Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Donald Trump - Emperor Of The Arts

February 11th, 2025

My Dear America:

 If There was any doubt about the fact that Donald Trump sees himself as The 2025 Fuhrer of the United States of America Trump just destroyed that doubt by firing the board members of the Kennedy Center For the Arts including the Chairman of that board.  In addition to that disturbing development, Trump derangely appointed himself to be the replacement for the Kennedy Center Board Chairman.

Now, Isn't That Special.

Clearly Trump was not in agreement regarding the many Artists of all kinds chosen for the Kennedy Center honors

Where was Kid Rock, for instance, in the winners box at the Kennedy Center Honors.  I'm sure that he will be there in that winners box very soon getting his just due from the Fuhrer.  How could the Kennedy Center have passed over K Rock and The Village People for Kennedy Center Honors.  Jesus, how could it be that these talented Artists have been overlooked  for Kennedy Center acknowledgement of their remarkable talents.

Yes, Friends,  Not only does the Emperor have no clothes on He also has nothing to qualify him as a judge of artistic talent.  Well ,yes he was the judge and jury on his Fake TV Show, "The Apprentice" but everybody knew that this show wasn't real life.  Didn't they?

Well, based on MAGA and the last Presidential Election, apparently not everyone thought that "The Apprentice" was just a Fake TV Show.

The Make America Great Crowd apparently felt and still feel that Donald Trump was a talented businessman who knew much more than how to fire people.  The MAGA crowd still refuses to accept the facts about Donald Trump which include the following:

Donald Trump is a notorious Liar who lies about everything but MAGA seems to want to believe that everything he says is the truth despite the fact that they can often times see with their own eyes that he is not telling the truth.

Donald Trump has been a businessman who has not had a great deal of luck or talent as a businessman.  He was initially financed by his Father. He has lost fortunes in business and has declared bankruptcy in several of his business ventures.

I have made it a habit to watch the Kennedy Center Honors on Television almost every year.  It has been a pleasure to see the honoring of so many truly talented Artists of all kinds getting recognized by the Kennedy Center for their artistic achievements.

I have the feeling that my days of watching The Kennedy Center Honors are over.

I will certainly not be tuning in to watch Artists Fawning all over Trump since that is the only way that anyone calling themselves an Artist is going to receive Kennedy Center Accolades from Donald Trump.

I just hope that Donald Trump does not do to the Kennedy Center what he has done to so many of his failed businesses, namely Bankrupt and Destroy it.

Well, The Kennedy Center was nice while it lasted.

I sincerely hope that the Kennedy Center Outlasts the Trump Administration but I wouldn't bet big money on it.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher

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