Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Recalling The Assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy

 Tuesday November 22nd, 2022


My Dear America:

Today is November 22nd

For many years that date used to mean something special to the American people.  

Today, however it is just another date on the calendar.  

That is understandable actually.  We are so full of wondering what is happening in our own present time on this day and every day that it is difficult for many people to understand the incredible impact that the death of President John F Kennedy had on the lives of the American people on November 22nd of 1963.  It was the day that Americans woke up to the reality that dark forces were on the loose in America and in the world and we had better face up to it.  

JFK, as most Americans called him, was young, far younger than President's had been in the past.  He was as handsome as a movie star and his family was just as interesting and fascinating as he was.  His wife, Jackie and his children, Caroline and John John were as photogenic as Jack was.  The American People had fallen in love with Jack Kennedy and his family and on the afternoon of November 22nd when shots rang out in Dealy Plaza in Dallas, Texas most Americans felt as though they had not only lost a President but they also felt as though they had lost a close member of their family.

Certainly Americans had felt a closeness to Presidents before and after Jack Kennedy but there was something very different and special about JFK.  We not only liked him.  We loved him.  

I still vividly recall standing in the King's College Bookstore in Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania on a Friday with what seemed like hundreds of my fellow students listening to a radio station being piped in on the school's Public Address system.  No one was talking.  No one was saying a word.  And then suddenly, like a knife in the heart the terrifying words came over the loudspeaker.

"President Kennedy is dead," the Radio Newsman announced.

At first we all just shrieked in unison.  Then one by one we all left the bookstore like a wave of zombies let loose and wandering about aimlessly.  I remember writing a song about "JFK" sometime that weekend that I still sing occasionally.  The one other thing that I remember about that weekend was sitting in the TV Room in my college dorm on Sunday watching television as Lee Harvey Oswald, the man who was identified as Kennedy's killer by the Dallas police, was being transferred from the Dallas Police Department to another location.

I watched with excitement as a stocky man with a pistol darted out of the crowd and shot Oswald.  I cheered as I watched the only true life murder that I had ever seen before on television.  It was a horrific sight.  but not to me.  I thought it was great that the man who had killed Kennedy had just now met the same fate as JFK.  

It was a feeling that I would come to regret in later years as I spent a lot of time reading and studying everything I could get my hands on concerning the Kennedy Assassination.  

There is certainly no shortage of materials to study about the JFK Assassination.  There have been books, magazine articles, Television shows and movies exploring the fascinating and intricate facts about the JFK Assassination.  I am surely not done with reading and studying about it.

I even wrote a Novel about the subject called "The Man On The Grassy Knoll, The Assassins," which I thought might be the first volume of a series. I've given up on the series, however, for a lot of reasons. Although my Novel was a work of fiction I did try to incorporate some interesting facts that I had learned in my JFK Assassination Research.

Although I can't verify everything that I included in my novel to be absolutely true facts (Hence the Novel) I did become convinced over the course of my study of the JFK Assassination that the following facts were probably true.

Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby knew each other before the Assassination.

Some of the Convicted Watergate Burglars including E Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis were involved not only with the CIA and Watergate but also with the JFK Assassination.

Certain Rogue members of the CIA, including Hunt and Sturgis were involved in carrying out the Assassination of JFK under the guidance and leadership of Lyndon Johnson 

Lyndon Johnson had an associate named Mac Wallace who was accused of committing murders in Texas at the behest of Lyndon Johnson.

There are many other interesting and shocking facts about the JFK Assassination and anyone interested in reading "The Man On The Grassy Knoll" can find paperback copies available for sale on Amazon.com and E Book copies available on Amazon.com and on Smashwords.com

I would also like to recommend the many books written by Mark Lane, who along with many others spent his life chasing the JFK Assassination Story.

The Oliver Stone directed film, "JFK" is also an interesting fact filled tale of the strangeness surrounding the Assassination of President Kennedy. 

There is much about the Assassination of John Kennedy that bears looking into.  I found it interesting that the person who determined who would determine what was true and what was not true about the Kennedy Assassination through the Warren Commission was Lyndon Johnson.  Most of the members of the Warren Commission were friends of Johnsons and not particularly close to Kennedy. There has been a great deal of suspicion over the years regarding the validity of the Warren Commission Report especially with regard to whether or not Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.  

In my judgement I think that it is ridiculous at this point to think that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in killing John Fitzgerald Kennedy.  Although not much was heard from Oswald before he was done away with by a man with ties to the mob in the Dallas Police Department Oswald was heard to say very loudly to anyone who would listen that he was a "Patsy."  To my mind that is exactly who he was and apparently still is.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher 

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Happy Birthday President Biden

Sunday, November 20, 2022

My Dear America:

Today is President Joe Biden's Birthday and I want to take the opportunity to wish our President a "Happy Birthday" Greeting.  I'm sure that President Biden is taking it easy today after celebrating with his family and friends at the White House yesterday.

President Biden, I know how much you love your family and I am sure that you had a good time with them celebrating the marriage of one of your favorite Granddaughters, Naomi, who married her longtime boyfriend, Peter Neal, yesterday on the White House Lawn.

You certainly deserved to have a Good Time Yesterday, Sir and deserve to take a well deserved rest today on your birthday because although the results of the November 8th, 2022 Election left us much better off than any of us expected with Democratic expectations exceeded all over the United States, unfortunately we Democrats also lost the control of the United States House of Representatives.  That loss by an extremely slim margin has set loose, like a pack of Wild Dogs, those Lunatic Fringe Right Wing House Members who don't give a damn about Inflation, Crime or putting Donald Trump behind bars.

Instead, Mr. President you and your son, Hunter are clearly going to be the Targets of House Investigations according to House members like Jim Jordan and James Comer, who have already announced their future plans even though they will not be in a position to investigate you until January of next year.  

Oh, why in the hell did Democrats screw things up in New York to the point where we lost seats that we should have easily won.

You are clearly going to have a more difficult time with the House of Representatives turning into a Madhouse of Representatives in January of 2023. I understand according to those in the know that you and your staff have been anticipating the Lunatic Fringe takeover of the Houseand have been getting documents ready and getting your ducks in a row anticipating investigations of many kind coming in January.

I feel that you and I have something to share on this Birth Day celebrating the arrival of Joe Biden on November 20th, 1942.  Although we don't share the same  Birth Day, we share some other things.

I arrived a few weeks before you on October 8th of 1942.  My Parents had moved from Scranton, Pennsylvania to New Haven, Connecticut. Since we lived across the street from Yale University Hospital, that's where I was born.   Not long afterward, though, we moved back to Scranton and that's where I mostly grew up.

The bottom line here is that I know how it feels to be on the verge of 80 and eventually go over that line.  Like you, I have seen many relatives and friends over the years pass on to hopefully greener pastures and when you pass over that 80 line you suddenly realize just how far down the line you are and that you have passed through a lot of years and only have, at most, a diminished number of years left.

The truth is that on this Birthday of yours you have much to think about.  You have certainly accomplished a great deal in the two years since you took office.  You got us out of Afghanistan which was a messy but necessary thing to do.  Republicans certainly have that on their coming investigations agenda.  

First on that Investigations agenda list is your son, Hunter Biden.  Although I am sure that Hunter was a happy man giving away his accomplished Lawyer Daughter on yesterdays happy occasion, he had to be also thinking about what might be in store for him and for you due to some of his questionable life choices.  I know your son loves you and you love him but I am sure that he wishes that his mistakes were not going to impact you.

I know from experience that spending your 80th Birthday with your family softens the blow somewhat.  At least it did for me.  

I hope that today you get a chance to enjoy some of the memories of your Granddaughter's wedding celebration.

Quite frankly I don't know how you have accomplished all that you have with such a bright and hopeful spirit showing every day.  

You are a man of great life accomplishments and you deserve better than you are probably going to get from the Republican led House of Representatives.  You have stood in the way of Republican Insanity and so far you have won.

You deserve more than polls that show that many American Democrats think you should not run for President again.  Why shouldn't you run.  You and Obama hitting the road for Democracy saved Democracy.  I know we have a decent back bench of candidates who could probably be successful in taking over if you don't run.  But if you continue to be healthy and are able to successfully withstand Republican bullshit charges you definitely should run again, in my opinion

I am pretty sure you will run again and if you do you certainly have my vote.  I don't see any Republican Candidate on the horizon who can beat you if the American People begin to realize what you have already accomplished.  

You are a Good Man.

You are a Good Grandfather

And You are a Damn Good President 

From one Scrantonian Grandfather to another "Please Stick Around and beat Donald Trump's Ass One More Time.    


Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher


Thursday, November 17, 2022

The American Democrat's Prayer - Thank You Jesus For Your Help In Soundly Defeating Donald J. Trump And Saving Democracy On November 8th, 2022

 Thursday, November 17th, 2020

My Dear America:

The following is a copy of my prayer to our lord Jesus in thanks for his helping us to save Democracy in The United States of America this past November 8th.

Dear Jesus

Thank you very much my lord and Savior for coming through for American Democrats on November 8th of this year.  

Lord knows we needed a miracle on Election Day of this year and thanks to you and the many thousands of New American Voters who came out in droves to save American Democracy we got that miracle done and we thank you for it.

I know that I haven't been to church for a long time and i apologize for that.  As you know I grew up Catholic but due to life and circumstances I became what is sometimes known as a "Fallen Away Catholic", unworthy of the sacraments and a "Sinner" in the eyes of the Catholic Church.  

Quite Frankly before Election Day I was scared to death that America was about to make the biggest mistake of her life.  I thought that we were on the edge of a cliff about to jump off into a Dangerous Abyss of Epic Proportions.  I sincerely thought that  in America we were about to trade in our precious freedoms for something sinister, dark and frightening.  It appeared to me as though we truly seemed to be poised to join the ranks of Dictatorships around the world like Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Saudi Arabia and many more who no longer know what it is to live in Freedom.  

We know, Lord, just how precious Freedom is and just how long we have fought hard to keep the American Freedoms that we do have.  

I know that there are some Americans who think that Abortion is murder and that American women should not have the right to terminate their pregnancy for any reason.  I don't know for sure what is right or wrong about Abortion.  I don't think that any Abortion is done without anguish or doubt upon the part of the woman who chooses not to have a child.

You have given us Free Will, Jesus and although utilizing that Free Will is sometimes uncomfortable and difficult I don't think that any government has the right to tell a woman who chooses to have an abortion that she and her doctor who assists in her abortion should be looked upon and treated as criminals.  

I thank you, Jesus, for allowing so many Americans to vote on Election Day to save Democracy in our country.  I thank you, along with the millions of young Americans, American women and Men, Latino and Latina Americans, Black Americans, Immigrant Americans, Handicapped Americans, Americans of all shapes, sizes and colors who make up the electorate of our country.  I thank you all for being there on November 8th in the voting booths and I thank those who chose to mail in their ballots or deposit their ballots in legal Drop Boxes around this country.  

Thank you, Jesus, for all of those American Voters and those American votes that have done their part to save American Democracy from the Eve of Destruction which November 8th could have been and would have been without your guidance and Freedom on Election Day.  It was clear to me on Election Day who I should and should not vote for.  I had two candidates in my state of Pennsylvania on the Republican side of the ticket who were Okay with some of the most extreme positions I had ever heard of.  

Doug Mastriano and Mehmet Oz were willing to see Democracy die in order to appease Donald Trump and to further their own power.  Thank you Lord for helping Pennsylvania voters and American voters all over the country to wake up to the reality of what we seemed to be about to give up on this past election day.

Thanks to you and your guidance we in America avoided making what would have been the biggest mistake of our lives on November 8th, of 2022

We saved America from the despicable and deplorable stupidity that drove many out of touch voters on Election day.  

We dodged a bullet for sure on election day but we need to learn a lesson from this extremely important experience.

We have often heard Benjamin Franklin quoted as saying that "We Have A Republic (in America) if we can keep it."  

Well, so far we have kept it.  Like we have done so many times before in times of war and peril when we needed to keep our country together in Democracy we have done what we needed to do and what you told us we needed to do.  

All of us who are lucky enough to be Americans need to learn a serious lesson from this most recent experience. Those of us who didn't care that much about voting need to look and learn from the many close races that occurred on November 8th that Freedom demands Responsibility and Responsible voting saved us this time but we came very close to losing our Democracy in this past election and this is not the end of the line for those individuals like Donald Trump or Ron Desantis or Kari Lake who think that we are too stupid to think for ourselves so they want to take away our freedom to govern ourselves.

We must wake up to reality America and stay awake and alert every election day because those who would wish us harm are no longer only on foreign shores.  

They are also very well represented on our shores as well.  

Some even run resorts on our shores or run states and government on our shores.

We have saved Democracy this time but there is no guarantee without voter vigilance that we can keep it.

Once more thank you God for showing us the way one more time out of the darkness into the light of Democracy.  

Please help us Jesus to be vigilant enough to keep that light of Democracy shining in our country and in our world for all time to come.  

Let us always follow the Golden Rule that you have taught us so many years ago and always treat others the way we wish to be treated.

I sincerely think that if we do that we will be on the right track.

Thank you once again, Lord, for all that you have done for us throughout our lives and the life of our Country.  And thank you also for giving us the gift of living in America, a land of opportunity and freedom that we are so privileged in which to live.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher

Saturday, November 12, 2022


 Saturday, November 12th, 2022

My Dear America:

First of all, I want to apologize to anyone reading my most recent Blog Posts or listening to my most recent Podcasts.  I hope that none of you had any heart issues as a result of my desperate doom filled warnings about my concerns about the looming end of Democracy as we knew it as a result of the Mid Term Elections.

I can only say that from what I was seeing reflected in Polls and on Television, I thought that my Frightened Rantings about the coming end of Democracy in America were fully justified.

Clearly they were not justified.  

Democracy was certainly on the line and on the ballot in November of 2022 but instead of Democracy going down in flames in the most recent election it stood tall and proudly on November 8th.

Almost as tall and proud was American President Joe Biden on November 9th standing in front of a White House Press Conference (Something we hadn't seen in many months) and giving his reflections and assessments about the November election.  Clearly President Biden was buoyed by the election results, as he certainly should have been.

Giving credit where credit was due, Joe Biden and Barack Obama's last minute campaign trips and speeches in Battleground States in the final days before the election clearly helped to spur Democratic Voters to once again vote in record numbers.

I think that there are some important lessons that we can learn from this most recent election experience.

First of all, any predictions regarding the imminent failure of our American Election System were unwarranted.  Our Election Process held up very well even under the strain of all of the Donald Trump's appointed election denying Candidates.  Although, unfortunately some of those election deniers snuck past the boundries of decency and won their elections, most of those Trump Appointed Liars were beaten in their races by Better and More Truthful Democratic Candidates.

Clearly if there was one Biggest Loser in this past Election it was Donald Trump. Trump lost big overall nationwide.  Most of those Clown Candidates that he hand picked in races all over the country lost and some of them lost big.

If Trump expected that this Election would continue to make him a Kingmaker of epic proportions he clearly needs to be extremely disappointed.  

Certainly his Third Rate Social Media Outlet, "Trump Social" has been filled since this election with Trump Whining about the unfairness of it all, that he is being blamed for the Republican failures of his chosen candidates.

Trump actually had the gall in one recent interview to actually say that If one of his chosen candidates won, Trump Should get the credit but if one of those candidates lost, Trump should not get the blame.  Clearly Donald Trump has finally completely lost it.  While Hurricane Nicole was blasting Florida near enough to Mara Lago to make it unsafe and ripe for evacuation, Donald Trump was not interested in leaving his Florida Home Base but only posting to his minions on "Truth Social" about how pissed off he was at Rupert Murdoch and Company, including the New York Post which called him and pictured him as "Trumpty Dumpty" having a great fall and Fox News, whose previously Trump Loving Hosts were suddenly dumping the Trump Kool Aid fast and recommending that all Republicans do the same.

In other words Rupert Murdoch and Company have finally recognized that they have been backing a CERTIFIED LOSER for a long time and even though the failure of Trump and Trump backed candidates have been stacking up for several election cycles Clearly the Murdochs and Fox News are recognizing reality and are refusing to continue to follow Donald Trump over the Political Cliff any longer.  Time will tell if the Murdochs and Fox News are off the Trump Train for good but they are certainly making a Rest Stop at the present time on the Donald Trump Election Special.

Up to now it seemed as though Murdoch and Company were ignoring January Sixth and the January Sixth Committee Hearings.  It will be interesting after this November's election to see if this Fox News Ignorance will continue.  

Clearly the American People, by defying the statistical and historical political trend of almost always voting out substantial numbers of House Members & sometimes Senators of the President in Office's party, have shown that American Voters have been paying attention to what happened in and around January Sixth, 2021 thanks in large part to the January Sixth Committee.

In Short, Americans are tired of the Lies, the Liars and the Bullshit that they have seen Republicans, and in particular Donald Trump, heaping on them for the past several years. For the years since Donald Trump was elected the Republican Party has run roughshod over the Average American.  Donald Trump and his MAGA Republicans have demanded loyalty from Republican Party Members but have given little to the Average Republican who isn't Rich.  Due to Republican Tax cuts for the Wealthy the Rich certainly got much richer during Trump's time in office.  

I think that during this past election Americans, including many Women (Thanks to Roe), many Young People (Thanks to Biden's sensitivity to Climate Change and to College Debt Relief) and many Average Americans recognizing that while Republicans have been doing less than nothing for them the Biden Administration with the help of Democrats in Congress were providing some very substantial legislation that is going to help them in many ways in the coming years. Suddenly, in this Election Period Americans have begun to realize that "Progressive" should no longer be a dirty word to the American People.

Although I will probably be continuing to write a good bit more in the future about what this past November's election taught us There is one more important point that I wish to discuss right now.

In my Home State of Pennsylvania the results of this election have been staggering.  In addition to Pennsylvania returning many good Democrats to the United States House of Representatives we will also (For the first time in many years) be sending a Pennsylvania Democrat named John Fetterman to the United States Senate who will replace retiring Republican Senator Pat Toomey.  

We have also chosen a Democrat named Josh Shapiro to replace Democratic Governor Tom Wolf.  In addition, although it looks as though our state senate will remain under the control of Republicans, It also looks as though for the first time in 10 years the Pennsylvania House of Representatives has a good chance after all the ballots are counted to change from Republican to Democrat Control.  

Josh Shapiro's retention of the Governorship in Pennsylvania has saved Pennsylvania from the Extremist positions advocated by his opponent in the Governor's race, Doug Mastriano.  

Mastriano advocated an Abortion ban with no exceptions.  He also railed against same sex marriage and several other outrageously extreme positions.

Josh Shapiro's success in the Governor's race mirrored many other Democratic Governor's elections throughout the U.S.

In Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer not only won re election for herself but her popularity helped Democrats win elections in Michigan up and down the ballot including changing the Michigan House of Representatives from Republican to Democratic Control for the first time in nearly Forty Years.

Indeed, November 8th, 2022 was without a doubt a Good Day For Democrats and it was an even better day for Democracy in the United States Of America.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher

Thursday, November 3, 2022

VOTE DEMOCRAT - While You Still Have The Right And Privilege To Vote - Democracy Is Truly On The Line in November Of 2022

 November 3rd, 2022

My Dear America:

Clearly there is something horribly wrong in America today.

It is not difficult to figure out what it is that is wrong.  

One of the major Political Parties in the United States of America has lost it's Collective Mind and is following the lead of a Previously elected President whose instincts and behaviors are those of a Criminal Dictator. For God's sake Wake Up People to what is happening to our Democracy because of Donald Trump.

I have never been a big fan of the Republican Party but until now I never really worried about the prospect of losing our Democracy if the Republicans took control of our government.  Until now, I never thought that Republicans were willing to give up our Democracy in favor of a Republican Dictator.  That Prospect never crossed my mind, until now.  But now it is on my mind every day of my life.  I have been able to turn off MSNBC and CNN from time to time up till now and relax and watch a movie or read a book about someone decent, like John Lewis.

I am presently trying to read John Meacham's book, "His Truth is Marching On: John Lewis And The Power Of Hope".  It is a book about some of the bad old days in America when Human beings were hung from trees or shot and thrown in rivers for the flimsiest of reasons and blacks in America lived in Fear and Dread. 

Now Democrats are beginning to understand what that Fear and Dread that blacks had to contend with for all those years and still do, feels like.  

Many individuals who describe themselves as Republicans say they are convinced that Democrats stole the last Presidential Election. They are either Retarded or Liars, or both. Many Republicans are also convinced that Democrats eat babies and deserve to be killed.  It would seem to me that one would have to be an Idiot or Insane to believe that these outrageous lies are true and that giving up on Democracy in America could possibly be a good thing that will somehow put our country on the right track.  

There have been serious problems with the Republican Party in the past.

Richard Nixon's Paranoia caused him to abandon the rule of law and put Government Burglars out into the Watergate Hotel and into Daniel Ellsberg's Psychiatrist's Office and possibly elsewhere.  

Ronald Reagan portrayed himself to be a man of Law and Order while he undermined the Democratic Carter White House efforts to bring back American Hostages from Iran.  Through Reagan's Campaign manager and future CIA Director, William Casey, Reagan colluded with the  Iranians promising to sell them weapons if they would not release the hostages until just after Reagan was sworn in as President.  The Iranians kept their part of the bargain and released the American Hostages minutes after Reagan was Inaugurated and although the Reagan Administration tried to keep it quiet, they kept their part of the bargain also and did sell weapons to Iran and used the illegal profits of the gun sales to fund arming the Right Wing Contra's Army in Nicaragua who then used their weapons to take over the freely elected left leaning Nicaraguan Government and install a Dictatorship. in that country.  Good old Ronnie Reagan.  What a Guy. 

George W. Bush decided to invade Iraq on the pretense that Iraq's leader, Saddam Hussein, was aligned with Al Quida, which was never true.  Bush also claimed that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, which also appears not to have been true.  Although Saddam was a bad guy and may not be missed by many Iraqis, his country was thrown into chaos which it still has not recovered from.

Although all of these Republican Presidents left something do be desired  none of them came nearly as close to destroying America and turning our Democracy upside down and inside out as much as Donald Trump.  

I do not understand and will never understand the extreme fascination and loyalty that so many Republicans have had with Donald Trump.  The more I think about it the more I figure that maybe it was the fact that Trump was the star of "The Apprentice" Television show which portrayed him as a competent businessman, which he certainly was not.  

I can understand the Fascists liking him.  He was someone who only cared about what He wanted.  The hell with what was good for the country.  What was good for Donald Trump was always what was truly important.  That's how Donald saw American Politics.

In addition to his corrupting the White House, Donald Trump blatantly corrupted every Agency of the Federal Government while he was in office.  In particular, Trump was very successful in corrupting the Department of Justice and the Environmental Protection Agency.  Luckily for us James Mattis and Mark Esper both hung onto their jobs for a long time in the Department of Defense, although in the final days of the Trump Administration Trump lackeys were in charge of the Department of Defense with disastrous consequences on January Sixth, 2021, when repeated pleas for help from the National Guard at the Capitol went unheeded. 

The awful truth is that for many years Republicans have been bamboozling Americans with the help of people like Rupert Murdoch, Roger Ailes and Rush Limbaugh.   Fox News has for years peddled Bullshit and Lies as Certified News.  Rupert Murdoch knew he had a Cash Cow with Donald Trump and knew that he would have inflated influence if Trump was elected President.  So Rupert threw his heavy political weight and his "Fox News" Network behind Trump and we were stuck with a reckless lunatic for four years and counting.

In a couple of weeks we will truly be facing one more "Most Important Election Of Our Lifetime".

If Republicans take over the House of Representatives and/or The Senate they have some Wonderful Surprises in store for Democrats.

Republicans are already giddily dancing in the aisles of Congress because of their long time despicable accomplishment (Thanks to Donald Trump) of the packing of the Supreme Court with dishonest Right Wing Judges.  Once they had enough votes, however, settled law became unsettled and fifty years of protections for women disappeared as the Right Wing Justices quickly  overturned Roe Versus Wade.  Never mind that this atrocious act could not have been predicted because all of the Republican Trump Recommended Supreme Court Nominees testified in their Congressional Hearings that "Roe" was "Settled Law".  Well, Surprise, Surprise, They were lying and what was "Settled Law" for years is settled no more.

Republican Supreme Court Justices Lying.  How Could that be?

On Tuesday, November 8th, 2022 we will have an election which will be unlike any other election that we have ever had.  All over America we have individuals running for many Municipal, State and Federal Offices who are election deniers and appear to be ready to deny the results of their own elections, unless they win those elections.  They are following in the footsteps of Donald Trump, who has shown Republicans just how fragile Democracy can be when and if Candidates running for office do not accept the proven results of Democratic Elections.   

It is extremely important in this upcoming election for those of us who are not election deniers to recognize just how important it is for all of us to vote while we can vote.  Although I am sure that there are some individuals left in the Republican Party who are deserving of your vote, what seems to be clear is that there do not seem to be many.  Those few Republican Congressional Legislators who have not supported Donald Trump's attempts to destroy Democracy have almost all been driven out of the Republican Party and in their place we seem some of the worst individuals in the Republican Party rising in influence.  This transformation of the Republican Party is truly disturbing and from where I sit I see only one way, at this point to save Democracy.

I know that there are some genuine bipartisan Republicans out there who are not MAGA Republican Trump Supporters.  Those of you who are Republicans who still believe in Democracy should do something you never thought you would ever do in your lifetime.  You should Vote for Democrats in this upcoming election because at this point you have lost your party to liars and charlatans who care about nothing but power and, like their Leader, Donald Trump, care only about themselves. 

If we are to save our Democracy we need to band together bipartisan sane Republican Voters, Independent Voters and Democratic Voters who believe in the system of Government we have been lucky enough to have for hundreds of years and we need to Vote like our Democracy depends on it, because it certainly does.

We are at a crossroads where we either continue the genuine progress made by the Democrats in Congress and in the White House or we watch our Democracy quickly turn into a Corrupt Dictatorship right before our eyes.

Although I am truly worried that it may already be too late, I am still hopeful that it is not too late to save Democracy in America if the forces of Pro Democracy vote for Democrats on November 8th.

We owe it not only to ourselves but to our Founding Fathers and Mothers and to all Americans who have come before us to VOTE DEMOCRAT on November 8th and save our country from the control of Anti Democratic Authoritarian MAGA Republicans who have advertised what they have in store for us when and if they win.

If MAGA Republicans take over the House or the Senate on November 8th we can look forward to the following Actions that have been Advertised by Trump and his Minions in Congress:

Congressional Committee Investigations and Movements to Impeach President Biden, as well as Attorney General Merrick Garland and God Knows how many other Democratic Officials.

More Tax Breaks for the Wealthy offset by More Tax Increases for Poor and Middle Class Workers.

Federal Codifying of Abortion Bans affecting all States with No Exceptions for Incest or the health of the Mother.

Cutbacks on Social Security, Medicare and Veterans Benefits Programs leading eventually to the eventual elimination of these entitlement programs.

Loosening of Restrictions on Gun Sales while Republicans continue to blame Democrats for the increase in gun deaths and crime.

Continuing Voting Restrictions on people who are unlikely to vote Republican.

Also Don't be surprised to see the Republicans (Especially Donald Trump) siding with Vladimir Putin and Russia against Ukraine.

I'm sure that I am not covering everything that the MAGA Republicans have in store for all of us.  It is time for every American to realize just how dire a situation we are in at the present time.  

I am sorry that I have to say this but I think it must be said.  

If you are rich and Republican you are probably in the right party.

If you are Republican and Black or Hispanic, you are not in the right party.

For too many years Right Wing Radio and Television has falsely convinced working people that they should become Republicans.

The truth is that the Democratic Party has always been the party that cares about working people, and cares about people period. 

It is time for Former Democrats who have been consumers of the Right Wing Republican Kool Aid on Fox News, OAN, Newsmax, Trump Social and other Far Right Propaganda Outlets to wise up and return to where you belong (In the Democratic Party) before MAGA Republicans Destroy our Country with all of us in it.  

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher