Sunday, December 4, 2022

What The Hell Is Wrong With Kanye West

 Sunday, December 4th, 2022

My Dear America:

Let me state right up front that I don't care for Rap Music.

I subscribe to the explanation that Ray Charles gave to Johnny Carson when Johnny asked Ray what he thought about "Rap Music"

"Well, First of all, Its not music," Ray Charles responded.

Thank You Ray Charles for your insight.  I rest my case.

Despite my obvious disdain for "Rap Music" It is popular as hell.  I have Grandchildren who I love very much who are fans of Rap and I know that there are a lot of people who love it, so normally I keep my thoughts about Rap to myself.

My wife and I talk often about the fact that many young people today have only heard a lot of Rap music on the radio and are unaware or don't really care about the extremely "Good Old Days Of Rock And Roll" that we grew up with.

Of course in the good old days our parents hated Rock and Roll as much as I hate Rap.

I don't really think that all Rap Stars are bad people but some surely are.

I don't know whether or not I would really classify Kanye West as a bad person but I would certainly identify him as an Asshole of Epic Proportions.

This guy has been getting on my nerves and the nerves of a lot of other people for a long time now but recently he has jumped into a whole new category of bad behavior.

Its not as if there haven't been signs of problem behaviors for a long time.

His Aggressive Behavior and Oversized Ego have been on display for many years.

Who could forget when Sleazy Yeezy jumped on the stage at the televised MTV Video Music Awards Show show in 2009 and interrupted an award being given to Taylor Swift. West, who had no right to even be on the stage at the time argued to the audience that Beyonce should have gotten the award that Taylor was in the process of accepting when he so rudely interrupted.  He was such an Egomaniac that he couldn't even understand why he was asked to leave the Awards Ceremony after his obnoxious behavior which embarrassed and disturbed both Beyonce and Taylor Swift and everyone else who watched the show.

He also went on National Television in a Television Special featuring many celebrities asking viewers to contribute to helping the victims of Hurricane Katrina and slammed President George W. Bush by saying that "George Bush doesn't care about Black People."  In his autobiography George W. identified that incident as one of the worst experiences of his Presidency.

Unfortunately Kanye's Narcissistic Behavior and his Rap Recordings, as well as his business ventures outside of rap have made him a multi millionaire and has given him enormous media exposure. and continued Egomania.

Kanye's most recent behavior, however, seems to be the most obnoxious of all.  

He has recently made completely Inappropriate and Outrageous Anti Semitic Statements that have caused him to lose almost all of his lucrative business contracts.  Instead of apologizing for his outrageous comments he has doubled down on them.  He has received criticism for attending a dinner with Donald Trump at Mara Lago, which he attended with a High Profile Noted Anti Semite named Nick Fuentes, which has stirred American Anger to a fever pitch and unfortunately gave Nick Fuentes far more media exposure than he deserved or had received prior to this occasion.

Most recently Kanye West appeared with Fuentes on the Alex Jones "Info Wars" Program stating not only Anti Semitic statements but also Pro Nazi and even Pro Hitler Comments.

I have no idea what in the hell is wrong with Kanye West but he is no longer just an embarrassment to the Kardashian Klan.  He is also truly an embarrassment to the United States.  Clearly others who may look up to West can be influenced by West to follow him to the Far Right Madness that West seems to be influenced by these days.

Thank Goodness some Republican Leaders and Fox News Personalities seem to be recognizing that there is something radically wrong with Kanye West and after praising him for some time we need to hope that they may, indeed, be recognizing that Kanye's Far Right Extremism has finally gone Way Too Far and must be controlled now before dangerous Lunatics like West, Trump and Fuentes reach places where they can turn their Dangerous Rhetoric into Extremely Dangerous Behavior. 

Kanye West's obnoxious behavior used to seem like a joke but when somebody starts praising Hitler and The Nazi's and denying the holocaust and is declaring war on Jews it is time to put the brakes on this fool.

Back in the day Dave Chappelle on his HBO show created a character called Clayton Bigsby, who was a Blind Black Man who wore the robes of the Ku Klux Klan and never realized that he was black as he spewed his hatred of black people.  On that show Clayton Bigsby was funny as hell.

Although in real life today in America nobody is laughing as Kanye West has brought this hateful character into reality for all of us to see.  

I would certainly remind Kanye that his Buddy Hitler had no problem doing away with some people who had been his most enthusiastic supporters when it served his purpose.

Just Sayin.  Watch out who you hang with Kanye.  As the Nazi's used to say about the Crematoriums.  Be careful what you say and do or it might be you getting  burned.  Just Sayin.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher

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