Sunday, November 29th, 2020
My Dear America:
I still remember the day that I went to see what would become my All Time Favorite Science Fiction Movie of All Time, "Invasion Of the Body Snatchers." It was sometime back in the Fifties when watching Black and White Movies was still Cool. It was the Original Black and White Movie starring Actors Kevin McCarthy and Dana Wynter. My Family, lived in the small town of Clark Summit, Pennsylvania and I must have been in my teens because my parents were letting me walk to the only Movie Theater in Town and walk back home by myself. I remember it was a considerable walk.
The movie scared the hell out of me.
The premise of the movie was this. A Doctor who had not been back to his home town in a long time comes back to town and as he becomes Re Acquainted with his Neighbors and Friends he begins to get a feeling that there is something wrong with these people who he has known all his life. Gradually Kevin McCarthy (The Doctor) figures out that what is wrong in his hometown is that plants have fallen out of the sky and taken root on earth. These plants produce large Pods and those Pods, while people are sleeping, are Reproducing the bodies of his friends and neighbors. The finished products of the Pod People Reproductions are bodies that look and sound like and have the memories of those people they replaced. The only difference is that the Replacement Pod People don't have any emotions. They can't feel anything.
Although it sounds like a concept that people could see through easily the movie builds its suspense gradually and the end of the film is very frightening. When I was a teenager in Clark Summit I came out of that movie theater rather shaken. As I walked back home it took me awhile to realize that what I saw in that movie wasn't real life and that every person I saw on my trip home was not an Unemotional Pod Person. I even looked at my parents in a rather paranoid way for a few days after watching the movie. I eventually got over my paranoia and realized that the movie was just a movie, despite how real it had appeared to me.
Showtime featured the Remake Version of "Invasion Of The Body Snatchers" this past weekend in the middle of the night. I had seen this color version of the movie before and I remembered that I didn't like it. At the end of this version of the movie I realized what it was that I didn't like about it. I'm not going to tell you what happened at the end because you might want to watch the movie yourself. The Remake version of the movie had a similar concept regarding the Pod People but it took place in San Francisco instead of a small town and the story was a little more complicated than the first version. It had a Great Cast featuring Leonard Nimoy, Donald Sutherland, Brooke Adams and Jeff Goldbloom.
While I watched the updated version of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" this weekend I suddenly realized that this movie had an important message for me that I want to share with the American people.
That message has some serious relevance, I believe, to our recent Presidential Election. In that election although Joe Biden clearly won the Popular vote and also won the Electoral College Vote, his Election has been challenged not only by Donald Trump but by 70 Percent or more of the Republican Party.
A Great Majority of Republicans seem to be continuing to accuse Joe Biden, in collaboration with George Soros and Hugo Chavez (Who has been dead for many years) of Stealing the Election away from Donald Trump.
Never mind that Christopher Krebs, the Department of Homeland Security Computer Expert charged with keeping the election untampered with stated plainly that this past election in which more people voted than in any other election in history was the most secure election in history.
Krebs reward for keeping the Election secure and stating so didn't square with Trump's claims of Election Fraud so Trump fired him.
So now, who should we believe? A Man who has a lifetime of proven expertise with regard to Computer Security or a man whose lies are so numerous it is impossible to keep track of them.
I'm betting on the Computer Security Expert.
I have been having a hard time understanding what has happened to the Republican Party. Republicans used to be Anti Russian and Pro American. Now it seems as though the opposite is true. Republicans used to get along with Democrats even though they had differing views on Political Issues. Now those important friendships that Republicans and Democrats used to have don't seem to exist any more. Now when Republicans talk about Democrats they often accuse Democrats of being Pedophiles who drink the blood of children they kill and eat and they seem to mean it, at least some of them do.
What is clear to me after the incredible voter turnout for Donald Trump in the last election is that Trump's ridiculous bullshit conspiracy theories are no longer Fringe theories. They are Mainstream Republican Concepts. Where did they come from? And where do they go from here? These conspiracy theories are so far off the rails that they should be laughed at. But nobody is laughing these days. Not Republicans or Democrats.
I think I have finally figured it out, though. It came to me as I watched "Invasion Of The Body Snatchers" between Saturday night and Sunday morning. It was right there in front of me as I watched that strange and frightening movie this past weekend.
What is it that is wrong with the Republican Party?
Pod People. That's what is wrong with the Republican Party today. Think about it. There is no amount of empathy for the children taken away from their parents at the border with no path to be returned to their parents. Certainly there is little or no empathy for those kid's blood drinking Democrats.
Wake up, America. The Pod People have arrived and they are voting for Republicans in droves. The Pod people not only don't have empathy for anyone other than themselves, in many cases they are gun toting losers who are dangerous as hell.
Cases in point:
The prospective Kidnappers and killers of the Michigan Governor.
The young teenager, Kyle Rittenhouse, who traveled to Kenosha and gunned down three people only to be bailed out by the "My Pillow Guy" and some other high powered rich people and is now being hailed as some sort of Right Wing hero.
There have to be some Pods in Michigan and Wisconsin and who knows where else that need to be tracked down.
We Dodged a bullet for sure in Electing Joe Biden but we need to realize that the Pods are with us for the near future and we also need to realize that Donald Trump has dealt us a dirty deal and even if we can somehow make him go away and golf for the rest of his life he has left many Pods stashed everywhere in America and we had better find them and get rid of them before they produce more Pod People.
Heaven knows we have more than enough of them already.
Sincerely Yours
Jerry Gallagher