Thursday, July 28, 2016

A Few Words about Debbie Wasserman Schultz

June 28th, 2016

My Dear America:

Tonight it will be Hillary Clinton's turn to accept the Nomination of the Democratic Party to be the official and only Democratic Party Candidate for President this year.

It has been an outstanding Democratic National Convention.

Unfortunately it started out with a very strangely orchestrated controversy.  The Long Time Chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, Debbie Wasserman Schultz first of all gave up much of her scheduled duties as Party Chairperson at the Convention in Philadelphia. 

Then finally by the end of the first day of the Convention it was announced that Debbie had resigned from her position as Democratic Party Chairwoman.

The reason for Debbie's departure was an oddly timed release by Wikkileaks of hundreds of E Mails that had been hacked some time ago from the Democratic National Committee.  Although it could not be proved, there was a strong suspicion that the hackers were Russians working in collusion with the Putin Government's intelligence agency.

Certainly, the Bromance that seemed to have been brewing between Republican Presidential Nominee, Donald Trump and his Dictator Buddy, Vladimir Putin, made this last minute Democratic distraction and smear campaign particularly troubling.  What was even more troubling was the content of the E Mails.  

The E Mails clearly showed that not only was Debbie Wasserman Schultz guilty of tipping the scales in Hillary Clinton's favor but that it seemed as though mostly every top person at the DNC was doing the same thing. 

Now clearly in the early days of the Democratic Presidential Primary Campaign it must have appeared to DWS and all the other top staffers as the DNC as though it was an open and shut case for Hillary's Primary Campaign.  It seemed pretty clear at the early stages after Hillary announced her run that pretty much everyone who could have run against her was getting out of the way and allowing Hillary the space to run unencumbered.  

Only a few lightweight Democrats, Namely Jim Webb, Lincoln Chaffee and Martin O'Malley seemed to be in the way of Hillary's Nomination.  Clearly she would finish off Lincoln Chaffee and Jim Webb in the first Democratic Debate.  

Martin O'Malley would last a bit longer but he also would fall by the Democratic wayside eventually.

To almost everyone's shock and surprise, however, a serious candidate would eventually emerge to challenge Hillary Clinton.  This Candidate was a long time Independent Socialist Senator from Vermont named Bernie Sanders.  Bernie had not even identified himself as a Democrat in decades.  At first, as Bernie has bragged, his poll numbers were as low as 3 percent.  As Bernie's campaign challenge to Hillary Clinton took hold, however, his poll numbers grew steadily and rather rapidly and in the end Bernie Sanders saw his fledgling campaign turn into a National Movement and well financed Revolution within the Democratic Party.

As a Bernie Sanders supporter myself, I in no way shape or form condone the obvious prejudice and what I feel were improper discussions and actions that the DNC bigwigs took against Bernie Sanders.  

I think that I can understand their prejudice, however, especially that of Debbie Wasserman Schultz.  

When not too many people were interested in talking seriously or truthfully about the Democrats, Debbie Wasserman Schultz was everywhere, especially on many Cable TV News Programs acting as an intelligent spokeswoman for the Democratic Party time after time.  Clearly Debbie and her cohorts at the DNC saw the prospect of success in 2016 in the election of Hillary Clinton as a given.  

That is until Bernie Sanders came along.  More than likely the way Debbie and company saw it this Radical Independent Socialist Jew Senator from Vermont was about to gum up the works and these DNC Staffers were not going to let that happen.

I feel very badly that after working hard to make this 2016 Democratic Convention such a success that Debbie Wassereman Schultz will not be able to take pride in her accomplishment.

Clearly, this Convention has been for the past 3 days and nights a resounding success and Debbie will not be allowed to participate in it's glory.  

And the Radical Jewish Candidate that Debbie and her comrades were so afraid was going to ruin their convention has in fact been a resounding star of this convention.  

While he can't be happy about the conspiring that the DNC did to him, he has not taken it out on the party.  Bernie pursued his goals with the Democratic Platform Committee and was able to guide Hillary Clinton to run on a platform of No TPP, A public Option for Healthcare and debt free college, all Bernie's goals. Certainly Bernie Sanders could have encouraged his supporters to wreck the Convention.  Bernie has, however, requested his supporters to support Hillary Clinton and to defeat Donald Trump.

The Bernie Sanders Revolution has not really been defeated.  It has been energized by this convention and when Hillary takes her oath of office in January of next year I hope she realizes that although some Sanders Voters won't vote for her, most will.

Hillary will owe her victory, at least partially, to both Bernie Sanders and to Debbie Wasserman Schultz.  

I hope that in the end Hillary will thank them both.  

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher

Monday, July 25, 2016

Trumpzilla Invades Cleveland For A Week - Megalomania Gone Wild - Or The Scum Also Rises

July 25th, 2016

My Dear America:

What if the Republican Party had a National Convention and Nobody came?

Well, that wasn't quite what happened in Cleveland last week but it was close.

Former Republican Presidential Standard bearers, John Mccain and Mitt Romney felt that they had been insulted enough by Donald Trump and passed on the Convention.  Many, if not most of Trump's rivals in the incredibly inappropriate bloodbath that passed as a Republican Primary Campaign skipped the Convention also.  None of the Bushes were there.  

There were a couple of Republican Presidential Primary Also Rans who made the trek to Cleveland, Namely "Blind" Ben Carson, "Little Marco" Rubio and "Lyin Ted" Cruz, who got booed off the stage for not endorsing Trump.  Some other long gone Candidates were there also including Scott Walker and Chris Christie, who after thankfully failing to gain the VP Spot, tried out for Attorney General by trying Hillary Clinton on the Bully Pulpit for crimes against Republicans. Christie encouraged repeated choruses of "Lock Her Up" yelled by Trump's crowd of bullies. 

Truth be told, I didn't watch much of the Convention on Television.  I watched a good deal of the first night, some reruns of the second and Trumps speech on the last night.  I couldn't stand to put myself through much of the dark hell on earth that Trump put his convention goers through.  

Clearly this convention was something that had never been seen before and hopefully will never be seen again.  It was truly Trumps Convention from start to finish.  Trump's ego was everywhere every night.  His wife gave what appeared to be a good speech until it was figured out that some of it had been taken word for word from Michelle Obama's 2008 speech at the Democratic Convention in Denver.  Actually from the bits and pieces of the convention I saw, Trump's children performed well and were probably his greatest asset at this convention.

Trumps Vice Presidential Pick, Mike Pence did OK staying far away from most of the extreme right wing views that has made him such a darling of the Tea Party for so long.  Pence was probably the best pick of Trump's final three which included Chris Christie and Newt Gingrich.  Many other Republicans who Trump might have wanted to Pick let him know early that they weren't interested in being considered for Trump's VP.  Therefore, in the end Trump picked Pence who was clearly the lesser of three evils.

Some of the darker moments of the Trumpzilla Convention were the "Duck Dynasty" guy with his flag bandanna praising Trump, former Judge and present Senator Jeff Sessions kissing Trump's rump and Rudy Giuliani's hate filled verbal indictment of Hillary Clinton.  Benghazi was once again dragged out and blamed on Hillary Clinton as if the 9 incredibly expensive congressional committees had found her guilty of something.

One positive note was that Donald Trump proved during his acceptance speech that he can actually stay on message for a long long long period of time.  His messages were as awful and dark as they have been throughout the primary campaign.  There was plenty to blame Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for and Donald did so.

Overall, the Trumpublican Convention was Dark and Disgusting.  It is incredibly frightening to me that this Unqualified Sociopathic Egomainiac has done as well as he has during this election season.  But to tell the truth as bad as Donald Trump is there were no other better Republican Candidates in the mix when Trump joined the Candidate Army last year.  It has been a sad time for America up to now as we have seen what used to be a Republican Party made up of at least some moderates degenerate into a party full of hate filled people like Trumpzilla.

God Bless us.  This hate filled monster named Donald Trump is one person away from becoming President of the United States.  

I will be looking forward this week to a far different kind of Convention in Philadelphia, the city where liberty began a long time ago. 

Those of us who are concerned about the continuation and protection of that liberty need to get off our cans and get involved in our local Democratic Partys to help get out the vote for Hillary Clinton before it's too late.

If Donald Trump is elected our country is going to be as dark and disgusting as Trumpzilla's Convention was.  Lets do what we can to keep that from happening.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher   

Friday, July 15, 2016

Thank You Mister President

Friday, July 15th, 2016

My Dear America:

Although I know that I don't speak for all Americans, or even all reasonable Americans, I know that I do speak for many reasonable Americans when I say "Thank You President Obama for all of the positive things you have done and have tried to do during your presidency for America and the rest of the world."

I know it hasn't been easy to be the First Black President.  Your Election was something that set right wing America, including the KKK, The TEA Party and the Republican Party into attack mode from your first day in the White House. How you have managed to keep your cool under the constant fire of Republican insults and obstruction is beyond me.  But you did keep your cool, at least in public and for that I thank you.  

Thank you also for your efforts to follow through on George W. Bush's promise to bring our troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan.  You did the best you could to get us out of Iraq but when circumstances beyond your control dictated a need for the return of special forces to Iraq you acted responsibly despite the constant criticism of the Republicans regarding the Iraq policy, as well as every other policy of yours.

Thank you also for your courageous decision regarding taking out Osama bin laden.  You got little or no credit for that either.

Thank you also for improving the economy, saving Wall Street and the Auto Industry.  You also improved the employment situation which was a disaster when you took office.

Thank you also for your advocacy in looking out for the health of all Americans and turning Obamacare into a reality.  The Public Option would have been better but you succeeded where many others had failed.

I watched the ABC Town Hall last night on Television and was once again impressed with your caring and consideration of those who have been affected by gun violence over the course of your Presidency.  You have traveled to many cities in America where gun violence has killed many and left survivors with their lives turned upside down.  I applaud your caring and consideration for the victims and the survivors of gun violence.

There are many other issues you have dealt with during your Presidency which I could and do applaud but I think that one of the main things that I am proud of is that you have improved the reputation of America in the eyes of most of the countries of the world.  

I thank you for your wise and courageous behavior during this past Presidential Primary and for your honest support for Hillary Clinton, who seriously needs your help and support as she fights for the continuation of sanity in the White House.  I encourage you to continue to help Hillary and other Democrats in their quest to retrieve real Democracy during the coming years.

I hope that you have a great retirement and enjoy your time with your family and your friends.  You have many friends in this country and elsewhere in the world although it might be nice for Hillary, if she is elected, to recommend you for an appointment to the Supreme Court.  I think that this would be great for the country if we can get enough Democrats elected in the House and Senate to get you approved by Congress.

Whatever you do and whoever is elected this November, please realize that you will be missed by many, if not most of the Americans who have elected you twice and would elect you again if we had the chance to do so.

Sincerely Yours 

Jerry Gallagher

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Whatever Happened to the Hillary Clinton Who Nearly Every Republican Admired

July 5th, 2016

My Dear America:

Today is a great day for Hillary Clinton. 

She and her followers (Including me) can finally breathe a little easier after FBI Director, James Comey today issued the pronouncement that Hillary was Careless but Not Criminal with regard to her E Mails while serving as Secretary of State.  

Anyone with half a brain could have predicted that this day would come and Thank God it has come prior to the Democratic Party Convention in Philadelphia. Today's Announcement by FBI Director Comey has certainly not put the issue of Secretary Clinton's E Mails to rest because his announcement of "No Charges" was not without harsh criticism of how Mrs. Clinton conducted her E Mail affairs at the State Department.

Of Course, Donald Trump immediately started Tweeting about the "Rigged System" that has kept Hillary from being indicted.  Trump, whose own offenses are many and diverse, must be beside himself today as Hillary Clinton boards Air Force One along with President Obama to go to North Carolina where the Dynamic Duo are having Dueling Campaign Rallys with Donald Trump.

Certainly Trump will not accept today's decision by Director Comey and will try to continue his character assassination techniques against Secretary Clinton.  

I, for one, am tired of hearing Donald Trump continue to refer to Hillary Clinton as "Crooked Hillary."  I would love it if Hillary would respond to Trump by calling him "Dumbass Donald" although if she did that she would probably be accused of being Shrill and Unladylike, among other Rude Republican Epithets that would be thrown her way.   I would suggest that it might be semi acceptable for her to call Trump "Dumb Donald."

I have been thinking lately of a time not so long ago when Hillary Clinton was not only accepted by most Republicans but I would go so far as to say that she was actually admired by many, if not most Republicans.  

In truth, Hillary Clinton deserves to be admired by most Americans.  She has done much in her lifetime to deserve that admiration.  In her early career following her graduation from Yale University Law School she fought for Children's Issues and was even a staffer on the famous Senate Watergate Committee that investigated and in truth was responsible for exposing Richard Nixon as a shameless paranoid criminal.

Later on she was a respected Lawyer, Law School Professor and First Lady in Arkansas.  Following that she was a highly admired and respected First Lady in Washington.  After the Clintons left the White House Hillary ran for the Senate in her new home state of New York and won the Senate Seat in which she served with distinction and was admired by her Congressional Colleagues for her bipartisanship back when bipartisanship was still a good thing.

Then Hillary ran for President in 2008 and although at first the Democratic Nomination seemed to be hers for the taking, a young upstart former Community Organizer and newly minted Illinois Senator named Barack Obama fought Hillary for the Democratic Party Nomination and after a hard fought Campaign, Obama eventually won the Party Nomination.  Both Hillary and Bill Clinton to their credit fully endorsed and worked hard for Barack Obama's Election and were certainly at least partially responsible for Obama's eventual successful Presidential Democratic Election to the highest office in the land.

Following in the tradition of Doris Kearns Goodwin's book about Abraham Lincoln,"Team of Rivals," President Obama after his Election in 2008 reached out to Hillary Clinton and to her surprise, as well as the country's, Obama asked her to become Secretary of State in the Obama Administration.  

Hillary's book, "Hard Choices," details her frenetic but successful time in office as she served as Secretary of State.  

During the time she served as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was highly praised and admired by Republicans, as well as Democrats everywhere. Although Republicans had almost nothing positive to say about President Obama, almost everything said about Mrs. Clinton was very positive.  But that all changed when Hillary Clinton announced her Candidacy for President.

Following her announcement that she was going to run for President suddenly Hillary Clinton has been turned into a Republican Boogeywoman of epic proportions.  

Republicans who have claimed to be fiscally responsible have inexplicably squandered millions of dollars in at least 8 congressionally authorized investigations of Benghazi in an incredibly brazen and boldly partisan attempt to tarnish Hillary Clinton's reputation.

Even Donald Trump had words of praise for Hillary Clinton when she was Secretary of State.  Today Trump calls her "Crooked Hillary" and Republican partisans call her far worse than that.  

It will be interesting to see what Republicans call her when she is the President of the United States.  It will not be surprising, however, to see Hillary once again proving to be a Competent and Praiseworthy Leader once again.


Jerry Gallagher