Sunday, March 27th, 2022
My Dear America:
It may be hard to believe for particularly Young Americans, who, for the most part, interact appropriately in school and out of school with other young people who are black, that particularly in the American South but really in all sections of our country there was a time in America when Lynching was accepted and practiced with frequency as well as with barbarity.
Thankfully, that time is long gone but is certainly not forgotten and should never be forgotten. During that time of Lynching acceptance by many whites, Black Lives clearly did not matter to some whites and the criminal act of Lynching was a cruel method of keeping blacks in their place in the United States of America.
Certainly some White Slaveholders, many of whom claimed to be Christians, were not above Lynching slaves who they felt belonged to them and did things such as running away, talking back, not working hard enough or looking at a white woman in what they felt was an unacceptable manner.
Although many southerners still insist that the Civil War was fought for "States Rights" clearly the main States Right that was important enough to fight a war for was the right to own slaves.
After the Civil War while there was a period of time when blacks did experience progress in America. That progressive period didn't last very long and when whites, especially poor whites, began to see blacks moving ahead in America that's when Lynching in America seemed to move into high gear and racism, which never really went way, seemed to roar back with a vengeance along with groups like the Ku Klux Klan leading the way.
Lynching in the old days was a cruel and despicable activity which happened often for almost no reason at all. A black person who looked the wrong way at a white person could easily end up hanging from a tree with his eyes and other body parts torn from his body. Luckily for women the Lynched parties were mostly men but that didn't mean that women were never lynched. They were simply lynched less often than men.
Lynching is not simply Critical Race Theory. It is quite simply Critical Race Fact.
Certainly those Americans who remember the Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas may probably remember Judge Thomas during his testimony to the Committee equating his Judiciary Committee Hearing with a Modern Day Lynching. The reason Thomas said that was because the Judiciary Committee had forced Anita Hill. a lawyer who had worked with Thomas to testify to the Committee regarding allegations she had made regarding Thomas possibly inappropriately sexually harassing her.
Some Republicans on that Senate Judiciary Committee genuinely put Ms. Hill through the ringer following her testimony. If anyone had been "Lynched" in that hearing it was not Justice Thomas. It was Anita Hill.
This past week I sat through all I could stomach of the Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings for Judge Katanji Brown Jackson who has been nominated by Joe Biden for an appointment to the Supreme Court to fill the seat of retiring Judge Stephen Breyer. The Republicans on that Committee might have been new faces but that same old Republican Insensitivity to race and gender that forever stained the Clarence Thomas Hearings and also stained the Brett Kavanaugh Hearings reared its ugly presence once again last week.
The fact that Judge Katanji Brown Jackson was one of the most qualified Candidates for the Supreme Court that we have ever seen nominated by a President seemed to mean nothing to several Republicans on the Judiciary Committee including Lindsey Graham (Who had voted for her previously for Judiciary Appointments), Tom Cotton (Who Joy Reid appropriately called "Thuggish"), Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz and Marsha Blackburn.
These Republican Judiciary Committee Members savaged Judge Brown and tried to make a big deal about the fact that a few of her sentences issued for some Child Pornography cases were not as punitive as the Republicans thought they should be.
Judge Jackson, for her part, showed great tolerance for the ridiculous antics of the Foolish Five and pursued the hearings with great self control and a ready smile throughout. If she was not rattled by this torcherous experience it is truly a testament to what a Calm, Considerate and Magnificent jurist she will be.
Unlike Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh whose Angry Whinings during their Judiciary Committee Hearings will certainly never be forgotten, Justice Jackson will be remembered for her poise and her honesty, not for rantings and ravings about how awful she was treated. Even though she has plenty of reason to complain about her rude and obnoxious treatment by the Republican Judiciary Committee Members I would be surprised if we hear one complaint from Judge Jackson about her treatment by the Foolish Five.
Thank God, the Democratic members of the Senate Judiciary Committee treated her with Dignity and respect. She was especially well treated by Judiciary Committee Chairman, Dick Durban, as well as by New Jeersey Senator Cory Booker, whose kind words of compliment seemed to elicit some well deserved tears from Judge Jackson.
Judge Jackson has shown herself to be highly qualified to be a Supreme Court Judge. Unlike Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh who had some serious Skeletons in their Closets, Judge Jackson seems to have nothing but a Terrific Reputation in her closet.
Clearly she is Highly Qualified to become a Supreme Court Justice and barring some unknown disaster she will be confirmed to join the highest court in the land.
Hopefully some Republicans will come to their senses and vote for this Supremely Qualified Candidate for the Highest Court in the Land.
Regardless, She is going to be confirmed to sit on the Supreme Court in her friend and Mentor, Judge Stephen Breyer's seat.
And while all this is happening I am hopeful that the House January Sixth Committee will do all they can to find out what in the hell has been going on with Clarence Thomas's wife, Ginni Thomas, who admits to being at the January Sixth "Stop The Steal" Rally and apparently in texts sent by her to Trump's Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows she clearly indicates that she is complicit in the proposed illegal efforts to steal the election from Joe Biden, the rightful winner of the 2020 Presidential Election.
We don't know if Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was approving of this scheme and his wife's efforts on Trump's behalf but I would think that it would be unusual, if not unthinkable, that she would have been operating without his knowledge or consent.
What we do know is that when the Supreme Court Voted against Trump's effort to prevent Trump's White House records to be released to the January Sixth Committee that Justice Clarence Thomas was the only one dissenting vote on the Supreme Court in that case.
Clearly something is rotten in the Thomas Household and if Justice Thomas's wife is advocating an illegal overturning of an honest American Election and her husband is supporting her in this effort he should at least Recuse himself in any case that involves Trump and more important Perhaps it is time for Justice Thomas to Retire from the Supreme Court and if he is unwilling to retire it may be time to consider Impeachment of Justice Clarence Thomas.
Sincerely Yours
Jerry Gallagher