February 28th, 2009
My Dear America:
It may seem as though I have been away on vacation but it doesn't seem like that to me. I apologize to those of you who have been supportive of the Blog but I have had some things to do between my last posting in January of 2009 and February 28th, 2009.
One thing that I have been doing is to try to put my 2008 -2009 Blog Postings into a manuscript with the intent of selling it as a book. I realize that this may be a pipe dream but pipe dreams need to live too. I have put together a semi literate, semi publishable manuscript but I do not have a Literary Agent or a Publisher lined up so we will see where things lead with this.
I have also been putting in some time thinking about what my next move will be regarding the Blog. When I stumbled upon Blogspot in January, 2008 and set the Blog up, I was thinking about the 2008 Election Story as the only topic or, at least the main topic for discussion in the Blog. Now that the Election of 2008 is over and its winner is in the White House, I have had to give some thought to where I was going and what I was going to do with this Blog. Although it has certainly been a lot of fun to write this Blog through one of the most incredibly interesting American Election Campaigns that has ever been, it has also been somewhat time consuming and stressful, as well.
So, the question is, or at least has been, Where do we go from here with Letters To A Lost Nation. The answer I have chosen is that although I am not sure of how much time and energy I can put into the Blog, that here in the early days of the Obama Administration there is no shortage of topics to be discussed and issues to be considered.
So for now the answer to the question about the future of Letters To A Lost Nation is that it will continue for the present time.
At a time when newspapers and financial pages in those newspapers that are left, are disappearing at an alarming rate, it is not the time for dissonant voices to go silent. My suggestion is that everybody with a computer and an opinion get to Blogspot and write your own columns about what you feel you need to say about our country and our world. It is time for all of us, America, to realize that we are in serious trouble and unless we all get out there and make some noise about how we feel, we could end up with another tone deaf Republican Administration like the one we just had, or worse.
Our Economy is a shambles. We are still involved in Iraq and are ratcheting up our military involvement in Afghanistan and Pakistan. China is letting us know how much in debt we are to them. Guantanamo will be closing but we don't seem to be as anxious to close other hell hole prisons elsewhere in the world. We are moving forward just by having Obama, rather than McCain in the White House, but we need to continue to remember that in America we are free to tell each other and our politicians just what we think.
I plan to continue doing just that.
Thank you all for your support.
Sincerely Yours
Jerry Gallagher