Sunday, March 31, 2024

Happy Easter 2024 America

 Sunday, March 31st  2024

My Dear America:

Easter Sunday has always been a favorite Holiday of mine

Not so much this year for a number of reasons.

One of those reasons is that I am not sure whether or not this year will be the last year that Americans will be living in a Democracy.

That thought has never entered my mind before and I am more than uncomfortable to realize that it is there and that in this year of 2024 that there truly is a danger that there might possibly be enough stupid fools in America to vote for someone for President who is a clear and present danger to American Democracy.

How can this be, I ask myself over and over again every day.  

On this Easter Sunday I try to remember some of the more outstanding Happy Easters I have lived through.  There were many of them.  Too many to remember every one.  The best ones were those that I spent with family members.  

When I was a kid my parents hauled my Sister and I to church and we went willingly, each of us dressed up, looking good and feeling good.  Sometimes after church we would go out to eat at a restaurant that would be loaded with other dressed up Happy Easter Families like ours.  

Are we really so dumb as to be willing to give up Democracy because one criminal fool tells us that Hitler and Putin weren't so bad?  Are there enough idiots in America willing to give up what our Forefathers have fought and died for just to turn America over to a desperate Dimwitted Donald Trump who couldn't even control his own life but wants to run ours.

Jesus Christ, Help us out here.

Now Donald Trump is selling bibles.  He claims that he has "Many Bibles".  

If that is true (And I know that its not) has he ever read one.  I think not.

One of the many groups of Americans Dimwit Don has bamboozled has been Christians.  Many Christians seem to have flocked to Trumpzilla's side more than willing to buy what he is selling.  

What about January Sixth, 2021.  People have gone to jail because they listened to Donald Trump's "Big Lie" and acted on it calling themselves "Patriots".

Patriots like these are the same kind of People who beat down Navalny in Russia and who invaded their neighbors in Ukraine.  Patriots like these people seem to be rising everywhere in the world.  They are bullys who don't care about the rights of other people and they are already here in our country waiting for the day that they can take control of all of our lives.

If we let Donald Trump and his Goon Squad take over our country again we will have seen the last of Freedom and Democracy and our lives will be as dark and disturbing as those of Russians, Ukrainians, Hungarians and Palestinians.

The time has come to realize that Donald Trump is not doing the work of Jesus Christ.  

If anyone in Politics is doing the work of Christ it is Joe Biden.

Joe Biden is not hawking Bibles at Sixty Bucks a Pop.

Biden is promoting Democracy to Americans willing to open their eyes and ears to the dangerous times that we are living in and to the even more dangerous times to come if we are stupid enough to vote in an American Hitler.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher

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