Saturday, April 16, 2022

Living In A World With Monsters In The Backyard

 Saturday, April 16th, 2022

My Dear America:

There was a long gone Racist Governor of Alabama and sometime Presidential Candidate named George Wallace who often used to say the following catch phrase:

"These are the kind of people that I'm Sick and Tired Of"

Suffice it to say that there were a lot of people on that list of individuals who George Wallace was sick and tired of.

These days I find myself with a long list of people who I am sick and tired of also.

First up on my list of people who I am sick and tired of is Vladimir Putin. 

What we are observing daily on Non Traitorous Television these days is the constant Senseless Torturing, Raping and Murdering of innocent Civilian Ukrainians who have unfortunately not been able to get out of their country in time to save their lives. 

Why the hell has Putin the Audacity to feel as though he has the right to send Russian Troops, Tanks and Missles across the Russian border into Ukraine in the first place to destroy what had been up to this point a rather settled Democratic Society where, unlike Russia, most Ukrainian Citizens seemed to be content with their Lives and their Government.   

Putin just couldn't stand the fact that Ukraine was doing well on their own without Russian interference and in his sick despicable mind he thought that the only response that he felt was right about Ukraine was to bomb that country back into the Stone Age.  While the world looks on in disbelief Putin's army has shown itself to be as Monstrous as its leader.  While innocent people are destroyed in mass numbers Russian Television personalities boldly threaten to have their country once again interfere with American Elections and back Putin's American Puppet, Donald Trump, if he runs again in 2024

Putin is the Worst of the Worst but Putin is not the only Heartless Monster running Amok on Planet Earth these days.  He is only the most visible Monster we can see senselessly killing his fellow human beings indiscriminately at the present time.

Today on April 12th, 2022 a train car full of New Yorkers on their way to work or school or somewhere else in their City were surprised to find out that they were unlucky enough to be traveling in a Subway Car with a Monster.  This Monster who was traveling with them on the New York Subway System was carrying a bag that contained a cannister and a Glock Pistol.  The Monster set off the cannister which quickly filled the train car with smoke choking the passengers and then the Monster started firing the Glock Pistol at his fellow passengers.  Luckily for most of the passengers the gun jammed and only 10 people were shot and as of my writing this none of the 10 have died but some are in critical condition.

Unfortunately, the Subway Monster escaped but he was caught soon after his shootout on the New York City Subway System.

Another Monster of Epic Proportions that deserves some mention when we are discussing Monsters is The Monster From Mara Lago.  His name is Donald Trump and one of his most Monstrous Acts is his continuing lying insistence that he won the 2020 Election for President of the United States.  There is no evidence, whatsoever that there is any truth to Trump's Claim but despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary he continues to rake in money from unsuspecting supporters who unfortunately believe his false claims.

Certainly there are no shortage of Monsters living inside the Republican Party these days.  I would certainly put Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy on the list, along with Madison Cawthorn, Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert and Paul Gosar.

There are quite a few Monsters on Television at Fox News these days, not the least of which is Tucker Carlson.  OAN and NEWSMAX have their share of TV Monsters, as well.

But by far Vladimir Putin is in a class by himself when it comes to being a Monster.  Ukraine is not the first country he has devastated with little or no concern about recklessly destroying the lives of human beings.  Like the Psychopath that he is he is he seems to genuinely relish destroying human lives.

He has had plenty of practice killing people in Chechnya and Syria, as well as elsewhere.

To say that Vladimir Putin is Evil is too light a term to describe his reprehensible nature and what he is capable of.  

It is a shame that we are living in a world where someone like Vladimir Putin can move up the ladder in his country by destroying everything and everyone in his path and by so doing not only destroy his own country and that of his neighbors but he seems to be hellbent on destroying democracies everywhere.

Putin's clearly defined interference in the 2016 Election certainly helped to put Donald Trump into the American White House and Donald Trump, Putin's American Patsy and Puppet did the rest to weaken and corrupt our American Democracy and in particular the Republican Party.  

The fact is that the Republican Party seems to have at least some of its leaders if not on Putin's side at least not criticizing Putin for his dreadful senselessly brutal Invasion of his Ukrainian Neighbors.

Unfortunately, since we really don't want to give Putin a reason to launch a Nuclear attack on the United States, we can't really do much to rid the world of Putin.  We are helping Ukraine in its fight for its Democratic Life in those ways that we can but it is tremendously depressing to watch the Country of Ukraine viciously destroyed by the terrible Monster who lives in Ukraine's backyard.

Sincerely Yours

Jerry Gallagher


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