was in the Oval Office. He was certainly not known to be a workaholic while he was in the White House and was not destined to be one if he managed to pull off his desperate scheme and remained in power. He knows full well that while he is loose on the streets of Mara Lago, rather than Washington he is vulnerable to all measures of Legal Consequences including prosecution and will probably (Like his former Right Hand Man and present day Podcaster, Michael Cohen) eventually do some hard time for his crimes.
Although The January Sixth Committee is not a Court of Law they certainly have made their case, as far as I am concerned. In a brilliant and measured manner the Committee has shown remarkable responsibility and restraint in their various presentations over the course of their Eight Hearings.
What appears to be occurring presently is that the United States Justice Department seems to have paid close attention to the January Sixth Committee Hearings and some of the same individuals who have given bombshell testimony to that group are now presently giving bombshell testimony to Grand Juries in Washington D.C. and Atlanta. Although the New York City DA seems to have given up on prosecuting Donald Trump, the New York State Attorney General continues to investigate Donald Trump's Dirty Deeds.
The January Sixth Committee Hearings have laid out a case that should be easy for the Justice Department to follow through with. It is ugly and distasteful to witness an Ex President of the United States being pursued legally for what he has done in office but Donald Trump has so desecrated the Office of the United States Presidency that Attorney General Merrick Garland truly has no choice other than to put Justice back into the Justice Department.
Donald Trump needs to pay for all he has done to all of us. He has committed countless crimes right out in the open for all to see almost daring us to hold him to account for his actions. Representative Kinzinger has spoken eloquently about Donald Trump's "Stain on American History." Indeed, some of that Stain is blood spilled on January 6th for no good reason. Americans are dead and permanently injured as a result of the fact that Donald Trump couldn't handle the truth and admit that the was a Loser.
Our country has many more problems in addition to Donald Trump. Our Congress was Somewhat Dysfuntional prior to Trump's Election to the Presidency.
Now it is simply Disastrously Dysfuntional to the point where it is anybody's guess as to whether or not we will once again get to the point where we can function properly as a Democratic Nation ever again.
I hope that by making Donald Trump pay for his crimes we might actually "Make America Great Again"
And by some miracle I hope that by flushing Donald Trump out of our system like flushing a turd down a toilet that we can somehow make Republicans see how out of step with Democracy they truly are before we actually lose our Democratic system for good.
I urge my Republican Friends, Neighbors and Relatives to Wake Up and Save Democracy Now, Today, Before its too late to do it.
In the upcoming elections vote for people who genuinely care about Freedom in the United States of America before we lose what we have learned to love about our country over the past few centuries.
Sincerely Yours
Jerry Gallagher