Saturday, October 12, 2024

American Hitler - The Lies Have Become More Reckless And Dangerous The Closer We Get To Election Day

 Saturday October 12th 2024

My Dear America:

I have spent a good deal of time during the past couple of years reading what I genuinely feel was really way too much about Donald Trump and Adolph Hitler.  Although there were many differences between these two men, there were also many striking similarities between them.  

Both men seemed to have no problem in passing out lies and claiming they were the truth.  

Both Donald and Adolph also found scapegoats to blame for their countries problems.  Donald Found Immigrants and blacks.  Adolph found Communists and, of course the Jews.

These days as Donald seemingly begins to realize that a major part of his fan base are Klansmen and women and Nazi Sympathizers, His Whiney Pathetic Hopelessly Wandering Rhetoric seems to be getting more Jew Focused and not in a good way.  He is setting up the Lie that if he loses this time out that its the fault of the Jews. 

Jesus Christ, Where have we heard this Jew baiting before.

Although Trump is preparing to blame the Jews if he is not successful at the ballot box He still seems to be attempting to maintain good relations with Israeli Leader, Bebe Netanyahu as Netanyahu continues to disrespect Joe Biden and destroys what little is left of Gaza in Israel and now is currently focused on destroying Hezbollah also in Israel's neighboring country of Lebanon.   

The truth is that Trump and Netanyahu are both in very similar positions.  Both are trying their best to desperately hang onto power.  Trump is doing so by running for President again and despite all of the terrible things he has done he still seems to have a strange stranglehold on the American Republican Party.  

Netanyahu, on the other hand is still in power.  It may be difficult to remember now but just before the October 7th massacre of Israeli Citizens by Hamas last year Netanyahu was facing mass Israeli protests because he was trying to get rid of the Israeli Supreme Court, who were threatening to put him in jail.  The sad truth is that Netanyahu has no real incentive to stop the killing of Hamas and Hezbollah Fighters because when the fighting stops Netanyahu will at the very least be forced out of power and may very well be imprisoned, much like the prospect for Trump if he loses the 2024 Election.

Trump's conduct continues to be called out by Democrats who are stumping for Kamala Harris all over the country such as Barack Obama and Bill Clinton.  One of the truly astonishing stories that has recently come to light is that during the early days of the Covid Pandemic when the only way to test for Covid was with a machine, which were incredibly scarce and hard to find, Donald Trump secretly gave Vladimir Putin one of these Covid Testing machines for his personal use while people were dying by the thousands in the United States because few medical personnel were able to find these machines.

Incredible, absolutely incredible.  

As Barack Obama says "You can't make this stuff up."

Although Donald Trump is not known to be a truth teller he seems to have really gone off the deep end when it comes to telling lies recently.  

Much like Hitler's relentless lying about the Jews in Germany back in the day before he started Mass Killing Them, Trump is doubling down on his ridiculous charges against immigrants.  

Trump's Television Ad's paint Kamala Harris as someone who did not lock up Killers and Rapists but cruelly and recklessly let them all back on the streets to kill and Rape again.  Clearly there may have been times when Kamala Harris may have given someone a chance to redeem themselves that did not work out.  But she was certainly not recklessly pouring criminals back on the street as Trump's ads seem to show.

Both Donald Trump and JD Vance have also been doubling down on their lying about Haitian immigrants eating Cats and Dogs in Springfield Ohio, a story that they are peddling that seems to have had no basis in fact and has caused tremendous problems for the residents of Springfield.  The Mayor and other City Officials and the Ohio Governor have begged Vance and Trump to stop their lies but hey have not stopped peddling their Bullshit.  Trump has also recently gone to Aurora Colorado to peddle his Anti Immigrant Bullshit there.

In addition, As Two destructive Hurricanes have recently struck the south and  caused major devastation Donald Trump is now peddling a new lie.  He has gone on television and stated that The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is out of money and is not helping families in the Southern states to recover from the devastating storms.  Although the Governors of all of the affected states (Mostly Republican Governors) have all stated that the Biden Administration and FEMA are fully cooperating with all of the states involved Trump is still pushing the lie that they are not doing so.  

Clearly we have found that Trump's Lies often have devastating consequences.  Certainly the fact that in order to get some television airtime and encourage his followers to blame the Biden Administration for something that they don't deserve to be blamed for is reckless and irresponsible.  If Trump were a responsible candidate he would be encouraging his followers to apply for FEMA aid and he would be encouraging the Speaker of the House House of Representatives to bring Congress back to Washington in order to provide funds for FEMA.

Trump is not doing that.  He is doing the opposite of that.

To my mind these Outright Blatant Lies are meant to stir up Trump followers at this late date in the Presidential Campaign in order to have them blindly vote for Trump instead of Kamala Harris because of lies and this reckless regard for the truth shows very clearly the dark side of life that we are in for in a Second Trump Administration.  

Although I think that most Americans can see through the lies that Trump and Vance keep peddling and will vote for a Candidate who will tell the truth in November, I think that the Danger that these increasingly reckless lies That Trump is telling need to be addressed immediately and forcefully by Democrats.  

It is becoming increasingly obvious that the American People are in a fight for our lives.

It is really rather simple.

If we vote for Kamala Harris and Democrats for Congress we can keep our Democracy and actually accomplish a lot through legislation that will move our country forward.

If We vote for Trump we will see a Darkness cover this land and just like the Novel 1984 Truth Will be Lies and Lies Will Be Truth and we may never have another election again because the Trump Packed Supreme Court has given Trump permission to do whatever he wants with no need to worry about accountability.  January Sixth of 2021 and Trumps lies about Disaster Relief have given us a preview of what life will be like in a Second Trump Administration.  

It will be like a Dystopian Disaster Movie except it will be Absolutely Real.

It will be a Nightmare that we may never be able to wake up from.

And We American Voters Should Not and Must Not Let it happen to The United States Of America.

Time is running out, Americans.  Get your votes ready. We really need them this time out if we want to save our Country from a Dictator on Day One and every day thereafter.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher

Monday, October 7, 2024

Slick Jimmy And The Coach - A Disturbing Debate Review

Monday October 7th, 2024 

My Dear America:

I've been watching some very interesting but highly disturbing Television this Past week.  

The Vice Presidential Debate between JD Vance and Tim Walz was evenly matched and exceptionally revealing concerning the views and values of the two candidates.  

JD was very slick and polished in his debate style and I would guess might have been very appealing to the MAGA Crowd and to his running mate, whose views JD certainly tried his best to mainstream.

On the other hand, Minnesota Governor, Tim Walz seemed to easily handle the answers to questions posed to him by the CBS Moderators, Nora O'Donnell and Margaret Brennan.  Walz appeared to be a bit nervous at first during the debate but he seemed to calm down quickly and the longer the debate continued the more stable and relatable the Democratic Vice Presidential Candidate seemed to be.

Although Vance didn't really have much to work with in defending not only Donald Trump's extreme views and conduct he did his best to make Donald Trump seem like just another reasonable candidate.  But although JD Vance did his best to put lipstick on this pig it was an impossible task.  

Vance tried to put forth the notion that Donald Trump had actually been a supporter of the ACA (Obamacare) Health Plan.  Walz was in the House of Representatives at the time that Trump and the Republicans tried over and over to kill Obamacare and Tim Walz reminded JD Vance that John McCain helped Democrats put the screws to Trump's plan to deep six Obamacare and helped to save the day and save Obamacare.

Tim put the finishing touch on JD Vance when he challenged JD to answer the all important question of "Who Won the 2020 Election?"  

Vance answered the question by saying "I'm looking forward" and in my estimation his refusal to answer that question lost the debate at that moment.

Although I think that realistically Vance and Walz both did very well in the debate, I was disturbed that Vance did as well as he did primarily because of what I saw and heard on The Rachel Maddow show the night before the Vice Presidential Debate.  Certainly I had not been a fan of JD Vance and was disturbed by the lies and distortions he had been peddling about Haitian Immigrants "Eating The Dogs" and Cats in Springfield, Ohio that was total Bullshit clearly meant to ramp up negative feelings and actions towards Haitian and other Immigrants in that city and elsewhere.  That despicable conduct alone made JD Vance persona non grata to me.

But Rachel's Monday Night Show revealed something that I certainly had never heard about JD Vance before that suddenly made the Vice Presidential choice of    JD Vance by Donald Trump  make sense.  Rachel began the story by talking about the fact that she had not particularly wanted to do this story but since no other journalist or network news person had done it she felt that this story she was featuring needed to be told especially since the Vice Presidential Debate was happening the next night after her show.

Essentially, the story Rachel told involved a man named Curtis Yarvin.  Rachel had learned about the story from some of JD Vance's appearances on long ago podcasts on which he hawked his book, "Hillbilly Elegy" back in the day.  The Podcasts revealed that JD Vance considered himself a friend and someone who had learned from and been mentored by a man named Curtis Yarvin.  Rachel even had some video of Curtis Yarvin that had been recorded back in 2012 that showed Curtis Yarvin expressing some of his rather extreme and frightening views on politics and politicians.

In the video that Rachel featured Curtis Yarvin clearly stated that he felt that all of our leaders were corrupt (Don't forget that Barack Obama was President at this time) and should be arrested or otherwise been driven from power and in their place should be a CEO or someone in charge that would be in Curtis Yarvin's words "A Dictator".

Rachel Maddow also played video of JD Vance stating that he was friends with and got a lot of his ideas from Curtis Yarvin.  Clearly views like those of Curtis Yarvin are not typical of Democratic Politics.

Indeed, I just saw a video today that was produced by "The Lincoln Project" that promoted the idea that in some circles of radical right wing thought it was anticipated that Trump will win the presidency with JD Vance as his Vice President.  And as Trump becomes increasingly unfit to do the Job JD Vance will force Trump out by activating the 25th Amendment and will give himself the job of CEO or more accurately Dictator of the United States of America.

Now, I really don't know if this scenario is realistic or not but just the thought of JD Vance being Vice President scares the hell out of me.  

Tim Walz has tagged both Donald Trump and JD Vance as being "Weird Dudes". He is right, of course. They certainly are "Weird Dudes" but they are far more than Weird.  They are people who are willing to not only give up Democracy.  They appear to be more than anxious to completely give up Democracy and join the Dictators Club.  

I hope for our sake that Donald Trump and JD Vance are simply "Weird Dudes" that don't know what they are doing but I am being more and more convinced that these people know exactly what they are doing and I don't know about you but these "Weird Dudes" are clearly "Dangerous Dudes" who I freely admit scare the living hell out of me.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher


Sunday, September 29, 2024

American Hitler - Dictators Of a Feather Stalk Together

Sunday, September 29th, 2024 

My Dear America:

Well, Its Official Now.

There is no longer any doubt about it.

Donald Trump is a Straight Up Traitor.

Up to now Trump has been careful to keep his despicable dictatorial urges somewhat under wraps, at least to some extent, but I think as the Presidential Campaign races toward the finish line it is getting harder and harder for Donald Trump to control his urges to be one of the Dictator Boys.  One World Leader who observed Trump  interacting with Vladimir Putin back in the day commented that Trump was like a Fan Boy who was star struck by the Russian Dictator.

Of Course, we all know how he was in " LOVE " with North Korean Dictator, Kim Jong Un.

He also makes no bones about how he feels about Hungarian Dictator, Victor Orbon.

And the list of Dictators that he likes goes on and On and includes people like Saddam Hussein and Adolph Hitler.

Then again his Ex Wife revealed that throughout there marriage this notorious Non-Reader Kept a book of Translated Hitler Speeches on his Night Table and read from it many nights.  

To be honest, although Trump has lied about a lot of things he has never really made too much of an effort to cover up his admiration for Dictators in general.  He was clearly in awe of the fact that his dictator buddies had no restrictions on their conduct.  He made it clear more than once that he envied those leaders who did whatever they wanted when they wanted with no negative consequences.

When Putin first invaded Ukraine Trump said something about what a 'Genius" and "Savvy" move it was.

In the debate with Kamala Harris, Trump stated that he would end the war in Ukraine "Quickly" although he would not reveal how he would do it.

Vice President Harris and President Biden have shown in recent days and in many months and years at this point that they are clearly and completely in Ukraine's corner when it comes to Ukraine's defense of their Democracy and resistance to Russian domination.

Although Trump has danced around where he stood on Russia and Ukraine for some time now, this week he has ended the speculation by some that he was secretly on the side of Ukraine.  This week Trump made it clear as he derided Ukrainian President Zelensky that his not so secret plan to end the war in Ukraine will be to cut off all military aid to Ukraine from the US if he is re elected to the Presidency.

Certainly Trump's attitude about Ukraine and Russia is not a new one.  Don't forget that Trump was impeached for attempting to disrupt military aid to Ukraine back when he was President and trying to strongarm Zelensky into digging up dirt on Hunter and Joe Biden.  

Clearly if Donald Trump returns to the Presidency Ukraine will fall and Russia will be turned loose on any NATO Country Putin desires to invade.  Trump has already made it clear that any NATO Country that is not paying up what Trump feels is enough protection money will be subject to Putin doing "Whatever The Hell He Wants" in any NATO country he desires. 

If we learned nothing else from World Wars 1 and 2 we should have learned that Appeasement of Ruthless Dictators and allowing Dictators to invade other countries is not something that should ever be allowed by America and its Allies.  

Quite Frankly I think that Ukraine has proven itself to be, under Zelensky, a Democratic Country that is worthy to be in NATO and the European Union and should have been protected by these organizations and the United Nations.  

As we get closer and closer to the November Election the prospect of Donald Trump returning to power becomes more and more frightening.  He has already used countless pages from the Hitler playbook and if he returns to the White House with Project 2025 as his operations manual the consequences of his reign of terror will be catastrophic.  

As I have said over and over again I do not understand how so many Americans fail to see the imminent danger that surrounds the prospect of Donald Trump returning to the Presidency without the guardrails of normal people helping to keep his insane tendencies in line like those in his First Administration.

It should register to most Americans that of all the people who surrounded Trump in his First Administration that a great many of them do not support him this time around and warn that in a Second Administration he will be surrounded by people who will not be able or willing to restrict his dangerous and destructive urges.  

Wake Up Americans.  Time is running out on saving our country from Donald Trump who is someone who will not stand up to Putin when he takes over Europe and comes ready to invade our country.

Vote this year like your life depends on it because it sure as hell does.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher    


Monday, September 23, 2024

From Rachel With Lev

 Monday, September 23rd, 2024

My Dear America:

Certainly with Rachel Maddow's successful track record it is not surprising that "From Russia With Lev", her latest project and the first movie that she has ever produced is a Blockbuster.  Rachel is one of the most reputable Journalists working today and has been for several years.  She started out on "Air America", which was what I consider to be a pretty good attempt to create a Left Wing Talk Radio Network back in the day to try to compete with all of the Right Wing Talk Radio Shows that seemed to dominate the airwaves.  When MSNBC began to veer to the left Rachel began to show up on Keith Olberman's "Countdown" Show on MSNBC occasionally.  This apparently led to Rachel helming her own show on MSNBC for many years.  Although her show was on MSNBC every weeknight for years she finally got a multimillion dollar contract with the NBC network that allowed her time to do her show only once a week and allow her time to work on other Progressive Projects.  She has produced, in addition to a few best selling books more than one incredible podcast series and most recently "From Russia With Lev", her first movie.

The star or more accurately the Antihero of her first Documentary movie is Lev Parnas.  Parnas has been described by Rachel as "Charismatic" and I would have to say after watching the movie that I agree with her assessment of Parnas.  In addition, Lev's wife, Svetlana, is very much an important and an attractive character in this movie.  

The movie delves into the background of Lev Parnas, who moved to the United States when he was four years old from Odessa, which is now in Ukraine.  Lev's full story is rather complicated but is simplified somewhat by the movie.  Lev Parnas was a small time mobster associated with the Russian Mob for some time.  Almost by accident Lev found himself on the inside of the Donald Trump Administration partying with Trump and Rudy Giuliani and others.  Although Lev's wife, Svetlana was also dazzled by the high life in Trumpworld she began to see that Lev was sinking more and more into the Trump Cult World and tried to get Lev to extricate himself from a situation that she rightly felt was not going to turn out well.

Svetlana was right and although Lev and his partner Igor (Yes, Igor for God's sake) with the blessing of Trump and the orders from Rudy Giuliani went to Ukraine to dig up dirt on Joe and Hunter Biden things didn't go well.

Although Lev and Igor were arrested and jailed for their efforts on Trump's behalf, when Trump was asked about Lev and Igor, Trump claimed that he didn't know them.  Rudy also ran as fast as he could away from Lev and Igor, as well.

Lev's story reminds me a lot of Michael Cohen's story.  Before Lev was jailed for Fraud by Trump's Attorney General, William Barr, he was a Trump True Believer but a little time in the Hoosegow seems to have smartened up Mr. Parnas and he now clearly sees that his life in the Trump Cult was not what he thought it was.

Lev Parnas has fully abandoned the Trump Cult and proudly states that he voted for Joe Biden in 2020 and clearly will never vote for Donald Trump ever.  

Lev Parnas is one of those countless individuals who hitched their life and their dreams up with Donald Trump only to have their life shattered.  Lev is one of the lucky losers who may have gone to jail but who smartened up as a result.  He is lucky that he has a family that still loves him and forgives him for his foolish attachment to a man who seems to have destroyed nearly every individual whose life he touched.

And speaking of Forgiveness, the last scenes of this movie features Lev Parnas tracking down the wherabouts of Hunter Biden and genuinely apologizing to Hunter in person for the pain that Lev feels that he caused Hunter by his efforts to dig up dirt on Hunter and Joe Biden in Ukraine back in the day. 

Lev admits that He found no evidence of Wrongdoing in Ukraine by Hunter and Joe Biden. 

While I think that it was incredible that Hunter agreed to the filming of Lev's obviously heartfelt apology, Hunter sincerely advised Lev that he was proud of Lev's honesty in trying to make things right.

I think that Rachel was on the money when she spotted the awesome story that could be told by Lev Parnas.  She and her partners in film have told it and released it at a time when it really might do some good.  

"From Russia With Lev" is a truly powerful film about a truly extraordinary man who went through some things that changed him.  The film has a lot to say about how easily it was for Lev to become a Trump Cult Follower and how he managed to figure out how little Trump cared about Lev when he was no longer useful to Trump and Giuliani.

Lev Parnas may not be the most lovable character that has ever been featured in a movie but he is certainly one of the most fascinating and interesting characters that I have ever seen in a movie.  

I would certainly recommend that anyone interested in voting in the Presidential Election in November should definitely see this movie.  

If you are a Rachel Maddow Fan you will not be disappointed with this movie.  

I doubt that Rachel will ever make a movie that will be as important as this one should be to any 2024 Presidential Voter. 

Bravo Rachel and Bravo Lev.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

A Debate Night MAGA Republican Fantasy

Tuesday September 17th, 2024


My Dear America:

Was there more than One Presidential Debate Night.  If there weren't two debates then something is very wrong with Donald Trump's take on who won and who lost his debate with Kamala Harris.

Following the Donald Trump debate with Kamala Harris that I saw Donald Trump has chosen once again to treat his MAGA Republican fans with the Barefaced Lies and Disrespect that they deserve.  

Following the debate that I saw in which Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris literally wiped the floor with Donald Trump in their first and what most probably will be their only debate, Donald Trump has done what he has done in so many other instances including his 2020 Presidential Campaign which Joe Biden clearly won.

Donald Trump has defiantly and delusionally declared himself the winner of this Presidential Debate with Vice President Harris, just as he had with no evidence whatsoever declared that he actually won the 2020 election.

I suppose Donald Trump does not need to tell the truth about his awful performance on the Debate Stage.  He clearly does not feel that his MAGA supporters are smart enough to figure out that he is lying his ass off to them every day of his life.

Although most post debate polls clearly showed that most people watching the Harris -Trump Debate recognized that things did not go well for Donald Trump on the debate stage with Kamala Harris.  It was certainly clear to me that Kamala Harris kicked Donald Trump's Ass from start to finish on the debate stage.  And yet inexplicably the Newsmax Network poll showed that 93 Percent of those polled thought Donald Trump won the debate.  Talk about delusional.

Certainly Kamala Harris is someone who has long shown her ability to deal with convicted criminals like Donald Trump.  I think that after the horrible things Donald Trump has been saying about her (She's A Communist and She's Dumb) she could have certainly been  forgiven for being exceptionally brutal in her treatment of Former President Trump on the debate stage.

Instead of being brutal, however, Vice President Harris chose to be merely brutally honest but much more respectful of Donald Trump than he deserved.  She did, however, throw out tidbits of bait to reel in The Donald and gave him just enough rope to hang himself with his own words.  And time after time Mr. Trump took the bait and clearly made a fool of himself.

"They're eating the Dogs and Cats in Springfield Ohio" Trump ended up screaming like a lunatic while Harris smiled as she observed him.

But to hear Donald Trump tell the tale to his MAGA followers in his increasingly smaller crowds it was Donald Who clearly won the debate although even Fox New Personalities were not agreeing with his assessment.  Even Robert Kennedy Junior commented that Kamala won the debate on Style but that Trump won on Substance.

In my opinion and I would guess in the opinion of many reasonable debate watchers Kamala clearly won on both Style and Substance.

But not only is Trump claiming total victory on the debate stage but he is also claiming that Kamala has proposed further debates because he won this debate and like a boxer who wishes to have a rematch because they lost a fight Kamala wants a rematch because she lost the debate.

Yes, Trumpzilla lies because that's what he does.  Fact checkers who have checked out lies on this most recent debate stage indicate that although Harris was wrong on one fact Trump was lying on his answers to nearly every question posed to him by David Muir and Linsey Davis.  This should no longer be surprising to anyone familiar with Donald Trump.

It should also not be surprising that Trump is claiming to his Audiences that the Debate was fixed.  He says that Harris was given the questions before the debate although there is no indication that this was the case.  Also Trump is claiming that he was debating three people (In other words Harris, Muir and Davis)

That is ridiculous.  Trump has bragged in the past that he does not prepare for debates like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris do.  His terrible performance on this debate stage should give him the strong message that maybe it would be a good idea for him to put in some preparation time if he has any further debates.

But then maybe, just maybe Donald Trump is finished in Politics and after November of this year will go off to jail and we will never see or hear from him again.

Well, I can Dream.  Can't I?

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher

Monday, September 9, 2024

JD Vance - Hillbilly Hitler - Donald Trump's Vice Presidential Pick - A Gift That Keeps On Giving To The Democratic Party & Late Night Hosts

Monday, September 9th  2024

My Dear America:

The truth is that Kamala Harris certainly had a hell of a lot of excellent prospective Vice Presidential Candidates to choose from.  That was verified by the number and quality of speeches given by so many  outstanding Democrats at the 2024 Democratic Convention in Chicago.  Tim Walz might not have been the first name that every Democrat would have picked to be Kamala's running mate but at this point in the Presidential Campaign I don't think there are many doubters left in the Democratic Party who are unhappy with the Democratic Vice Presidential Choice.

Since Candidate Kamala chose Governor Walz the former Congressman, High School Teacher and Football Coach has stood alongside his Running Mate on many Stages across this country and charmed Democrats from Coast To Coast. Although Kamala was already doing well in the polls on her own The Governor has only increased her popularity in the polls.

Such is not the case, however, in the Republican Party with regard to Donald Trump's Vice Presidential pick, JD Vance.  Ever since Trump picked Vance to run with him one of the most frequent topics of conversation in Republican circles is "Buyers Remorse."

JD being the product that Republicans are most remorseful about buying.

Certainly Trump's choice of JD Vance to be his running mate is somewhat bizarre at first glance because (As is being shown every day of the campaign as more and more Episodes are being unearthed from the Podcast Vaults) when Trump was running for President in 2016 JD Vance was no supporter of Donald Trump.  In what seem to be countless interviews back then JD seemed to be taking great pleasure in Trashing Donald Trump every chance he got.  JD Told interviewers that he thought that Donald Trump was a potential "American Hitler" and that he "Couldn't Stand" Trump.

What an odd turn of events to see this Former Best Selling Republican Author who seemed to delight in telling everyone who would listen how much he couldn't stomach Donald Trump turn himself into a Certified Trump Lap Dog.

But lets face it, Strange things can happen in Politics these days, especially in Republican Politics.  When JD Vance was hawking his Best Selling Book, "Hillbilly Elegy" clearly he had no use for Donald Trump's approval and endorsement.  Yet, unlike Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, who have stuck to their principles and continue to express their disdain for Trump even after being driven out of their Party, JD Vance was different.

When JD Vance decided to move back to Ohio from California so that he could run for the Senate in that state he suddenly realized that he probably wouldn't have  a snowballs chance in hell of winning the US Senate Seat without the endorsement of Donald Trump.  So in order for JD Vance to be successful in his run for the Senate he undertook a rather pathetic and disgusting program of Trump Ass Kissing which did unfortunately result in Trump's endorsement and JD's election to the United States Senate.  

So just like that JD Vance completely changed his tune about Donald Trump, The man who he had disparaged all over the country on his 2016 Book Tour.

And Donald Trump not only rewarded JD with a Senate Seat that Trump controlled but also put him on the ticket as his Vice Presidential Choice.

So now how is that selection by Donald Trump of JD Vance as Vice President in his Administration Working out?

Well, It isn't really working out very well for a lot of reasons.

One of the reasons that JD is not working out too well is that many American Women were already upset with Donald Trump's bragging about how proud he was of the fact that he picked three Supreme Court Judges who lied in their Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings and said that Roe Versus Wade was "Settled Law" and as soon as they had the chance they turned it into unsettled law.

Some of JD's other off putting Controversial and Just Plain Weird opinions are the following:

JD is not supportive of Same Sex Marriage.

JD and Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene introduced a bill that would criminalize Gender Affirming Care for minors with penalties of up to 12 years in Prison. 

JD is not in favor of Gun Control.

JD is Not in favor of The US providing Military aid to Ukraine

JD also does not have a favorable opinion of Childless Women who love their cats.

JD is on record stating that he does not believe that a married woman who is being abused by her husband should solve this problem by getting a divorce

And maybe one of the main reasons that Trump picked JD to be his running mate is that JD Vance has gone out of his way to make it clear to Trump that if he had been the Vice President on January 6th of 2021, when Mike Pence refused Trump's illegal request for Pence to refuse to Certify Joe Biden's legitimate election, JD Vance would have followed Trump's direction to refuse to certify the election.

Perhaps JD Vance agreed too quickly that he would be Trump's Vice President.  After all, It appears to me that being Vice President under Donald Trump could very well be an extremely dangerous position to be in.  Certainly the reason that there has been an opening for Vice President this time around was because Donald Trump seemed to be Okay with the Violent Extremist Mob that he sent to the Capitol on January Sixth, 2021 executing Vice President Pence.

I certainly hope that Donald Trump never gets near the White House ever again and that we don't need to worry about Trump or Vance in power.  Both of these individuals are dangerous and unqualified to serve as either President or Vice President.  

Often times when we think about Vice Presidents we don't give a lot of thought to their qualifications.  We have been lucky in recent years to have had some very qualified individuals serving as Vice Presidents.  Bill Clinton had Al Gore, Barack Obama had Joe Biden, Joe Biden had Kamala Harris.  All of these Presidents had highly qualified Vice Presidents.  

Even George Bush had Dick Cheney.  I never cared much for Dick Cheney but I could never argue with the fact that I thought he was at least Qualified to serve as Vice President.  I also applaud the fact that Former Vice President Cheney has recognized reality enough to join his daughter, Liz Cheney in backing the candidacy of Kamala Harris in an effort to put Country before Party.

We have at times had Vice Presidents that should never have been elected.  Nixon's Vice President Spiro Agnew was a crook, who was receiving illegal payoffs while he was in office until he was forced to resign.

What we should be thinking about when we are voting for President is that Vice President's do sometimes have the opportunity to become President.  When President John Kennedy was Assassinated his Vice President, Lyndon Johnson took over the reins of power.

If, God forbid, Trump was re elected President and something happened to him and all of a sudden JD Vance was the President would any of us feel good about that.  

I certainly wouldn't.

I would, however, be more than open to the prospect of Tim Walz becoming President at some point because he has a background of Service in the National Guard, in Congress and as Governor of Minnesota, as well as his Teaching and Coaching experience.

Tim Walz has made it clear that he thinks both Donald Trump and JD Vance are "WEIRD" and unqualified to be President and Vice President.

I'm with Tim and most Late Night Television Hosts on this one.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher




Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Biden On The Beach

Tuesday September 3rd, 2024

My Dear America:

I Just saw something on Twitter that really pissed me off.

There was a picture of Joe Biden and Jill Biden on the beach at Rehoboth Beach, Delaware and someone on Twitter was commenting about how much Vacation time Joe was taking.

What the Hell do these Trump followers expect from Joe Biden.  Would they be happy to see him in a Hospital or Mental Institution suffering from Extreme Exhaustion Or Depression.  


Do they really feel as though Joe is undeserving of a day at the Beach on Labor Day Weekend.  Do they not remember Donald Trump always Golfing at Mara Lago and calling it the Florida White House.

But that was Okay.  

Actually, I think it was the fact that Joe Biden had  a smile on his face that probably bugged those Republicans that couldn't stand looking at a picture of Joe Biden happy.  I guess that Republicans think that Joe should just be sitting around the White House feeling sorry for himself.  Well, I'm sure that Joe Biden has had some time to sit around the White House, at times, but I don't think that he ever really took much time to feel sorry for himself.  He had too many important things to do for the last almost four years.  He still has a lot to do up until January of next year and although he has taken a vacation He will still be on the road occasionally with Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.  He will also be occupied with concerns in Ukraine and Israel for the next Five Months.  Joe will have his hands full.  That's for sure.

If all goes well and right now it seems to be going pretty well, in January Joe will be able to hand off his Presidential Responsibilities to his Friend and Vice President, Kamala Harris and her Vice President, Tim Walz.

But for today maybe the rest of us can look back with pride at the truly Extraordinary Job Joe Biden has done throughout his Presidency.  

First of all, he kept us from becoming a Dictatorship, which is certainly what we would have been had Donald Trump been elected for another Presidential Term.

Lets also not forget that President Biden hit the ground running in January of 2021 and seized on the Covid Vaccine and vaccinated the hell out of America.

And although it was ugly and cost lives, Joe did the right thing and finally got us out of the Incredibly Expensive Forever War in Afghanistan.

With no real bipartisan help from Republicans Joe Biden and the Democrats in Congress still managed to get some very Serious Legislation passed by Congress which not only helped Americans Survive Physically through Covid but also Financially. 

Biden and his Democratic allies in Congress also passed an Infrastructure bill that is in the process of putting Americans to work fixing up Roads, Bridges and many other important areas of the country that need improvement.

In addition to everything else, Joe Biden has presided over Unemployment Rates that are the lowest rates in many decades.

Republicans blame Biden for the inflation rate but do not mention how he has improved Job numbers, how Americans were paid and lives were saved during Covid and how much money we are spending to improve our Infrastructure.

Yes, improving America costs money and unfortunately can cause Inflation.

Oh Yes, And Republicans fault Joe Biden for problems at the Border but I guess they think that it was OK for Trump to call Republican Members of Congress and instruct them to kill the border bill that had been worked out between Republicans and Democrats because he wanted to keep the border an issue with which to bash Biden and Harris during the Presidential Campaign.

And to add insult to injury, Republicans have been obsessed with Hunter Biden's Laptop and Biden's son's other Problems and engineered him being charged with lying on a gun purchase form about whether or not he was using drugs at the time when he bought a gun.  This is a charge that would never have been brought if his name was not Hunter BIDEN.

So my advice to Joe Biden is to enjoy every day you can in the coming months and years as you spend your time in Rehoboth Beach soaking up the sun and enjoying the life you have left in the Paradise that I know is Rehoboth Beach because I have vacationed there many times.

You have dedicated your life to The United States of America and if anybody deserves a break today it is You.  

And Joe, I know that you said you weren't going to pardon your son, Hunter but I certainly think you should pardon him for the Bullshit Federal Charge that would never have been brought against him if his name wasn't BIDEN.

Have a Good Time in Rehoboth Beach Joe.

You earned it with a Lifetime of Good Work for the American People And We Democrats Love You and Respect You for every good thing you have done for your Country.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher